Working Prophet

Chapter 752 Which family do you come from?

"Whose child is this? Where are your elders?" a noble asked.

"I am Albus, Albus Matt. I am the eldest male in my family." Albus puffed up his chest.

"Matt? Am I too old and have a bad memory? Why does this last name sound so strange?" said another noble.

"Because I am not born into a noble family." Albus's cheeks felt a little hot, "But I have been training hard to become an honorable knight as soon as possible..."

However, he was interrupted before he could finish his words. The male noble with an aquiline nose frowned and said, "Then why are you here now?"

"Uh...actually he is my attendant." Orwell said hurriedly, "I brought him to learn more."

"Then you'd better keep an eye on him."

"I apologize to everyone for his rude behavior just now." After the wandering knight finished speaking, he planned to pull Albus back to the corner.

However, I didn't expect that the young man used force and broke away from his hand again, shouting loudly, "Did I say something wrong?!"

"It's not a matter of saying something wrong, it's just that there is no place for you to talk here at all." Florian, the "Boneless One" of the Redmayne family, said scornfully, and he raised his chin.

"Someone, throw this civilian brat out."

"I advise you not to do this."

Florian glared at Orwell, but the latter shrugged, "I didn't speak just now."

"That's what I said."

A voice came from the northwest corner of the hall. It was a tall man wearing a mask, holding a weird sword with an exaggerated shape.

The edge of that big sword was full of tiny serrations, which made people shudder.

"Who are you and what family are you from?" The Boneless Man said loudly.

"I'm George, the deputy head of the Black Dog Guard, from... the Enriquez family." Jude said lightly.

"Enriquez, another name I've never heard of..." Florian suddenly stopped in the middle of speaking, with a look of horror on his face.

"Oh, it seems that you have remembered that your family has been loyal to my family. Not only you, but most of the people in this hall, your ancestors have sworn an oath to my ancestors, but unfortunately In the end no one kept it.”

" is this possible, the members of the Enriquez family are obviously dead." Florian looked like a ghost.

"Not everyone," Jude took off his gauntlet, revealing the scales on his arms, "although it is true that the vast majority of people's heads were cut off by you in exchange for the bounty."

" appear here, do you intend to take back everything your family has lost?" A nobleman couldn't help but ask.

"Of course not," Jude stroked the Holy Sword Dongcheng in his hand, "I have converted to Shuangxiu Cult, joined the Black Dog Guard, followed the Prophet Merlin and my Lord Saturday wholeheartedly, and no longer care about the past.

"So relax, I'm not here to settle old scores with you."

The deputy leader of the Black Dog Guard then changed the subject, "Sir Ilea never said that today is a gathering of nobles. The reason why we are gathered here is to discuss how to defeat those Wing Tribes and their followers.

"Albus Matt is my disciple. Although he is still young, he is a warrior, a real warrior, so he is certainly qualified to speak here instead of being kicked out. What do you think?"

The deputy head of the Black Dog Guard looked at Florian, who seemed a little uneasy at the moment.

In fact, it's not just the boneless, many nobles in the hall are a little bit out of their wits at the moment.

Long before Alessandro the Raging Lion conquered this land, it had always been the territory of the Enriquez family, who ruled the West for longer than the Figuerra family today.

At that time, there were even giant dragons active on the continent of Bratis, but now with the appearance of the giant dragon, the descendants of the Enriquez family have appeared in the Western Territory again.

I don't know if this is just some kind of special coincidence, or it indicates something.

Seeing Jude come forward to support him, Albus seemed to have received encouragement, and continued, "Sir Ilea is a hero in the West, and it is most appropriate for her and the Prophet Merlin to lead our next war against the Winged Tribe. "

"I don't have any problem with Prophet Merlin. Sir Ilea's bravery is well known to everyone. However, except for Sir Ilea, the Arias family has not produced anyone who is very famous. In terms of reputation, it feels like ...It's a bit worse." A nobleman said euphemistically.

"When Alexandro the Angry Lion raised his troops, the Vespasian family had only a few hundred years of history, and they were just a prince on the Red Plain."

This time it was Galin, the housekeeper of the Emanuel family, who came to Teacup Castle with Angela this time.

"But now the Figueirola family is still..."

"When your family betrayed my ancestors, you didn't think about this." Jude said while blowing his nose out the window.

"I support Sir Ilea in leading the resistance. I have fought alongside her. She will never let us down." Kamzi, the head of the Trelles family, said.

After speaking, he looked at his friend Fabres, who hesitated for a moment, and said, "Well, I... agree."

Afterwards, more and more nobles agreed, and finally everyone in the hall reached an agreement that the female lord would command the rebel army.

Miss Rabbit didn't think much about it. After participating in the battle in the Dragon's Back Mountains, she was no longer a rookie with no experience in leading troops.

Moreover, there are famous generals such as Du Lun, the former head of the royal guard, to advise and advise, and he can also seek Li Yu's help at critical moments, so he is not as flustered in the face of the war as he was the first time.

In addition, although Miss Rabbit is not very interested in the so-called new owner of the Western Territory, she also feels that it is better to hold the military power in her own hands, which is also convenient for her to cooperate with Li Yu.

In short, the matter of the commander-in-chief was settled.

After that, everyone began to discuss the next move, especially how to deal with the Wing Clan army that might appear in the Western Region at any time.

"You don't need to worry about that army." The female lord said, "Prophet Merlin has issued an order to those Yi people, asking them not to set foot in the western region."

"But will those Yi tribesmen be frightened by Shuangxiujiao's order?" Someone wondered, "What if they insist on conquering the Western Region?"

"Then my Lord will send down the most severe and terrifying divine punishment on Saturday." The girl said seriously.

"You mean that we will take direct action against those Wing Clan members on Saturday?"

"That's right. That's my promise."

A black figure appeared outside the hall door.

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