Working Prophet

Chapter 754 Western Alliance

The noble then handed the telescope in his hand to another person beside him. The man took it doubtfully, followed his example, and put the telescope in front of his eyes.

Soon he also exclaimed, "Really, I saw that deer too, I could even see its eyes and the beautiful pair of antlers on its head!

"This is amazing! With this sacred weapon, we can grasp the enemy's movements before the war begins."

The telescope is constantly passed down, some use it to look at the forest in the distance, some use it to look at the town below, and some people try to use it to observe the birds in the sky...

Without exception, they were all shocked by the clear vision of the gadget in their hands.

And Li Yu's personal performance of miracles was more inspiring than any promises or guarantees.

Although they still can't guess what kind of divine punishment will be handed down on Saturday to prevent the Wing Tribe people from conquering the continent of Bratis.

But at least everyone is no longer as confused and desperate as they were at the beginning.

Afterwards, Kamzi took the lead in drawing out the sword from his waist and shouted, "For the West!"

The head of the Trelles family placed his sword straight in front of him, and then other nobles also drew their swords and echoed, "For the West!!!"

Everyone formed a circle and crossed their swords. Miss Rabbit was the last one to draw the sword. She placed the claw given to her by Edward II on top of the swords.

At the same time, he said in a deep voice, "For the west!"

After a pause, the girl continued, "I, Ilea, the daughter of Blood-Eyed Russ, the head of the Arias family, the owner of Green Field, Crab Corner and Solid Rock Castle, the dragon-slaying knight, the most devout believer on Saturday, I swear here.

"I would like to become allies with you all, to jointly resist the invasion of the Wing tribe, and to guard the land left by our ancestors until my blade is broken, the last drop of blood is shed, and I sleep in my homeland forever."

All the nobles then followed the female lord in taking the oath.

From this moment on, the Western Border Alliance was formally established.

But the gathering did not end there. Everyone came from the banquet hall of Teacup Castle to the open space in front of the castle.

Li Yu held an initiation ceremony here for the lords who planned to join Shuangxiu Sect.

Nowadays, the Western Territory is in turmoil, because a series of events in the past have severely damaged the vitality of the Silver Moon Church and its glory has ceased.

Of course, the most important thing is that Picia cannot provide shelter for her believers. In the face of a powerful enemy, the lords of the Western Region finally put aside their past traditions and reservations and turned to Saturday's embrace.

They came forward one by one, knelt down on one knee, completed the oath of joining the church to the melodious tune of "What a Beautiful Jasmine Flower", and received their respective silicone bracelets.

However, most of the monks from Shuangxiu Cult have been sent out to preach. Although Li Yu has recalled some of them, compared with the noble families who are now willing to open their doors to Shuangxiu Cult, this number of missionary manpower is simply not enough.

Therefore, although dozens of lords of large and small families converted to Saturday this time, Li Yu was unable to convert all the people in their territories into believers in a short period of time.

In fact, during this period, the number in the faith count column on Fifty Fathoms was increasing every day, but the speed has stopped increasing.

This is of course not because the market is saturated, but because Shuangxiujiao’s own missionary manpower has reached its limit.

If you want to speed up the process, you can only continue to expand the team, and Li Yu is already starting to do this.

He has two church schools under construction and is preparing to standardize the training of Catholics as much as possible.

But finding enough potential trainees is not an easy task.

If you want to become a monk, you must first have a strong enough faith, and secondly, your ideological and moral character must also pass the test. In addition, you must be able to read and count, be familiar with the doctrines and various precepts, and a certain degree of eloquence is also essential.

Looking at it this way, the conditions are quite harsh, especially just being able to read can kill many people.

Therefore, Li Yu still needs to set up another literacy class. It will take a year at the fastest to train a large number of qualified preachers in a training cycle.

Li Yu's main focus now is still on the war against the Yi tribe, and he has no time to keep an eye on the school, so he handed over this part of the work to Quintus after taking up the position of principal.

The latter was once the high priest of the Silver Moon Church, and as a large sect that has been around for thousands of years, the Silver Moon Church still has a lot to learn from in terms of talent cultivation.

The most important thing is that Quintus's moral standard is far higher than that of many people. This may be a disadvantage for playing political conspiracy, but it is perfect for teaching and educating people.

After the initiation ceremony, Li Yu gave each of the lords a pair of telescopes as promised.

Anyone who gets this sacred weapon is as happy as a treasure and is overjoyed.

Afterwards, the female lord warmly invited everyone to stay one more night in the new city and attend the dinner party together, taking advantage of this rare opportunity to enhance their relationship and prepare for fighting side by side in the future.

As a result, there was an episode during the dinner. Just as everyone was drinking and enjoying themselves, a group of black dog guards who were both out of school suddenly broke into the banquet hall.

He pushed the Boneless Man of the Redmayne family to the ground.

In an instant, the banquet that was originally full of laughter and noise suddenly became quiet.

All that was left was Florian screaming, "Is this how the Arias family treats guests?!"

Miss Rabbit, who was sitting in the main seat, glanced at him and sipped the Coke in her hand.

The Boneless Man continued, "Is this because I once opposed you becoming the commander-in-chief of the Anti-Resistance Army? I don't think I have offended you in other matters, so you are probably taking revenge on me for what happened in the morning."

Finally, some other nobles couldn't stand it anymore and stood up and said, "Sir Ilea, let the past matter be bygones. We have all made an oath and are now allies."

"Sir Kofi, do you think I am such a narrow-minded person?" the female lord finally said.

Coffey said nothing, acquiescing to this statement.

Because everyone saw with their own eyes that, except for the conflict in the morning, the Boneless Man had never offended Ilea again, and the Redmayne family behind him had no enmity with the Arias family.

Now that the Wing Tribe people haven't arrived yet, conflicts have begun within the resistance army. This is not a good sign.

Seeing everyone looking here, Miss Rabbit finally put down the Coke in her hand and asked Tom, who was leading the team, "Is he the only one?"

Tom nodded, "We caught one of his attendants leaving the green field overnight. The boy didn't have a strong mouth. If he was slightly frightened, he would pour out everything."

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