Working Prophet

Chapter 440: Niu Xiangui Enlightened

Unlike when he was in college, Niu Xiangui no longer needs to submit his resume to find a job after graduation this time, because of the assignment of teaching packages on weekends.

If you are not satisfied with the assigned job, you can apply for a job transfer later.

The first job Niu Xiangui was assigned was operation and maintenance, and the target was the upgrade system introduced by Li Yu to Lvye.

It sounds like it's quite close to his last job, and it can be regarded as a professional counterpart, but in fact, it's not like that at all.

But Niu Xiangui got the computer he had been thinking about all along.

It was a second-hand mobile phone that Li Yu bought at Xianyu for 800 yuan. It had a Celeron j4125 processor and integrated graphics. This configuration was definitely a departure from a triple-A masterpiece, but there was still no problem with daily office audio and video.

lol I can barely play with low special effects, even now I can't connect to the server.

However, strictly speaking, this laptop does not belong to Niu Xiangui. It is just an office supply distributed to him by the church. Niu Xiangui only has the right to use it, not ownership.

Even so, Niu Xiangui still had mixed feelings the moment he touched it.

The only fly in the ointment is that win10 no longer comes with Minesweeper and Solitaire, which greatly reduces the entertainment functions of this computer, but Niu Xiangui still remembers that there seemed to be a hard drive in the cinema that looked like a children's palace.

There is a complete set of "Tom and Jerry" in it, as well as some short videos from Douyin and Bilibili. You should be able to copy them and watch them back.

But now Niu Xiangui can no longer care about entertainment. Li Yu had already explained his work content to him some time ago.

It is said to be operation and maintenance, but it is different from the kind of operation and maintenance that Niu Xiangui understands. It is purely offline.

There were no programs or codes. Both the front-end and the back-end were all people. Niu Xiangui thought about it for two days. After thinking about it, he felt that his whole body had been sublimated.

Entering into a state of philosophical speculation, I gradually came into contact with Feng Qingyang's so-called realm that all vegetation, bamboo and stone can be used as swords, and realized the ultimate martial arts principle that "codes can be codes, and people can also be codes."

So much so that everything Niu Xiangui looks at now looks like a series of small programs running around.

And his job is to optimize these programs and codes to make them more concise and efficient.

Thinking of this, Niu Xiangui slapped his thigh. Isn't this what Meituan and Didi are doing.

Of course, people believe in Saturday during the weekends and cannot be trapped in the program, but there is nothing wrong with using the program to optimize the work process and improve efficiency and transparency.

Moreover, Niu Xiangui vaguely saw his future development direction from it.

Since traveling to Bratis, he has been confused about what to do in the future.

Unlike Lu Weijia, the professional skills he mastered were very popular in his original plane, and he was on the cusp of the times, but after arriving here, the situation has undergone a 180-degree change.

Niu Xiangui remembered that someone had initiated a poll on Zhihu or what forum before, asking which profession was the most useless to travel to ancient times.

The programmers are impressively listed, and the ranking is quite high, and many people below have vowed to say that the programmers can only farm the land and become tenant farmers.

Although Niu Xiangui doesn't dislike farming, but after finally coming to another world, it would be too boring to farm for a lifetime.

But if he was really asked to do something else, he couldn't tell why for a while.

Relying on the orc's strong physique, he could choose to join the army, go to the battlefield and make meritorious deeds, and maybe even get a title, but the problem was that he was afraid of death.

When Niu Xiangui came to the other world for half a month, he asked Li Yu about the resurrection in advance, and learned that this kind of resurrection was not free.

Li Yu made it clear to him that at this stage he will not be given a chance to be resurrected again, so I hope he can cherish this hard-won new life.

Once you're dead, you're really dead.

As for the follow-up, it is not ruled out that special products such as resurrection coupons will be launched, but the price will definitely be very high, and there are conditions for use.

Even if there is a resurrection coupon, Li Yu will not guarantee that he will be saved.

After all, if he was far away, or happened to catch up with Li Yu's weekend break, at the time flow rate of Bratis, by the time he came back, he would definitely be completely cold.

So the best way is to cherish your life and try not to seek death.

And Niu Xiangui knows that real war is different from what he sees on the screen and in books. A stray arrow flying from nowhere can take away famous heroes, and of course he will treat travelers from other worlds equally.

In addition, the level of surgery in this world is not good. Although there are antibiotics here during the weekend, the mortality rate is still too high due to the limitations of the surgical equipment and the doctor's own skills.

As for teaching... this is a choice. Niu Xiangui completed his undergraduate education in another dimension, and he graduated in one book, although most of the knowledge was returned to the teacher after graduation.

But even with this remaining point, there is no problem in bluffing the natives of this plane.

But just like farming, Niu Xiangui has little interest in teaching, and his T4 level of Mainland Chinese is fine for communicating with people on a daily basis. Teaching in school is a bit difficult, and he is reluctant to let go of the technical skills and work experience he has accumulated so hard in the past.

Until now Niu Xiangui realized that there is a code in his heart, and everything can be a code, and he felt that the road in front of him suddenly became wider.

Niu Xiangui plans to take some time to see the actual operation of the upgrade system during the weekends, and then think about which links can be optimized, where bugs still exist, and how to fix them.

After returning to his old profession, Niu Xiangui felt refreshed and energetic.

I found a linen bag, carefully stuffed the second-hand notebook inside, and then went to find Hera.


On the other hand, seeing that the day of the martial arts tournament is getting closer, Miss Rabbit is almost ready.

She entrusted her aunt Elisa, advisor Fausto, and the castle's steward Yago to manage the territory on her behalf.

The guardian knight Alfred asked to go to the capital with Ilea to protect her safety, but considering the old knight's age, the female lord finally rejected his request.

He brought Thomas and twenty-seven other guards, all of whom were highly skilled in martial arts, plus fourteen Black Dog Guard fighters from the Shuangxiu Sect, the number of accompanying guards exceeded forty.

Afterwards, Ilea will join the Bathory family's team, and Ferdinand also plans to participate in this tournament, hoping to get a good ranking in the tournament.

The two parties agreed to set off to the royal capital together, so there was no need to worry too much about safety.

However, the female lord also knew that the threat from this trip to the royal capital might not just come from the outside.

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