Working Prophet

Chapter 439 Several big things and one small thing

A month has passed in the blink of an eye, and the harvest of Green Field is coming to an end.

The farmers who had been busy in the fields could finally take a breath, wipe the sweat from their faces, and take a bath in the river. Everyone's face was filled with joy.

This was an undoubted harvest. The grains were piled up in the barn, and the extra carrots could only be temporarily stored in the wine cellar by Ilea.

The ones who gained the most from this were Li Yu and his lizard people.

You must know that just a year ago, those lizardmen were still barbarians living in the swamp, drinking blood from their hair, and the surrounding villages were a nightmare, and they didn't even know how to use a hoe.

Until they were inspired by Saturday (or so the lizard people always insisted) and bravely walked out of the swamp and left the home they relied on for survival.

Meeting the prophet Merlin, and finally realizing that Sosokos and Saturday were one and the same, he fully converted to the religion of the Sun and found a new home in this land.

In just one year, they completely changed their appearance and became the first pioneers in Greenfield to use new farm tools and compost.

Li Yu transformed them into something similar to a people's commune, with the characteristics of one village and two villagers.

Although in Li Yu's dimension, this kind of socialist grassroots unit eventually became an obstacle to the development of productive forces due to the various shortcomings it exposed, and eventually died out.

However, its advantages cannot be completely negated.

At least in the early stages, this kind of organizational unit has natural advantages in infrastructure construction and land reclamation, and it is also a manifestation of concentrating efforts to accomplish big things.

Moreover, the lizard people themselves are similar to the group structure of primitive society. Everyone gathers together to form a large group, using collective strength to resist the risks brought by the harsh environment, while sharing the means of production.

This organizational structure is the natural prototype of the people's commune. If they are forcibly separated and private ownership is vigorously promoted, it will make them uncomfortable.

So Li Yu just let nature take its course. Anyway, as time goes by and productivity increases, their next generation, and the next generation after that, will gradually separate from the ethnic group.

This is the general law of social development, and you must accept it whether you are willing or not.

Of course, these are things that will happen a long time ago. Those lizardmen who came out of the swamp are still strong and control the voice of the group, so they will not cause separation for the time being.

And they did not live up to Li Yu's expectations this time. As a pilot project for agricultural reform, the farms and farmlands under Shuangxiujiao's territory all ushered in an unprecedented bumper harvest!

The yield of the same piece of land has doubled than before, and the seed-to-harvest ratio has been increased to 1:8. This is the magic brought by deep plowing and manure!

Not to mention that the efficiency of sowing and harvesting has also been improved. The more land a person can cultivate, the more food he can harvest, freeing up more people to do other work.

Li Yu was relieved when he got the preliminary statistical results, despite his usual calmness.

But after all, he was not a student majoring in agriculture, and no one helped him in the early stage. All the methods he could learn to increase grain production were found online and in books.

However, theory alone is not enough. Putting theory into practice is the real challenge.

Li Yu also made many detours during this process. Instead of being complacent and blindly confident just because he came from a higher-tech civilization, he also consulted many local farmers.

Study the details with them, and then come back to read the book to verify again and again, and finally have the current results.

This bumper harvest is very important to Li Yu, and getting enough food is the next best thing. After all, he has money now in Shuangxiujiao. This year's harvest in the Western Region is generally pretty good, so he can just go out and buy it.

The real significance is that it proves that the new agricultural tools and new farming methods that Shuangxiujiao has been vigorously promoting are effective, completely dispelling the doubts in the minds of other believers.

So far, Li Yu's agricultural reform has achieved real success.

However, he was not dazzled by the victory like others, and then went to inspect the progress of selection and breeding.

When he first came to Greenfield, he had entrusted Fausto to find four children for him and teach them Arabic numerals, simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and statistics.

Except for Hera who is now assisting Li Yu in managing the weekend education, for the remaining three children, Li Yu assigned them subjects according to the original plan and asked them to go to the field to pick the best seeds.

Collect those seeds, plant them in the ground, and then select better offspring among them for cultivation...

This is the kind of work that is hard to see results for a while, but the meaning is not under the upgrade of farm tools and compost.

Because almost all the foods you can name on the earth today come from this way. They come from a certain accidental mutation. Their seeds were discovered and cultivated, and then mutated again, and then mutated again... and so on, it became What it looks like now.

Until they become bigger and better, more delicious, more suitable for survival, and more resistant to disasters... especially the latter, which can even save a civilization at a critical moment.

This is also the reason why Li Yu was working on this matter as soon as he came here.

Because he couldn't directly carry the finished seeds for plane travel, so he had to start from scratch. In this case, of course it should be sooner rather than later.

When he has almost used all the external means that can increase production, he will have to rely on the evolution of the crop itself if he wants to increase production.

Now Shuangxiu Education's breeding team has increased to eleven people. Although there are currently no scientific research results that can be put into immediate application, Li Yu still rewarded each of them with five Divine Kingdom Points.

But in this series of major events, there is one small event that is not so conspicuous.

Niu Xiangui, the first follower of Shuangxiu Education, a full-stack engineer with the Christian name of Columbus, completed his three-month training and passed the final Mainland Common Language exam.

After getting the certificate, although he only has T4, he still has to continue the test if he wants to leave the green field, but it also means that he can start a new chapter in his life.

Of course, this also means that Niu Xiangui will have to worry about food and housing in the future.

Fortunately, Niu Xiangui is no stranger to this kind of thing.

He walked out of the traveler's apartment with the certificate in his hand, looked at the sun outside, and felt as if he had returned to the time when he had just graduated from university.

At that time, he was still very young, a little handsome, but not much. He was still a little nervous after leaving campus. But now, he has already been involved in society, and his whole person is calm and calm due to the accumulation of time.

And most importantly, he, Niu Xiangui, is now a half-orc! ! !

Lu Weijia was quite jealous of him because of this matter. She was almost like Xianglin's wife, nagging her every day about everything, why didn't I get a hunk? She looked as sad as she could.

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