Working Prophet

Chapter 441 Black Magotan

Ilea set off from the green field two months before the tournament and embarked on a journey to the royal capital.

Li Yu was with her, but he no longer appeared in the middle of the night like before. He usually showed up after sunrise.

After all, the accommodation environment outside is not as good as that in Luye. In order to travel, he occasionally has to sleep in the wilderness, so Li Yu will not make trouble for himself.

The person in charge of the Shuangxiujiao team leader is also Miss Rabbit’s old acquaintance, Jude, who is now the deputy leader of the Black Dog Guard.

In addition, Li Yu also brought some young monks and death row prisoners.

Among them, the death row prisoners were naturally prepared to hold heroic spirit summoning ceremonies. Although Li Yu was out, this business did not stop.

After all, the dead wait for no one. Once it exceeds three days, the soul will no longer be able to enter the [Reincarnation Bell].

As for those Hughes, the female lord at first thought that Li Yu intended to let them go to the capital to preach, but later found that they often walked for a while, and when they reached a relatively large town, Li Yu left one of them there.

Leave him a bag of money, a mobile battery, solar panels and a radio.

Shuangxiu Sect originated in Green Field and has been developing in Green Field. As for the outside of Green Field, it is either monopolized by Silver Moon Church or there are other sects.

Li Yu didn't expect to defeat them all immediately, but it was time to at least collect some intelligence and information about his opponents.

As a modern man, no one understands the importance of information better than him.

Before this, Li Yu's source of information was basically Miss Rabbit.

Especially after Ilea's great-grandmother Ona left Teacup Castle and settled in Rock Snow City, the Arias family received more news.

But it's still not enough.

Moreover, even if a carrier pigeon is used to send a message, it still takes a day, and there is a risk that the carrier pigeon will get lost or intercepted on the road.

Li Yu had previously set up radio stations on the lands of Luye and Shuangxiujiao.

Later, radio was used again when organizing the rescue operation for Clara, maintaining communication through shortwave radio.

After the success of that operation, Li Yu formally put forward the plan to use radio to establish an intelligence network, and now he is taking advantage of the opportunity to go to the royal capital to start the implementation.

In this way, Shuangxiujiao will not only be able to keep track of various trends in the Western Region, but he will also be able to know about any major events in the kingdom at the first time.

In addition, we will not lose contact with Luye along the way. If there is any emergency there, Ilea and Li Yu can handle it in time.

The only drawback is that the cost is a bit high.

Batteries and solar panels are okay, and the shortwave radio stations basically cost thousands, and three newcomers were recruited, although their salaries and various insurances and provident funds are borne by the company.

However, the expenses incurred during the investigation still had to be reimbursed by the project department, so the budget became tight.

It wasn't that Li Yu didn't want to equip Niu Xiangui with a better computer, but after looking at the money in his account, he decisively chose the second-hand salted fish.

However, the onboarding of new employees is still very helpful for Li Yu's work.

The only unstable factor, Hao Xiaoxiao, also behaved very calmly afterwards, not only did she not act suspiciously, but also worked so hard that Zhang Yanlin had to remind her several times to pay attention to rest.

Working too much for too long not only squeezes the rest, study and entertainment time that should belong to oneself, but also brings unnecessary psychological pressure to other colleagues.

After being persuaded several times, Hao Xiaoxiao restrained his behavior of voluntarily working overtime and started to get off work on time.

But in order to pay off the debt as soon as possible, she would also go to other places to do odd jobs after get off work, just because she had to travel from time to time and KFC couldn't do it.

On this day, Hao Xiaoxiao left the office building on time at five o'clock as usual and went to the commercial street to distribute leaflets for three hours.

By the time the work was over, it was already half past nine in the evening.

Hao Xiaoxiao bought some grilled cold noodles on the roadside and walked to the subway station while eating.

Seeing that the grilled cold noodles were finished, and she was about to reach the entrance of the subway station after another road, a black Magotan stopped beside her silently at this moment.

Hao Xiaoxiao showed a look of vigilance until the window fell, and she saw the man with the O-shape beard in the driver's seat, who pointed to the vacant passenger seat to her.

Hao Xiaoxiao was a little hesitant, but the man didn't rush him. The black Magotan just stopped on the side of the road, motionless no matter how much the car behind him honked.

Hao Xiaoxiao finally opened the car door, sat on it, and was about to open his mouth to speak.

But the man made a silent gesture and said at the same time, "Mobile phone."

Hao Xiaoxiao took out his mobile phone from his pocket and handed it over.

The man took off the phone case, took out a toothpick from the storage compartment, inserted it into the hole of the card slot, and with a light tap, the card slot popped out. After that, he took out the phone card inside, but threw Hao Xiaoxiao's phone away. Into the trash can on the roadside.

When Hao Xiaoxiao saw this, he was about to get out of the car and go to retrieve his mobile phone from the trash can, but the man had already started the car and explained.

"Our opponent this time is very powerful. We must be very careful. Don't worry, I will compensate you with a new mobile phone."

"Captain Han, what do you mean?" Hao Xiaoxiao said calmly.

"To put it simply, I'm worried that someone will listen to my conversation through the mobile phone. You are a hacker anyway. I don't need to explain this simple truth." The O-shaped bearded man said.

"That's not what I'm asking. It's why you came to me again?"

"Of course I need your help."

"I've checked that company for you, and I've paid back the favor I owed you before, and you didn't tell me the truth. That company doesn't have any tax problems at all, right?"

"That's right, in fact, all the information that can be found on the surface shows that the company is very clean, and the police can't find any valuable clues here, so I asked you for help.

"By the way, did you find anything last time?"

"No." Hao Xiaoxiao shook her head, paused, and then added, "And I think they knew what I was doing there from the very beginning, the female hr who received me, I don't like her, the way she looked at me was disgusting." It's like admiring tropical fish in an aquarium."

After finishing speaking, Hao Xiaoxiao turned her head to look at the O-shaped beard man who was driving, but there was no surprise on the latter's face.

Hao Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment, then thought of something, and couldn't help being furious, "You're just using me to attract their attention, you knew from the beginning that I wouldn't gain anything in the past, right?!"

"Don't worry, I sent someone to guarantee your safety in secret, but unfortunately the other side was more calm than I thought, knowing that you were ordered by someone to stay on hold, not only that, but let you pass assessment, and become an employee of the company."

"It's so annoying!" The O-shaped bearded man held the steering wheel with one hand, and smoked a cigarette with the other, holding it in his mouth.

"It's been a long time since I saw such an arrogant guy. It's just saying that I have opened the door, so come in and take a look."

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