Working Prophet

Chapter 180 Something bad happened to Adele

"It's you!" Clara opened the door and blurted out with a look of surprise when she saw the person outside the door.

"Aren't you the priestess who competed with Merlin in medical skills, but failed and had to give out a thousand dollars, and was found out on the spot? Are you back for revenge this time? But Merlin is not here today."

Adele's face immediately turned red after hearing this, and she quickly defended, "No, no, I'm not here for revenge. I'm here just to help."

"Help, help with what?"

"I heard that there is an evil dragon living in the Great Swamp of Gaigu, and there is likely to be a war here. I... I know a little bit of medical skills, although it is far inferior to the prophet Merlin, but I still think that maybe somewhere I can Let me do my part."

Adele's voice became smaller and smaller.

"But you are not from the Silver Moon Church. If you come to us, does the Silver Moon Church have no objection?"

"I have been expelled from the Silver Moon Church, don't you know?"

"Oh, the residents of this place are mainly lizard people, so the information is a little bit limited. Besides, I am locked up here by Merlin and study every day, so I missed a lot of gossip."

Clara stepped aside, waved, asking Adele to follow her into the room, then pointed to the massage chair and said, "Sit down."

The former priest's expression changed. When she saw this strange chair, the first thing she thought of was a torture device!

Because on the continent of Bratis, only torture instruments have similar restraint designs.

Her body immediately trembled, thinking that the little maid didn't believe what she said before and wanted to torture her personally, so she almost ran away.

But when she thought that she was now on Shuangxiujiao's territory, surrounded by lizardmen, and couldn't get far even if she ran, Adele finally bit the bullet and sat on it.

The result... was unexpectedly comfortable, especially the soft wrapping feeling, which Adele had never felt on any other chair before.

So much so that she didn't want to get down after sitting on it, but then Clara's words almost drove her out of her mind.

"I said you are probably a spy sent by the Silver Moon Church to find out information."


The former priest's ears suddenly stood up, along with the tiny hairs on her ears.

"Merlin said this was a cruel trick. Well, it's probably because you and the Silver Moon Church joined forces to act, pretending that you had no choice but to come to our Shuangxiu Church, but in fact you are still a member of the Silver Moon Church."

"No, no," Adele was almost crying, but she didn't know how to prove her innocence, and the next moment she saw Clara walking to her side,

After clicking a few times on the small square on her right, the chair suddenly vibrated, and something began to hit her back.

Like a frightened little hamster, Adele let out a loud scream.

I was still thinking, it's over, it's over this time, the people who taught Shuangxiu really planned to torture her! The former priest even thought of the predecessors of the Silver Moon Church who had sacrificed their lives at the hands of the lizardmen.

Thinking of the cruel fate that awaited him later, his eyes suddenly turned red.

Seeing that the girl's whole body was trembling and she was curled up in the massage chair like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, Clara had no choice but to press the pause button again and comforted her.

"Why are you so cowardly? I just saw that you were too nervous and wanted to give you a massage to relax. It's okay. It doesn't matter even if you are an internal agent of the Silver Moon Church. With Merlin here, you can't do anything bad. Just as usual."

"But, I'm not an internal agent of the Silver Moon Church." Adele sniffed and sobbed softly, "I'm really here to help this time."

The little maid also felt that this hamster was so cowardly that he took her down with just a massage chair, so he shouldn't be able to act as an internal agent.

So he said, "Okay, okay, I believe you, then let me first tell you about the teachings of Shuangxiujiao."

"Can I not listen? I am still a believer of the Silver Moon Goddess." Adele said weakly.

"Hey, didn't you say you're not a spy?"

"I am indeed not a spy."

"Then why do you, a believer in Pisiya, come to Saturday's territory?"

"I want to help, but preferably in a way that doesn't require me to sell my faith."

Clara scratched her head.

The former priest added, "Don't worry, no matter what I see or hear here, I won't tell anyone else."

"Forget it, it's up to you. If you want to help, just help. It happens that Hera needs someone who can read. Do you want to go? It might be a bit hard."

"It doesn't matter, I'm willing to do anything as long as I can help." Adele said positively, "Please be sure to give me the heaviest work."

"I can't say it's heavy, but it's really important. It can even be said to be the most important thing in the near future, so you must do it well and don't mess it up."

"Don't worry, I won't." The former priest said respectfully like a rookie entering the workplace on his first day.

"Well, go to the woods and wait at dusk. Hera will tell you what to do."


The former priest had also met the little girl named Hera when he was competing with Li Yu in his medical skills. It is said that she was the first believer of Shuangxiu Cult. Although she was still very young, only twelve years old this year, she was very precocious. , there is no childishness and innocence of his peers.

In terms of dealing with others, he is already almost like an adult.

She was obviously surprised when she saw Adele. After the former priest explained his purpose, her expression became even more strange and she muttered, "That guy Mary is too messy."

Then he looked up at the former priest again, "Do you really want to help?"

"Yeah." Adele nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Then do you know how to read?"

"no problem."

Hera handed over a Dawn Notebook. The former priest took the strange-looking book and opened it with Hera's consent, and saw the names on the pages inside.

However, the focus of Adele's attention was not on the names, but on the paper used in this book. The paper was thin and tough, not as soft as papyrus.

Coupled with the extremely smooth skin, it is just like a work of art.

"After the music is over, read the names on it, one by one, the male will read the male name, and the female will read the female name, remember?"

"Hmm." Although the former priest was a little puzzled, he still nodded.

"Very well, come with me." Hera picked up the bag of silicone bracelets on the ground and walked into the woods.

Adele followed her in a daze, and the two finally stopped in front of a huge cedar tree that was thousands of years old, and there were already many lizardmen standing there.

The former priest took a rough scan and estimated that there were at least hundreds of people. She didn't know why, but her heart suddenly started beating loudly, and she always felt like something was wrong.

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