Working Prophet

Chapter 181 I don’t need a vacation!

Hera stood in front of the huge cedar tree. The cedar tree was carved with some magical patterns that Adele could not understand.

Then Hera said something in a language that the former priest could not understand, and saw a lizard man walking out of the crowd happily, came to her, and knelt down on one knee.

Hera put a hand on his shoulder. The next moment, it was clear that no one was playing music, but an indescribable and magnificent music sounded in the forest.

It is melodious and magnificent!

It was even more shocking to the ears of someone who knew music like Adele, so much so that she couldn't come back to her senses until the end of the song. It wasn't until Hera coughed that the former priest woke up from a dream.

He quickly opened the morning light notebook in his hand, read out a name on it, and then lightly crossed out the name according to Hera's request.

Then Hera opened the bag on the side, took out a cyan ring from it, put it on the lizard man's hand, and said two more words to him.

The lizard man stood up from the ground with excitement, raised the hand with the ring, and said a few words with a solemn expression.

Then he gave way to the next lizard man, and the same process was repeated... hundreds of times.

Until the last lizard man also got the bracelet and name, and left happily.

Adele's body suddenly softened and she collapsed on the ground.

Hera thought Adele had stood for too long and her legs were numb, so she went to check but saw a look of panic on the former priest's face.

"You, what ceremony were you just holding?!"

Adele had stayed in the Silver Moon Church for quite some time and was very familiar with this kind of thing, but by the time she realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

The former priest was still thinking about the agreement between himself, the maid and Hera, and helped the latter complete all the rituals, but when the ceremony was over, she collapsed.

When she thought that as a follower of Pisiya, she not only came to the territory of the pagans, but also participated in their rituals in a daze, Adele felt a sore nose and couldn't help but want to cry again.

"It's the initiation ceremony of Shuangxiu Cult." Hera breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the former priest's body was fine.

Although she had guessed the result, when the answer was revealed, Adele still suffered another heavy blow and felt completely hopeless.

Because Li Yu felt that the initiation ceremony was too time-consuming, especially as there were more and more believers in the future, he could not do each one personally, so he first trained Hera to take over his class.

Moreover, the initiation ceremony has been improved a bit, imitating the Young Pioneers and having an oath-taking process. It’s hard to say for nobles, but ordinary civilians on the continent of Bratis still attach great importance to the oaths made to the gods.

Therefore, these oaths can also have a certain degree of binding force on them, making them abide by the various precepts of Shuangxiu Cult.

The reason why Li Yu helped the lizard people complete the initiation ceremony at this time was because this matter had been delayed for a long time. Secondly, as the war with the giant dragon was about to begin, Li Yu also hoped to use it. The move boosted some morale.

However, he did not expect that the little maid would succeed in fishing again and leave the part of the work that should belong to her to Adele, causing the latter to inexplicably participate in and assist Hera in completing hundreds of rituals.

Afterwards, the former priest only felt that he was dirty, betrayed the goddess from body to soul, and even had the idea of ​​self-destruction.

Because she really couldn't think of any other way to wash away the sins on her body besides using this method.

This is different from the previous time when she was regarded as a liar and expelled from the church, because even though she suffered a heavy setback at that time and had no hope in life, at least Adele knew that she was innocent. But this time, she actually committed the crime. Something that the goddess does not allow.

So when Li Yu saw the former priest again, she looked like a walking dead.

Even Li Yu's arrival couldn't get her up from her chair.

Li Yu put down the bag of things in his hand, stopped the little maid who was about to run away, and asked what happened. He remembered that just a few hours ago, when setting off from Teacup Castle, Ilea had solemnly I begged him to help take care of Adele.

As a result, as soon as Li Yu came back, he found that he had been spoiled by Clara.

The little maid defended, "You can't blame me for that. She clamored for me to find a job for her as soon as she arrived, but with her small body, she doesn't have much strength at first glance, so she probably won't be able to do any physical work.

"She said she knows how to see a doctor, but her medical skills are not as good as yours. Now all the patients in the church's territory have been treated. If you can't cure her, there will be no chance of her. After thinking about it, I can only think of this. She can still do the job. I didn't expect that she would do this to herself."

Clara spread her hands.

Li Yu glanced again at Adele, who was listless and dull-eyed, then turned to the little maid and said, "Send her back."

"Huh? But she said she came here to help."

"She is like this now, she can't help anything, and she may be in danger if she stays, and we don't have extra people to take care of her."

"But...she has been expelled from the church, and I heard that her family will no longer accept her. Even if she is sent back, she will have nowhere to go." Clara still sympathized with the former priest's experience.

But Li Yu said, "That's her own business, it has nothing to do with us."

"Ah, Merlin, why are you so cruel all of a sudden!"

"Those who can't bear this setback will definitely be knocked down by more setbacks in the future, and they are destined to achieve nothing in the future, so let her rot like this." Li Yu said lightly.

"That's too much to say." The little maid protested.

"Do you know what kind of person I hate most at work? It's not the idiot who doesn't understand anything, nor the scheming bad guy, but the kind of bad good person who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong. Such people think they are very good. Principles, but in the end nothing gets done.”

"No, that's not the case." Adele, who hadn't spoken for a long time on the massage chair, suddenly said.

She bit her lips tightly, as if she had used up all her strength to say these words, "Please, please let me stay and give me another chance. I will prove my worth to you."

"It's ok, anyway, you'll collapse again in a while, and it's the same if I send you away at that time." Li Yu said indifferently.

The former priest quietly clenched his fists, but he just silently endured someone's cynicism without a word of excuse.

He just stood up from the chair, bowed his head to Li Yu and said, "Please, please assign me a job, no matter what job it is, I will never refuse it."

"You said it yourself. The territory happens to be short of a doctor who can complete daily diagnosis and treatment, especially when I am away. From now on, you will be responsible for this part of the work.

"In addition, in the future, you will be shown the films of the Kingdom of God, and you will continue to serve as Hera's helper during the initiation ceremony... How is it? Is there any problem?"

"No, no."

"Very good. But don't worry, since you are in the territory of the Shuangxiu Church, you still have holidays on Saturdays and Sundays."

"I-I don't need a vacation!"

"Sorry, this is a commandment. Everyone living in this land, including me, must abide by it. Of course you are no exception. Clara, find an empty room to accommodate her."

After the little maid took him away, Li Yu remembered what Ilea had said to him before leaving.

"I know Adele best. She is the type who is soft on the outside but strong on the inside. Most of the time she looks soft and weak, and she is not very able to withstand pressure. The more you comfort her, she may The more you will doubt yourself.

"But when the pressure exceeds a certain limit, it will inspire her spirit of resistance and make her brave. Maybe she doesn't even realize that she is actually a very contradictory person. How about this news? is that useful?"

"Thank you." Li Yu said, "I already know how to treat her."

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