Working Prophet

Chapter 179 Going to the West

"I knew you wouldn't leave me alone, little hamster!" Ilea beamed when she heard this, and was about to pinch Adele's cheek again, but the latter quickly dodged it.

"Ilea," the former priest said helplessly, "we need to keep our distance."

"Who said that?"

"My life is over, but your life has just begun to shine. I don't want to be a burden or a drag on you." Adele lowered her head and said.

"You are one year younger than me. How could your life be over so quickly?"

The former priest was silent.

"Okay, I know that your dream since childhood is to become a priest, but since this dream cannot be realized, just try another one."

"I didn't come to you to talk about my affairs." The former priest said, "I just want to help you, not to cause you any more trouble. If you come near me again, I...I'm going to leave .”

"Oh, I know." Miss Rabbit retracted her half-stepped foot, "But I can't let you live in my manor."


"The answer is obvious, because there are basically followers of the goddess Pisiya, and they will not welcome you."

Adele's little pointed ears twitched again, and a sad look appeared on her face, "I know, I will leave your territory as soon as possible."

After saying that, she turned around and walked down the hillside.

However, after she took two steps, she heard the voice of her friend behind her, "Didn't you say you were coming to help me, but you just walked away like this?"

The former priest stopped and said, "I was not thinking carefully before, but now I can't do anything. I'm sorry, Miss Ilea."

"Just because a person is lost temporarily does not mean that she will be lost forever."

Adele's body trembled again when she heard this, and she choked, "But I, but I... have no place in the Western Territory."

"Really, I do know a place, and the people there... Although I don't like it very much, the point is that they won't reject you. In fact, the people there are quite warm to outsiders now, well, except for me And my family.”

"Where is the place you mentioned?" The former priest turned around.

"Right here, keep going west and you will meet them. If I remember correctly, you should have been to that place before. In that case, you don't need me to show you the way."

"Are you talking about Shuangxiujiao's territory?" Adele was stunned.

"Yes, that's right there."

"But there are all pagans there, and I can't abandon my faith in the goddess." The former priest shook his head.

"Please, the church has already expelled you, and you and I both know that it's not your fault. You are just a pawn they used to deal with Merlin and his Shuangxiu Church. They are unkind. You can hold your head high. leave."

"The church is the church, and the goddess is the goddess. These are two different things. Although the church expelled me, my belief in the goddess has not changed, and I don't think there is anything wrong with what the church did. I failed to complete what I should have done. As for the errand, what the church did afterwards was just to minimize the loss."

"Is winning the competition by cheating a job assigned to you by the church? Have you never hesitated about whether it is right to do so?"


"I told you from the beginning, you picked the wrong opponent. And the goddess probably went on vacation that day, so she couldn't look after you anymore." Miss Rabbit sneered.

"You have changed." Adele stared at her friend blankly, "The Ilea I know would never say such disrespectful words to the goddess."

"Maybe." The girl shrugged, "I may be a little slack on the goddess, but the reason why I can still stand here talking to you now is all because of Merlin and Saturday behind him. Even Pi Thea herself couldn't refute.

"Take this incident as an example. Not only did the Silver Moon Church not help in any way, it even secretly gave hints to other nobles, asking them to send troops later, so that they could use the hands of the black dragon to help the church clear out their current situation. The thorn in the side - Merlin and his two brothers, for which they don't mind sacrificing the Arias family.

"On the contrary, Merlin has been immersed in preparing to deal with the black dragon. If you really hope to be able to help, then you should go to him.

"Oh, by the way, the words I told you before were also said by Merlin. He is also much gentler to those who make mistakes than the Silver Moon Church.

"Of course, it's understandable that you want to maintain your devout faith in the goddess, but you told me before that your life is over. Instead of staying where you are and waiting to die, you might as well try another way."

After finishing speaking, Miss Rabbit ignored the lost Adele, turned around and walked back to her castle, and asked the guards to close the gate.

But as soon as she went upstairs, she immediately rushed to the window in three steps at a time. Then she squatted down and cautiously poked half of her head out, only to find that the former priest was still standing there.

The female lord frowned, retracted her head, turned around and saw Fausto not far away, coughed twice, and said haha, "Well... the sun is good today."

"Miss Ilea, you really care about Miss Adele."

"Because that child is a fool, and he is easy to get into trouble. He always likes to take all the blame on himself, and even after being sold, he still helps count the money." Miss Rabbit showed a loving expression like an old mother.

"Then why don't you think of a way to keep her by your side?"

"I can't untie her knot." Miss Rabbit shook her head, "Don't look at Adele's appearance... But she is actually a very independent person with her own goals in life, and now she has lost If you want to cheer her up, you must give her a new goal.

"And the new goal is more noble than the old one. She won't be able to find that goal if she stays with me, so she can only take advantage of Merlin. What land did he propose to build..."

"The kingdom of God on land."

"Yes, the Land God Kingdom should be quite against Adele's temper, hehe, I think the Silver Moon Church is going to shoot itself in the foot this time, and let such an excellent talent like Adele not cultivate well, Just throw it away.

"It's like treating a piece of toilet paper, but if Adele gets to the other side and starts to glow, I'd like to see the expressions on the faces of those old guys at Silvermoon Church."

The more Miss Rabbit talked, the happier she became. People who didn't know it thought she was also a Saturday believer.

In fact, everyone in Teacup Castle can feel that the hostess of the Arias family is becoming more and more sophisticated, and she has the tendency to evolve into a great onmyoji. A few words from the church.

At first everyone was frightened when they heard it, but now they are almost used to it.

In fact, Ilea is not the only one. Due to the repeated actions of the Silver Moon Church, many people in Green Field have wavered towards the goddess.

And I'm afraid of comparison in everything. With such a big Shuangxiujiao next to me, I can't help but put the two together, and then take a look, oh! The Silver Moon Church is no longer human.

Miss Rabbit stretched out her head again, and this time she finally saw Adele walking towards the west. At the beginning, her speed was very slow, she turned her head three times a step, and seemed quite hesitant. After that, her pace finally picked up, and Ilea also walked with satisfaction. He breathed a sigh of relief.

The last chapter has been unblocked, I just found out after finishing the second chapter yesterday ~ Sorry

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