Facing the tsunami, Lin Cang clapped his hands and a 20-meter-high wooden wall woven with vines appeared in front of him, easily blocking the water flow. It was the wooden wall.

"So strong!" Wang Cheng felt bitter when he saw this,"My full-strength attack couldn't hurt him at all. It seems that Lin Cang's strength is more terrible than I thought."

After the wooden wall was removed, Lin Cang threw his hand and more than a dozen vines appeared and flew towards Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng was a water-based mutant and was not good at speed. He dodged a few times and was controlled by the vines. When he found that he couldn't struggle free, he immediately spoke

"I give up, Lin Cang Dou Huang, please show mercy!"

""Thank you." Lin Cang smiled and threw him off the stage.

Seeing this, the referee hurried to the stage and announced the result of the match loudly. The audience cheered for Lin Cang crazily.

After a long time, Lin Cang gently raised his hand, and the audience stopped.

"Everyone, please be quiet. I have something to announce."

"This time I will not only challenge the second-level Dou Huang Road, but also the third-level Dou Huang Road, so please prepare your opponents."After

Lin Cang finished speaking, the audience was stunned.

No one expected that he would be so crazy and challenge two levels of Dou Huang Road in a row. This has never happened in the history of the underground arena.

In an instant, the audience became more enthusiastic, and Lin Cang's popularity soared again.

However, those third-level players sneered after hearing this and did not take it seriously.

"What the hell is this?"A muscular bald man said disdainfully

"I can't handle this guy if I have some skills. I'm waiting for him to come to the third-level competition area and be abused."

"That's right." Another plump woman sneered,"We are all third-level advanced psychics. Lin Cang is courting death if he wants to challenge us with his primary strength!"

In addition to these ordinary contestants, Nie Wenhao and the woman in gray were also stunned for a moment. After a full ten seconds, a confident laugh rang out.

"Haha, it seems that Lin Cang is not very smart."Nie Wenhao laughed and looked at the woman in gray.

"You see, I'm not the one looking for trouble. It's Lin Cang who doesn't know how to live or die. If I kill him, the vice president will definitely be happy to see it."

"It's up to you."The gray-clothed woman said calmly,"My mission is just to help you advance to Douhuang. As long as the mission is completed, I don't care about other things."

The unexpected surprise made Nie Wenhao feel excited as if he had won a big prize.

If Lin Cang died in his hands, wouldn't the reputation of the Tongcheng Underground Arena be completely restored? If he exceeded the mission, wouldn't the vice president reward him well?

"Great, great, it seems that Lin Cang is my benefactor, I really need to thank him."


At the entrance of Luoshui University, more than a hundred students stood in two rows and boarded two buses one after another.

Murong Weiwei, Jiang Qi, and Yiyi boarded the first bus, and the remaining three teachers from each department boarded the second bus.

Since Jiang Qi was in charge of the fire department, the school had not found a special teacher, so Murong Weiwei had been teaching during her absence.

Although Murong Weiwei was a water department, it seemed inappropriate for her to teach fire department students, but she was a fifth-level elementary psychic after all, so it was not difficult for her to teach the first and second level fire department classes.

After everyone got on the bus, the two buses started and headed towards the west gate of the base city.

Most psychic teams go to the monster area through the north gate, because the safe area outside the other three gates is too large.

The monsters there are too sparsely distributed and not suitable for adventure.

But it was just right for the students, and Jiang Qi chose the west gate for their safety.

Although the students were afraid to go to the monster area and didn't want to face terrible opponents so early, they also felt fresh and expectant, which made them very conflicted and chatted with each other.

The most talked about topic was Lin Cang, and many students looked outside the bus.

At this moment, Lin Cang did not get on the bus. He and Lily rode on Xiaohui and followed the bus slowly, looking very cool.

Many classmates envied him for having his own monster companion at such a young age. They all looked at Lin Cang.

"This sawtooth rat is actually at the advanced level of the second stage. If a fight really breaks out, it can kill so many of us by itself, right?"

"That's for sure."

"Generally speaking, in order to deal with monsters of this level, five psychics of the same level must form a team. Do you think we can be a match for five second-level high-level psychics?"

"I really like Lin Cang-san. He is not only handsome but also very capable. I heard that this sawtooth rat took the initiative to follow him. How cool!"

"Alas, when can I be as good as him and dare to talk back to the principal."

Someone remembered that Lin Cang didn't care when he was scolded by Jiang Qi when he first came in the morning. Jiang Qi was so angry that she almost took action. In the end, Murong Weiwei stopped her.

Jiang Qi, who was sitting in front, heard someone talking about this matter. Her beautiful eyes glared at Lin Cang outside and gritted her teeth.

"Damn Lin Cang, when we go to the monster area later, I will let you know what horror is."

"Sister Qiqi, please don't mess around."Murong Weiwei quickly whispered

"Don't go too far. Lin Cang can handle ordinary second-level monsters. Don't bring third-level monsters."

"Humph." Jiang Qi was unhappy,"Isn't he arrogant? Doesn't he take me, the principal, seriously because of his ability? Then I will teach him how to respect the strong."

""Alas." Murong Weiwei sighed after hearing this.

Jiang Qi and Lin Cang's disagreement made her feel embarrassed, and she was worried in her heart.

"I hope Lin Cang won't be so stubborn and give in to Sister Qiqi sooner."


The bus finally arrived after five hours of driving. The students got off the bus immediately and were led by Jiang Qi out of the west gate of the base city.

"Everyone, assemble!" Jiang Qi gave the order as soon as they walked out of the gate. More than a hundred students stood in two rows and didn't dare to speak.

Lin Cang was riding Xiao Hui at the end of the team. In front of him were Du Fei and the other six.

Jiang Qi glanced at Lin Cang and then spoke

"I will divide you into groups of five to simulate the formation of a future superpower team. The teachers will find suitable monsters for you to practice with for three days."

"I require each team to hunt at least three first-level monsters, and everyone must participate in the battle""

"Those who perform poorly will have all their credits for this semester deducted, and those who perform well will be awarded a second-level primary crystal core. Do you understand?"

"I understand!" All the students shouted.

"Then let's start the grouping."

Jiang Qi quickly separated more than a hundred students. Basically, the strength of each group was similar, between the first-level intermediate and advanced.

At this time, Lin Cang, Shi Qiu, Du Fei and Wu Xiaoman found that they had no group, and Du Fei couldn't help but speak.

"Teacher, what about the seven of us?"

Jiang Qi's eyes flashed with an inexplicable color after hearing this, and she smiled slightly.

"I know your abilities, they are much stronger than the average students, so I will treat you individually."

"How do you treat them individually?" Du Fei felt something was wrong and asked quickly.

Jiang Qi:"It's nothing, just that the seven of you must hunt down ten second-level monsters in these three days."

"Is it that simple?" Du Fei laughed immediately after hearing this."I didn't ask, I thought the homework assigned by the principal was very difficult."

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet." Jiang Qi said this and looked at Lin Cang with a sly smile in his eyes

"In addition to these, you also need to hunt a third-level primary strength monster to qualify."

"Classmate Du Fei, I'm sure you're okay, right?"

"Level 3!"Du Fei was immediately anxious when he heard it,"Principal Jiang, are you crazy? How can we be the opponent of a level 3 monster?"

"Haha, isn't this our omnipotent classmate Lin Cang here?" Jiang Qi smiled with a fake smile, and said in a frivolous tone.

"It’s okay if you can’t finish it. I won’t deduct your credits, but from now on each of you must be obedient and be a good student for me!"

"But I think it's just a third-level primary monster. It shouldn't be a big deal for Lin Cang, right?"

Jiang Qi crossed her arms and waited for Lin Cang to beg for mercy, so that she could take care of him in the future.

Most of the students saw what she was thinking. They all thought that this was an impossible task and Lin Cang would definitely give in.

However, Lin Cang disappointed and shocked them.

The students only saw him picking his ears with a calm face.

"That's it?"

"I thought Principal Jiang's requirements were very high, but it turns out to be so simple"

"Isn't it just a third-level primary monster? Is one enough? If not, I'll bring you ten more."

"Lin Cang, are you kidding me?" Jiang Qi's face darkened immediately after being ridiculed,"Or did you not hear me clearly?"

"The third-level primary monsters I'm talking about are not those first- or second-level garbage!"

"I heard it clearly." Lin Cang continued,"Level 3 Primary"

"Don't worry, Principal Jiang. These monsters are no different from trash. Killing them is like killing a dog."


As soon as he finished speaking, the whole place fell silent. The students and teachers were stunned by his words, including Murong



He doesn't even take the third-level monster seriously?

Is he bragging or serious?

At this moment, even Du Fei and others who are familiar with Lincang are confused. They don't know what he is thinking.

"It's bad, Brother Lin might have hurt his brain these days." Du Fei whispered, he doubted whether Lin Cang was stupid.


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