"Lin Cang, your sawtooth rat cannot participate in the battle!"


"Lin Cang, Lily can't join the battle either!"


"Lin Cang, I won't save you. Don't count on me."


"Lincang, you……"


Jiang Qi was still trying to intimidate Lin Cang into giving in, otherwise she would feel embarrassed.

But Lin Cang seemed to be stubborn, and he didn't care no matter what she said, which made Jiang Qi feel even more embarrassed.

""Huhu, I'm so angry!" Jiang Qi took a few deep breaths and didn't know what to say after being scolded by Lin Cang.

The other students were already dumbfounded, and they all gave Lin Cang a thumbs up, which made Jiang Qi even more furious.

"What are you all standing there for? Get on with your journey!"


The students were led by Murong Weiwei, and four teachers were responsible for going out to catch monsters for them to practice.

Yiyi looked reluctant when she left. After all, Lin Cang was her student, and she couldn't watch him take risks.

"Principal Jiang……"

""What's the matter?" Jiang Qi was angry and said in a very aggressive tone.

Yiyi's heart skipped a beat after hearing this. She was introverted by nature and would never stand out at this time.

However, since she was a teacher, she had to fulfill her duties and responsibilities. Even if the students themselves did not do well, she was unwilling to give up.

"That, that……"

"I'm so anxious, please tell me quickly!"

"Is... Lin Cang's opponent, do I really want to catch the third-level monster back?" Yiyi mustered up the courage to speak out and told Jiang Qi the reason.

"Principal, I once wanted Lin Cang to be a good student just like you, to go to class and leave get out of class on time every day, just like other students."

"But later I found out that he really has his own ideas, and his current achievements are many times better than I expected, so I think you should just leave him alone."

"What a bullshit!" Jiang Qi couldn't listen to it at all.

She just thought that students didn't think much, only cared about skipping classes and having fun, and didn't think about their future at all.

"Since I run the school, I have to be responsible for every student, otherwise I'd better get out of here as soon as possible."

"Yiyi, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but you are too weak. You have to use tough measures when dealing with disobedient students!"

"Go and catch me a level 3 monster. I will make Lin Cang get slapped in front of everyone!"

Jiang Qi was firm in her attitude. Yi Yi's persuasion was ineffective and she had to leave.

An hour later, the four teachers each came back with a monster, three of which were level 1 advanced and one level 3 elementary.

The level 3 monster was caught by Yi Yi. She deliberately chose the weakest short-tailed rabbit because she didn't want Lin Cang to be embarrassed.

The other students immediately fought with their opponents without waiting for Jiang Qi to speak. There were so many jokes for a while. They were chased by the monsters and ran around, which made those students who hadn't had a turn yet laugh.

"It's so funny. Look at how embarrassed Liu Qiang is. Usually this guy is quite good at bragging, but he failed as soon as he arrived at the monster area."

"Haha, Zhang Hai too, five people were brutally abused by a first-level monster, how shameful."

Some classmates who were fighting on the field began to laugh.

They didn't really look down on their friends, but they just joked because it was a rare opportunity. These people also knew that they wouldn't be much better when they took the field.

In less than ten minutes, the three teams that took the lead all ended up in complete defeat, and they didn't even hurt their opponents.

Jiang Qi came over with a dark face. She was very dissatisfied with the students' performance and felt it was too bad.

She kicked a first-level monster away and roared at everyone.

"Trash, all trash!"

"When I was your age, I could hunt down second-level high-level monsters with my teammates!"

"You can't even beat a first-level monster? I'm so disappointed!"

Jiang Qi's anger frightened all the students, and they were as quiet as cicadas and dared not speak.

At this time, Lin Cang couldn't listen any longer and spoke helplessly.

"Yiyi, can you let go of the short-tailed rabbit so I can get on top? I don't want to be bombarded with maps by Principal Jiang."

"you……"Yiyi was still trying to persuade Lin Cang,"This is a third-level monster. You and Du Fei are no match for it.""

"How do you know you are not a match if you don't let go of the rabbit?"Lin Cang strode out, and Du Fei and the other six immediately followed.

Although they were not sure about dealing with the third-level monster, they could not let Lin Cang face it alone.

However, Lin Cang knew that these former teammates had been left far behind by him, and this kind of battle was too difficult for them.

"Du Fei"

"Brother Lin?"

"Don't interfere. I'll show you my recent progress so you know how much more effort you should put in to catch up with me."

"Brother Lin, you……"Du Fei was stunned.

Wu Xiaoman and the others were also stunned. They had never thought that Lin Cang would challenge a level 3 monster.

Jiang Qi paused, completely stunned by Lin Cang's arrogance.

Lin Cang spoke softly to Yi Yi.

"Teacher, let go of that rabbit."

"Teacher...did he call me teacher?"Yiyi was stunned and subconsciously let go of the short-tailed rabbit's hand.

The short-tailed rabbit had been warned to teach these students a lesson, and immediately rushed towards Lin Cang.

Lin Cang's eye shadow instantly turned red and entered the sage mode. He had been brewing for a long time.

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·Wood Dragon Technique!"


A wooden dragon over 30 meters long appeared and bit the rabbit's neck fiercely, strangling it and ending the fight immediately.

"Too weak." Lin Cang shook his head and looked at Jiang Qi,"Not challenging at all, this is what you call experience?"

"It's just a waste of my time."


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