In the underground arena, two superpowers were fighting fiercely on the second-level ring. Their strength seemed to be evenly matched.

But the audience in the audience was not happy.

Because they were tired of seeing this kind of competition every day, they wanted to see something different.

"I said."An audience member complained to the waiter on the side,"Is there no one in your underground arena? How come you can't even organize a decent match? It's so boring to watch ordinary people fighting every day."

"This... Sorry, sir, there really aren't any geniuses these days." The waiter quickly apologized.

However, the audience didn't buy it, and cursed very badly. Even after the match was over, there was a lot of booing. The host stood on the stage and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He was very embarrassed, but there was no good way to appease these emotional audiences.

At this time, a waiter suddenly ran up to the stage and whispered a few words in the host's ear. The host's eyes immediately lit up and he regained his previous confident demeanor.

"Dear viewers, aren't you all disgusted by the boring games these days? Today, a super genius will start his Douhuang Road challenge. I believe he will succeed."

""Tsk, you said success means success? Do you think he is Lord Lincang?" An audience member was dissatisfied.

The host smiled and then said something that all the audience present did not expect.

"That's right, he is Lord Lincang"

"What? Lincang Douhuang is back? Is this true?"

"That's right, don't lie to us, or you'll be in trouble."

"How long has it been since Lord Lin Cang’s last challenge? His strength shouldn’t have improved so quickly, right?"

"Generally speaking, this is the case, but if it is Lord Lin Cang, then it should be possible."

The audience suspected and discussed, and the atmosphere became more lively.

At this time, a young man suddenly appeared on the ring, very fast, and most people did not notice it. It was Lin Cang.

As soon as he appeared, the audience immediately believed it, because Lin Cang's strength was already at the second level. The scene exploded instantly.

"Lin Cang, the Dou Huang!"

"Dou Huang, Lin Cang!"

The audience screamed hysterically, and the shouts were so loud that they could be heard far away, even some players in the rest area were startled.

"Is it Lin Cang?"A second-level player's face immediately fell when he saw the boy on the ring,"No way? My road to becoming a Douhuang is going to end before it even begins?"

"Alas." Another contestant sighed,"He's back, and he's at the advanced level 2. It looks like we should stay out of the spotlight for now.""

"That's right. Who can compete with Lin Cang? Let him win and send him away first."

These players have already admitted that they are no match for Lin Cang before they even fight him.

It's really because Lin Cang left a deep impression on everyone before. Everyone admires his magical wood escape.

At this time, a young man with ordinary appearance but extraordinary temperament in the third-level player area was also attracted by the situation on the ring. He saw Lin Cang

"Who is this person? He is so popular, even more popular than me."

A woman in gray beside him said expressionlessly.

"He is Lin Cang, who defeated Xi Fei a few months ago and became the Dou Huang with a hundred consecutive victories. He is also the origin of your mission."

"So it's this guy?" Nie Wenhao looked at Lin Cang for a while and then shook his head.

"Very ordinary, nothing special about it. I didn't expect Xi Fei to lose to such a person."

"He should be thankful that I am in the Tier 3 Division, otherwise I would have taught him a lesson myself."

"Don't do anything irrelevant." The gray-clothed woman said,"Complete your task well. Don't forget that this is the order from the vice president himself. If something goes wrong, you and I will be punished."

"Humph, completing the task is easy." Nie Wenhao said confidently, and then stopped paying attention to Lin Cang.


At this time, the battle information has appeared on the big screen of the second-level competition area. The audience has finally waited for Lin Cang to come and bet frantically.

【Wang Cheng: Level 2 Advanced Water Psychic】

【Record: 45 wins, 31 losses】

【Points 14】

【Odds: 1:10】

【Current bet amount: 0】

【Lin Cang: Second-level advanced wood-type ability user】

【Record: 100 wins, 0 losses】

【Points: 100】

【Odds: 1:1.0001】

【Current betting amount: 4.06 billion】

"Damn it!" Wang Cheng's face darkened as soon as he saw the amount of Lin Cang's bet, and he cursed in his heart

"My odds of 10 to 1 are not worth a dollar? This guy is paying 10,000 to 1 and still has over 4 billion?"

"This is too much bullying!"

Wang Cheng was unhappy, but he didn't dare to show it. Instead, he praised the boy opposite him.

"You are worthy of being Mr. Lincang. So many viewers believe in you before you even play a game."

"The fans are just taking care of it." Lin Cang said with a smile, then looked at the referee on the side,"Let's start."

""Yes, yes." The referee quickly announced the start of the match.

Although Wang Cheng knew that he was no match for Lin Cang, he didn't want to give up easily.

After all, no one knew how strong Lin Cang was now. He wanted to try the one in ten thousand chance.

"Lin Cang Dou Huang is offended, I will take action first."

Wang Cheng said a polite word symbolically. He knew that as long as he didn't go too far, the young man in front of him would generally not kill him.

Lin Cang smiled,"Come on, let me see your strength"

"Good." Wang Cheng's spiritual energy was instantly consumed by half, and he used a technique that Lin Cang was very familiar with.

""Big tsunami!"


A huge wave more than ten meters high suddenly appeared on the stage and rushed towards him. The momentum was so great that the audience couldn't help but worry about Lin Cang.

He was the faith of everyone and he couldn't lose!


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