At this moment, Sun Juan, who was standing by, saw the scene in front of her. She had been trying to curry favor with the Luo family, and now she felt obliged to go up and help.

Although her strength was not that great, from what Luo Yixue said, the girl in front of her was just a bumpkin from the countryside. It must have been a coincidence that she was able to avoid the shove just now. She raised her hand without saying a word, and at the same time questioned:"You dare to offend the young lady of the Guwu Luo family, no wonder people say you are a bumpkin. You really embody it vividly."

The picture of imagining that the person in front of her could be easily pushed down did not appear. Instead, her hand that she swung out was clamped tightly by the person opposite her.

"Really? ? ? I don't know how I provoked her? ? ? From beginning to end, I only saw two jumping clowns jumping in front of me."

After saying that, Jun Qingqing threw out the man whose arm she had grabbed. Considering that they were in front of the door of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at this moment, she did not use much strength.

But Luo Yixue, who had already climbed up from the ground, could not bear such stimulation, and stepped forward to slap Jun Qingqing.

At the same time, a crisp"pop" sounded. Sun Juan, who was originally complacent, was about to make a sarcastic remark, but was shocked by the scene in front of her. The scene she thought of as a rural bumpkin crying after being slapped did not appear. Instead, Luo Yixue on the side covered her cheek with her hand. Due to shock, her mouth opened, but no sound came out.

At the same time, they were wondering in their hearts: What is going on?

Go find a place to park. Jun Mulan had also parked the car and walked over. Luo Yixue, who noticed that he was looking in her direction, seemed to have someone to rely on again. She put away her shocked expression and replaced it with a pitiful look.

Yes, Luo Yixue really wanted to use Jun Mulan's hand to deal with this ignorant girl in front of her.

Maybe she was not her opponent, mainly because she didn't have the internal strength of ancient martial arts, and this girl came from the countryside, and she must have done a lot of farm work, so isn't it normal for her to be strong?

As for Sun Juan's unsuccessful attack and Jun Qingqing's fair skin, they were all automatically ignored.

Besides, no matter how close they were, her family and the Jun family were related by marriage, so no matter what, Brother Jun would definitely help her with this.

""Brother Jun, can you help me teach this ignorant country bumpkin a lesson? Not only did she try to seduce people with her face at the gate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but I went to persuade her that it was wrong, but she attacked me directly.

But she is probably very strong because she does a lot of farm work in the countryside. I can't do anything about her."

Looking at Jun Mulan's increasingly dark complexion, Luo Yixue thought that her words had worked, and at the same time she was secretly proud of herself in her heart: See, who said that the Jun family is unkind. Didn't they come out to help when I was bullied?

After watching a drama of the villain complaining first, Jun Qingqing was too lazy to have too much involvement with this brainless girl, and asked casually:"You said I hit you? ? ? How do you prove it? ? ?"

"Of course there are still slap marks on my face, this can't be fake."

After saying that, he took off his hand that was still covering his face, wanting to use the half of his face that was hit as evidence.

But the people present, including the man at the door, all looked over, with different expressions on their faces, and the only one who fully accepted it was Jun Qingqing who had just made the move.

That's right, for her, is it difficult to slap without leaving marks?

Sun Juan and the man at the door, who witnessed the development of the incident, one looked horrified, and the other was amazed.

The rest were Luo Yixue, who thought she had produced evidence, and Jun Mulan, who knew everything.

This sister of his is still so naughty. She slapped you in a place where so many people gathered and left a handle. That's not her. He ignored Luo Yixue at all, but walked directly to Jun Qingqing, and the communication between the two was also silent..

Jun Mulan: You called?

Jun Qingqing: Yes, how was it?

Jun Mulan: Well done.

Then the two turned around and walked inside without saying a word. Luo Yixue and Sun Juan were still there, confused.

Luo Yixue: Why didn’t Brother Jun help me? Instead, he left with that dead girl?

Sun Juan: What’s the situation now?

It was at this time that Jun Mulan saw the man standing at the door of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs like a gatekeeper.

At first he was puzzled, and then he looked at him strangely, as if asking: Why are you here?

The other party only gave him a look that said"mind your own business", and didn't even give Jun Mulan a second look. Because he was with his sister, it was not easy to say anything, so he walked straight in the direction of the registration guide.

"Hello, contestants. Jun Mulan, Jun Qingqing."

The person who registered quickly found the names of the two. When he heard Jun Qingqing, he couldn't help but look at her twice more.

After all, someone who was temporarily added couldn't be an ordinary character. But does this overly beautiful girl in front of him really have such strong strength?

Adhering to the attitude of not caring about it, he quickly led the two to the meeting room and continued to wait for the people who came to register.

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