Jun Qingqing, who had already entered the conference room and sat down, found that the door of the conference room behind her was opened again.

There is no doubt that the people who came in were Luo Yixue and Sun Juan. Jun Qingqing, who also saw that she had already sat down in the room, naturally thought that she followed Jun Mulan in, so they sat together.

This can't be blamed on Luo Yixue. After all, in her shallow cognition, if someone is really from a powerful family and recognizes relatives later, he must publicize it? To show his identity.

Even though she knew that the granddaughter of the Jun family would also come to participate in the ancient martial arts competition, she just didn't want to believe that Jun Qingqing was the same person she heard about.

Maybe she subconsciously didn't want the two to be the same person.

If Jun Qingqing knew this idea, she would only ask in confusion: Is it my fault for being too low-key?

At this time, the people in the room were divided into two groups, one group was the part participating in the competition, and the other group was the translators, logistics, medical and other people who belonged to the support team.

On the support team side, because they had no relationship with the contestants, many people set their sights on Luo Yixue. After all, she was the one with the best family background in the support team.

"Comrade Luo, when I came over, I saw you and the person next to you walking towards this side. Why are you here only now?"

"Yes, Comrade Luo, I saw it too. Is there something wrong? If you need it, we will help you."

Such words continued.

Luo Yixue, who had recovered at this moment, said hypocritically:"It's nothing serious, I just met a bumpkin who only wanted to curry favor with the rich and powerful at the door."

This sentence seemed to open the conversation of everyone, and they all stepped forward to echo:"What? There is such a thing?"

Jun Qingqing on the other side had already briefly explained what had just happened to her brothers and cousins.

The people on both sides were like two different worlds. They were all talking about their own things.

At this time, the door of the conference room was pushed open again, and a total of five people came in. Jun Qingqing found that she knew three of the five people.

Bai Jincheng and Zhu Hao are needless to say, one is the person in charge of the contestants, and the other is the leader of the translation team. But why is Grandpa Li here too?

After a while, this question was answered.

Because Grandpa Li is the apprentice of Master Hua, he is the person in charge of the medical support team this time.

This was really beyond Jun Qingqing's expectations. Jun Mulan next to her also explained to her in a low voice:"This Doctor Li is Master Hua's last disciple, and he has inherited all the medical skills. More importantly, the medical skills studied by Master Hua are more aimed at ancient martial arts practitioners.

So even if Cheng Cheng from the Special Operations Department is also in the medical support team, he can only be a deputy"

"Big brother, this is the Grandpa Li I mentioned before."

Jun Mulan was stunned for a while before she responded:"He is helping the Third Grandpa and has been looking after your family in the village. Is it because of the person you saved recently because of the Qingyun Ding?"

Seeing Jun Qingqing nodded very confidently, Jun Mulan still silently accepted the reality.

As for the two people she didn't know, they were Hang Jia, who was in charge of the logistics support team, and Zhang Ying, who was in charge of financial accounting.

Except for Bai Jincheng, all of them introduced the members of their own team. It has to be said that the existence of the translation team is really second only to the contestants.

Look at the eight people in it: Luo Yixue, Sun Juan, Li Panpan, Wang Yong, Wang Huan, Jin Qiang, Shen Xinliang, Wu Yan.

Except for Li Panpan, the rest are from the first, second, and third-rate families in the ancient martial arts domain.

There is no need to mention the Luo family. Looking at the attitudes of many people, you can know that you can understand the status of the Luo family among these people without introduction.

Next are the third-rate Sun family, Wang family, Jin family, Wu family, and the second-rate Shen family.

Yes, Shen Xinliang from the Shen family was the boy with tiger teeth who helped Jun Qingqing to face Luo Yixue's weirdness when she went to the newspaper office. As soon as the voice of the introduction of everyone fell, a female voice was heard:"What's the matter with that person over there? Why should she have a meeting with us? And she was sitting next to the contestants."

It is no doubt that the person who raised this question was Luo Yixue, and the person who was pointed out was Jun Qingqing.

At this time, Bai Jincheng frowned and said unhappily:"The person sitting here is of course a contestant. Didn't you come in without registering?"

The registrar who was inexplicably affected at this moment stood up with a start:"I have carefully registered every person who came in. The girl Comrade Luo just mentioned is Jun Qingqing from the Jun family, one of the contestants."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar. Of course, the ones who could not accept the reality the most were Luo Yixue and Sun Juan.

"How could she be a member of the Jun family? She's just a village girl."

At this moment, the brothers and cousin who had finally been calmed down by Miss Jun became angry again after hearing their sister/cousin being belittled.

But Bai Jincheng was one step faster than them:"Even if the Luo family is a first-class family in the Ancient Martial Domain, the affairs of other families are not to the extent that you can interfere. Take care of yourself, I don't mind directly discussing the proposal of temporarily replacing one or two translators with the general manager."

Watching the door of the conference room in front of him being opened for the third time, the person outside who heard the voice before seeing the person said the same thing:"Indeed, if you keep making trouble, I won't give you face even if you are from the Luo family."

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