The three of them entered the house together and saw their uncle and aunt who were also in the living room and had not yet rested. Seeing the little girl's confusion, Si Qianqian spoke up to explain to her.

"Over the years, although your uncle's family has a separate residence in the Si family area, your grandmother is not here, and your grandfather cannot live here alone, which means that your uncle and his family live here at least four days a week.

Originally, they wanted your grandfather to move in and live with them, but the old man said that this was where he and your grandmother had stayed together, and finally did not agree to your uncle's proposal.

If the old man is unwilling to go, then the younger generation will just accommodate him.

This has also led to the fact that your uncle and his family rarely go back. And after you came, you didn't see them living here because I came here recently.

Today is a special reason. They heard that you were not at home, and they were worried, so they didn't go back."

It was still the aunt who came over and said,"Qianqian, why are you saying these things? Isn't this what you should do?"

Seeing that these people had said almost the same thing, the old man immediately asked,"Granddaughter, where did you go this time? Did you encounter any danger?"

Seeing the worry in the old man's eyes, he answered very seriously,"Grandpa, I'm really fine.

The place to go for training is the back mountain beside the Ancient Martial Domain. This is what I saw during my first two visits to Hua’s home.

As for the danger, I only reached the middle of the mountain. Besides, I am looking for an opportunity to practice, in order to exert my strength as much as possible, and at the same time improve in the fight.

The one who should be most worried is not me, but the other animals facing me."

After hearing this explanation, the old man not only did not think there was anything wrong, but nodded very seriously:"Indeed, the girl's strength is beyond doubt."

Then he seemed to remember something. This time, his granddaughter said that she was going out to find an opportunity to break through, which certainly would not be an improvement in different levels at the same level. In this way, wouldn't it be...······

"Girl, tell me the truth, what is your current strength?"

"The first level of military commanders."

Then there were several continuous"hissing" sounds in the room.","

After a while, everyone was still in a daze, but the old man was the first to come to his senses:" Hahahahahahaha······Good, good. As expected of my granddaughter, she is amazing.

There is no doubt that she will win this ancient martial arts competition, at least in the age group where Qingqing is."

After the uncle and aunt recovered, the first thing they said was:"I just think that the two brats in my family don't practice well. I didn't notice that there was no such obvious comparison before. Now that I know the strength of my niece, it seems that they will have to spur them as much as possible in the future."

The aunt on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and said leisurely:"Come on, my two sons are much higher in the ancient martial arts realm than their father at the same age.

Besides, our niece was a genius at that time, how could the brats compare?"

The embarrassed uncle at the moment insisted that I was not embarrassed, but others were embarrassed, and continued to say with a sense of righteousness:"That's different. I didn't have a comparison at that time, but they are different now. Their cousin is so outstanding, if they don't work hard, they will be dragging their feet."

Si Shaofeng and Si Shaoyang never expected that things would come to them when they were at home.

For no apparent reason, their father increased their study time again and again.

""My dear, go and have a rest first. I will call your eldest brother and ask him to pick you up when he goes to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the pre-match meeting tomorrow."

Jun Mulan picked up her sister the next afternoon and gave Jun Qingqing a brief explanation of the pre-match meeting on the way.

To put it bluntly, it is the same as the pre-match mobilization meeting we mentioned.

The main purpose is to let all the responsible teams and persons in charge be present and get to know each other.

While chatting with her eldest brother, they also arrived at their destination. Jun Qingqing got off the car first, and Jun Mulan went to park the car, then came back to take her in.

While waiting outside the door, several people had found the staff, reported their team and name, and were led in.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Although there were people waiting at the door, they didn't know Jun Qingqing and thought she was just a little girl passing by. They didn't stop her from waiting here, but smiled at her in a friendly way. But there are some people who just can't make things easy.

When Luo Yixue and Sun Juan came over together, Jun Qingqing had already sensed two unfriendly eyes.

She had no intention of paying attention to them, but the other party didn't think so.

As soon as she came over here, she immediately started to speak in a sarcastic tone:"I don't know where this country bumpkin came from.

Did you hear that people from the Ancient Martial Domain would come here and want to climb up the ladder? Otherwise, why would you wait at the door of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? You are so shameless.


But after saying this, Luo Yixue found that no one paid attention to her at all. As she said this, she wanted to push Jun Qingqing, but because Miss Jun dodged directly, the other party had no support point, and with the forward force, she fell to the ground in a prone position.

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