Knowing that tea leaves have such great effects, the other people who received things also understood that the effects of the gifts they received might be better than they imagined.

Jun Qingqing immediately ran to her mother and whispered,"Mom, don't worry, you have everything, and your daughter has left everything for you."

If there weren't so many people around, Si Qianqian would have cried again after hearing this. However, the first time they met was because of excitement, and this time it was because of moving.

After the cousins were happy to get the tea leaves, they didn't forget that the cousin just mentioned that they could choose weapons and help them refine them.

Everyone tacitly went to the yard before dinner. The two uncles and the uncle-in-law found that they couldn't help much, so they followed the younger generations to take a look.

Si Shaofeng and Shaoyang took out the weapons that their cousins gave them, and Jun Mulan also took the whip that Jun Qingqing had handed to her before.

It was just so coincidental that the weapons of the three people were just different. Everyone showed the use of the weapon in their hands while talking about its power.

For example, the dagger can be transformed into a short blade, the soft sword can be wrapped around the waist without worrying about scratches, and the bracelet whip is an unexpected weapon.

These things not only amazed the cousins, but also the two uncles and the uncle-in-law who came out to watch the fun.

Having such a weapon can have unexpected effects at any time.

Who would have thought that the three people who had no weapons all chose the bracelet whip.

They went back to the house together, found Jun Qingqing again, and told her their final decision.

Seeing that the cousin found paper and pen without hesitation, sat there, and began to write a list of materials. The last few people took the paper, and the first focus was the handwriting on it.

""Cousin, your handwriting is so good!"

Hearing this, several elders in the room came over and came to the same conclusion after looking at the list of materials.

Everyone thought of the same question at the same time: the girl is really a treasure daughter, a treasure sister, and a treasure niece.

When the focus was drawn back to the content on the list, it was Si Shaoyun who reacted first. Didn't cousin Mulan collect these materials? Just ask him. He immediately smiled and moved towards Jun Mulan.

"Cousin Mulan, please share your experience. Where did you get the materials?"

"Shaoyun, my second uncle is sitting over there, why are you asking me? Where else can I collect these faster than at his auction house? More convenient? ?"

The man who was still moving towards him turned around and went to his father.

"Dad, can you gather the things for the three of us?"

She didn't make things difficult for her unfortunate son, and directly took the responsibility on herself:"Come to me to get it the day after tomorrow. Last time, when I gathered things for Mulan and the others, most of the materials were collected. There were only a few things that I couldn't take out now, but I can still find them."

The three people who got a positive reply were particularly excited.

Everyone was still chatting, and the voice of the aunt came from the other side:"Stop chatting, go wash your hands, everything is ready, call Dad, and we'll have dinner."

The dining table at home is a rectangular one. After the old man sat down at the main seat, he immediately called Jun Qingqing and asked her to sit in the first seat under him.

You know, the old man is a person who pays the most attention to rules.

Similarly, none of the young people have ever sat in the seat under the old man. It is not just a seat, but also shows how much the old man values this young person.

Of course, Miss Jun also understands this, and because of this, she is still a little hesitant after hearing this arrangement of her grandfather.

The eldest uncle said soothingly from the side:"Don't worry, girl, go over and do as your grandfather arranges."

After this dinner, everyone understood even more clearly that the little girl's position in the old man's heart had risen again after she went to the study.

Otherwise, the old man who paid the most attention to rules would not have made such a decision to let a junior sit so close to the front at the dinner table.

After dinner, the three cousins, except Shao Feng and Shao Yang, once again turned their curiosity to the body-quenching liquid that their cousin had given to each of them, and they couldn't wait to go home at night.

On the grandfather's side, the two uncles, mother and aunt each had a room reserved, which was fully equipped with everything from daily necessities to change of clothes. When preparing these, they were afraid that everyone would come over and stay overnight, and they would be in a hurry to clean up the guest room.

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