It was the eldest uncle who said,"Then your niece should go to the study and talk to dad. After we finish, we can have dinner downstairs. It won't delay anything."

Si Qianqian also said,"My daughter has something to tell dad, so you go and talk first. There are so many of us here, how can we not fix it? Go up quickly."

She looked at her grandfather to inquire about his opinion, and when she saw the old man nod, she stood up and followed him to the study on the second floor.

The two sat down in the study, and it was Si Liwu who spoke first,"Girl, what's wrong, do you have any ideas?"

"Grandpa, I wonder if the two cousins came over here to tell you about me after they came back?"

Looking at the old man's calm and composed attitude, he immediately understood that even if the two cousins didn't say a lot of things, his careful brother must have talked carefully with Grandpa.

"Since grandpa knows all about it, I will just tell you what happened next.

The main purpose of taking out the quenching liquid at this time is to see if it can attract the attention of some people with ulterior motives.

Another point is that now is not just before the ancient martial arts competitions of various countries are about to be held, so hype will definitely be the most effective.

Then we will promote it in advance. I have some ideas about this promotion.

When the auction date is determined, start spreading the news five days in advance, and take out three bottles for the first auction. Seven days later, take out another three bottles for the second auction. The time in between is used for fermentation, and persist until the third auction. There will be another interval of ten days, and only one bottle will be taken out for the last time.

And before the third auction, it must be clearly stated that this is the last auction of quenching liquid in a short period of time. As for the price, it depends on how eager everyone is to want this thing.

Those who bought it and used it the first two times must have known the effect. When they receive the auction news for the last time, as long as they want to improve their abilities, they will definitely be tempted by this thing."

Looking at the little granddaughter in front of him with great satisfaction

"It is just as your brother said, this cunning girl always has her own plans in mind."

"Then grandpa, when can you let me and my second uncle have a good talk about this follow-up matter?"

Grandpa's hearty laughter immediately came from the study.

"How about we have a good talk with your second uncle after dinner?"

Hearing this question, Jun Qingqing nodded repeatedly:"Okay, okay."

After that, the two talked a lot. Among them were her experiences from childhood to adulthood, of course some of which were white lies. And how she coincidentally discovered who her biological mother was, how she helped Brother Jincheng and the others, and how she found out that Grandpa and Grandpa Bai were poisoned.

And grandpa also took out photos and portraits of grandma. When I saw the woman presented in it, I understood why grandpa was so out of control when I walked in.

Listening to how the eldest uncle expressed how much he resembled grandma, it was not as surprising as when I actually saw her. It is indeed as mentioned before, especially between the eyebrows, they are very similar. Like.

Perhaps the biggest difference is that the grandmother in the painting has a teardrop mole between her eyebrows. And it is also that teardrop mole that makes her look more vivid.

The two went downstairs again, but Miss Jun was confused. Why were all the uncles, aunts, aunts, uncles-in-law, and cousins downstairs looking at her with shining eyes?

Only her mother was looking in her direction with a smile on her face. She felt that something had happened to cause this scene.

Then she moved her eyes down and saw the tea cups on the table in front of everyone. It was probably because one of the two uncles contributed his tea, so there was this scene.

"Cousin, come down quickly, let's go on missions together, catch bad guys together, and celebrate the New Year together. I didn't know you had such a good thing.

This tea is simply amazing. After drinking it, not only do you feel refreshed, but there is also a feeling that is hard to describe, as if it is pulling your internal energy to flow more smoothly. In short, it is very good.

Originally, I didn't drink tea, but just now everyone was attracted by the fragrance of the tea that grandpa made, and finally it was my uncle who took out some of the can you gave him and let everyone have a taste."

Listening to such a long foreshadowing, Jun Qingqing still pretended not to understand and asked:"Does my cousin want some too?"

Hearing this, Si Shaofeng nodded quickly, nodded, and nodded again.

"I'll give you a good idea. Ask grandpa for it. He has two cans."

Si Shaofeng: What are you talking about, cousin? You want me to snatch something from grandpa? Am I crazy???

""Okay, cousin Shaofeng. I'm not kidding you. I don't have much tea on hand. But I can give you half a can."

This answer still made her cousin excited.

Jun Qingqing took out three more cans of tea and gave half a can to each of the cousins present. The remaining half was given to her uncle.

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