Just as the three of them were taking a bath to quench their body fluids, the second uncle and Jun Qingqing were called to Si Liwu's study.

"Second brother, let the girl tell you about her plan. Come and listen to her and see how to arrange it."

Knowing that grandpa had prepared the opening for her, Miss Jun was not at all restrained and started to talk to her second uncle openly.

"Second uncle, before dinner, I explained to grandpa in the study room my idea of selling this diluted body-quenching liquid in detail. It will be sold in three auctions, three bottles, three bottles, and one bottle, for a total of seven bottles.

During this period, not only does second uncle need to make specific publicity, but I will also give you a bottle of diluted body-quenching liquid. You can try this before using the normal bottle I gave you when you came. The purpose is to let you know the difference between the two and feel the actual effect from your body.

After all our family members have taken this medicinal bath, their strength will definitely be improved collectively. Even if others know about this in the end, they can still say that it was because the person who took the auction house to auction the body-quenching liquid sold us a few extra bottles in advance so that we could confirm the efficacy of the medicine."

Then she explained her publicity plan, the schedule, and the reasons why the number of bottles in each session was arranged in that way.

Such meticulous ideas made second uncle, the elder, look at her with admiration again.

"Second brother, what do you think? Isn't my granddaughter amazing?"

Looking at her father's gratified and boastful expression, coupled with his proud tone of voice, it can be seen that the old man is absolutely satisfied with his niece.

Newspaper Office·Conference Room

On the other side, Luo Yixue reluctantly returned to the conference room again, still sulking.

That woman Jun Qingqing not only did not answer her questions, but her attitude was so unreasonable.

After going home and talking to her father, she must find her out.

Then she will teach her a lesson? I just don't know what she said to Zhu Hao after she went out? Why didn't she come back after she finished talking, but left directly? Did the newspaper exempt her from the selection directly? She couldn't figure it out, so after finishing the arrangements here and saying that everyone could go home first, she immediately found Zhu Hao.

"Editor-in-Chief Zhu, why did Jun Qingqing leave first? Did she leave because you two reached some deal?"

Zhu Hao didn't show it obviously when he heard this, but anyone with some insight would understand that his attitude was so obviously unhappy after hearing this.

If it were someone else, they would definitely say goodbye and leave first, or at least change the subject to talk about other things.

But this person was not someone else, but the reckless and brainless Luo Yixue. So what happened next was that when she saw that Zhu Hao did not answer the question immediately as she had imagined, but was just like before, she immediately questioned,"Why don't you answer my question? I asked you why she left first?"

""Sorry, Comrade Luo, this is Comrade Jun's business. As for why you left first, it seems that you should ask her about your own questions."

Zhu Hao also had his own considerations when he said these words.

Since Jun Qingqing had already said that she would participate in the competition, and it was confirmed at this time, the only reason that could explain it was that her background must be very strong.

You know, the participants of this kind of competition will be determined about a year before the competition. Unless there is an irresistible reason like the rumor that the ancient martial arts internal strength was abolished in front of Luo Yixue, there will be changes to the personnel.

At other times, if you want to do it, especially this kind of temporary addition of newcomers, you need not only that the person is very strong, but also that more than three first-class families in the ancient martial arts domain jointly propose it, so that this person can be confirmed in the list of participants.

And Jun Qingqing is obviously the latter. When he invited her, if she had known that he was going to participate at that time, she would never accept his invitation.

As if he had seen a small part of the twists and turns, and then looked at the person in front of him who was stuffed in by the ancient martial arts Luo family, he still knew how to say it.

Looking at Zhu Hao who was unmoved, he was once again angry and stomped his feet on the ground Luo Yixue, who was standing on her feet, had to turn around and leave indignantly. Sun Juan, who was waiting for her at the door, noticed that she seemed to be in a bad mood.

Without asking, she directly said that there were some things at home and she had to go back to deal with them first, and then she said goodbye and left first.

The Guwu Sun family is a third-rate family in the Guwu domain. The Sun family has always had its own ambitions and wants to improve its position in the domain. They dare not think about the first-rate families, but they still have a chance to fight for the second-rate. Therefore, the idea of relying on or currying favor with the first-rate families has always been in their plan.

The five first-rate families, the Jun family, the Si family, and the Bai family, do not give outsiders the opportunity to curry favor with them, and the Feng family does not look down on them at all. Only the Luo family is left, and they can fight for it.

It is for this reason that she appeared in the meeting room before, when Luo Yixue's Guwu internal strength was not abolished, she did not even have the opportunity to curry favor with him. Now that she met him in the newspaper office, of course she remembered her father's words, and if she had the opportunity to meet the Luo family, she would work hard.

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