Leading everyone with bags and bags into the house, looking at the many things on the floor, she still complained:"Why bring so many things? It's so inconvenient to take the train. And I have to take the trouble to take care of these things."

"Hey, look at my sister, she is not tired at all, she is so happy"

"Yes, little cousin, you don't know yet, cousin Mulan would bring more things if everyone stopped him. He would put food, daily necessities, clothes and toys into his bag. What's more, cousin Huaihui even helped him. The couple wanted to bring everything they could for you.

It was brother Jincheng who said,"Don't you pay attention to your image when you go to see your sister? Can't you just send the things later?" That's when he stopped the urge to continue packing."

Hearing this, Jun Qingqing was moved and kept laughing happily.

She didn't forget to defend her brother:"That's because I'm his biological sister, and you're still his cousin.

If you don't show some initiative and talk about my brother like this, next time you have something to do, I'll go to help you.

" While they were talking, they all sat down in the house.

He washed a few apples and brought them over.

He asked them to sit for a while, then turned around and called their boss Shaofeng:"Cousin Shaofeng, it's time for you to show your ability.

Do you want to come out?"

Without saying a word, he followed his cousin back to the yard again.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"You will know soon, just wait a moment."

Then he went to the utility room and took out three stoves and some honeycomb coals.

"I just came back from my grandparents' house. The stove and the hearth haven't been lit up again. They need to be used in the evening, so I'll light them up now. There are three stoves and two kangs. You can choose one to work on?"

When the people in the house realized what they were doing, they came out to help. They saw that the little girl didn't need to help at all. Turning to Si Shaofeng, they couldn't help either because they didn't know where to start.

Amidst everyone's laughter, the stove and the hearth were successfully lit. While everyone was busy here, the New Year was quietly approaching.

Everyone who was still in the yard was saying Happy New Year to each other, and A Zhan even went back to the house and took out the firecrackers from the things he brought with him.

Jun Qingqing asked in a daze,"Can these firecrackers be brought over?"Don't blame her for making a fuss.

She has been in this era for such a long time, and although she has gone out several times, she has never taken a train.

And in her memory, the Jun Qingqing before she came here had never taken a train either.

This made her have a misunderstanding.

Little did she know that now not only firecrackers can be taken on the train, but also kitchen knives, live chickens and ducks, running geese, and wandering dogs can take the train.

She did not continue to bring up this topic, but said:"You have never taken a train, so I didn't know you could bring these."

No one had any doubts about this explanation, and they all took it for granted that this was the case.

With the sound of firecrackers exploding, everyone entered the Gregorian calendar year of 1974 together.

Everyone expressed their New Year's wishes: I hope everything will go well, I hope everyone can be healthy, and I hope the old people here can go home early.

"Sister Jun, why are there so many dumplings at home?"

"Oh, the leftovers after sending them to grandparents. I was going to send another meal of dumplings on the first day of the new year, but I still felt it was not enough, so I wanted to make some more during the day. Now it’s just a good deal for you guys."

When Jun Qingqing put the dumplings on the table, she was still saying auspicious words:"Eat dumplings on the new year's Eve, celebrate reunion, and bring good luck."

Seeing that everyone had rushed all the way here on New Year's Eve, and now they are busy again, they also hurriedly arranged for a few people to wash up and rest.

Finally, the Si brothers lived in the guest room, because there was no kang in the room over there, and the last two stoves were placed in their room, and the Bai brothers and his eldest brother lived in the room of his parents. The kang was very hot, so the stove in their room was also sent to the guest room. Saying good night to each other, the small courtyard that was just lively, now became quiet again.

On the first day of the new year, Jun Qingqing got up very early. He made breakfast and left it in the kitchen. At the same time, he wrote a note, which basically said that he was going out to worship his parents who raised him. At the same time, he put melon seeds, peanuts, and candies on the table in the outer room. Cigarettes and tea should have been put in the room. I also prepared water, but I didn't think I would need it, so I didn't take it out.

When I walked out of the yard, I found that it was really lively outside. Many children gathered together to show off their new clothes, talk about what kind of fillings they had in their dumplings in the early morning, and compare the peanuts, melon seeds, and candies in everyone's pockets.

The custom in the countryside during the New Year is that before breakfast, the younger generation will visit each household to pay New Year's greetings, especially those who are not out of the fifth degree of mourning. After paying New Year's greetings, they will grab a handful of melon seeds, peanuts, candies, etc. and put them in the pockets of the younger generation. Finally, they will go home for breakfast after paying New Year's greetings to everyone.

I also followed the custom and paid homage to my adoptive parents. Because there were no relatives within the fifth degree of mourning in the village, I went to a few families who were close to me to pay New Year's greetings one by one, which was also in line with the local custom.

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