When Jun Qingqing went to visit several families during the New Year, they all said that they wanted to keep her at home for dinner. Miss Jun also generously said that there were still people at home, relatives from her parents' side. They had some conflicts with their family before, and they had not contacted each other for these years. However, no matter how big the gap is, facing the situation of the deceased, all the unhappiness will disappear in the moment of passing.

This year, I am the only one left at home. The last few cousins are also worried that I will spend the New Year alone at home. What will happen? So they came together to visit. It is also thanks to the fact that my adoptive parents were very popular in the village at the beginning, but they never mentioned their family and the situation at home to others. This also laid the foundation for her statement to not be questioned at all.

After a round of walking back home, I saw that several people had all washed up and were sitting at the table eating breakfast that started a little later.

Several people were discussing whether to walk around the village after breakfast, and in the evening, if it was convenient, to visit the elderly in the sheds on both sides.

When the proposal was unanimously agreed, everyone also quickened the speed of eating, but Jun Mulan still raised a question:"We are all new faces, all appearing here, and with my younger sister, will it have a bad influence on her?"

Si Shaoyang came over and put his arm on his shoulder very naturally, and at the same time pretended to analyze it in a logical manner:"Hey, cousin Mulan, you are too concerned. Don't you see how many people are with us. Besides, do you think your cousin went out just to worship?"

"Well, just like what cousin Shao Yang said, after I went out to pay homage to my adoptive parents in the morning, I went to a few families I had good relations with to wish them a happy new year. When they sent me out, they all invited me to have lunch with them at noon. I took the opportunity to tell them that there were other people at home, some cousins, and the reason they didn’t come before was because of some issues left over by the adults at home.

Even if you didn’t suggest going out for a walk, I would have gone out too. When I said those words to them, many people in the village heard it, so I should be open and honest with them. Brother, what do you think?"

Jun Mulan rubbed the little girl's head with a lot of relief:"Whatever you decide, I support it."

"Okay, let's go around the back mountain later and see if we can encounter pheasants or rabbits in the mountain during the winter. If we get anything today, we'll have a snack."

In the morning, the villagers basically knew that several relatives had come to Jun Qingqing's house. From their clothes and behavior, it was clear that they were city people and their family must have very good living conditions. Moreover, one of them had come several times, and twice, and was able to go to the captain to help get a letter of introduction. From this, we can know that either he himself or his family had a very good relationship.

Some time ago, when strangers came to the village to inquire about Jun Qingqing's news, they said some nonsense. One reason was that the visitors gave them money, and the other reason was that there was something going on, and no one would support her, a helpless girl. They thought it was okay to say it.

Seeing these people now, especially those gossiping families, they also understood that they didn't cause trouble to them at the beginning, probably because the other party might not have taken the previous things to heart, but in the future, they still had to weigh what they said.

But as they got closer and closer to the foot of the mountain, Jun Qingqing also noticed a hint of abnormality, and continued to walk towards the shed, and this abnormality became more obvious.

Those people in the dark seemed to be monitoring every move in the shed.

Stopping several people from moving forward

"Someone is monitoring the cowshed."Cousin Shaofeng, send Azhan back now. Then you stay at home and don't come out."

Azhan also understood that his strength was still a little weak, and he knew that Sister Jun's arrangement was indeed the most appropriate, and he had no objection to going home.

Seeing the confusion of cousin Shaofeng, he simply explained:"It's not sure whether these people are coming for the old people or for me. You should also know that several waves of people came to see me some time ago.

The gap between Azhan's strength and ours is a bit large. Letting him go home first is the best choice. If we are not sure where their target is, who knows if someone will go there later. The only thing we can be sure of is that when we go out, there will be absolutely no suspicious people at home. So you send him back, and it can be regarded as taking care of his safety at home."

After the two left, the remaining four people immediately returned to their previous expressions. To outsiders, they were still talking and laughing and wandering around.

"Regardless of whether these people are coming for me or not, we cannot let them leave. Look, every one of them knows ancient martial arts. If they see us together, those who come for me will implicate you, and those who come for grandpa and the others will eventually come after you."

"I agree with Qingqing's statement. No matter who their target is, the only thing we can confirm is that it is definitely not someone from our family. That would be the opposite of our position. They can't be here to pay New Year's greetings during the Chinese New Year."

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