I also went to my grandmother's place to pay New Year's greetings and send dumplings. I also received three gift boxes and three envelopes. It seems that my grandparents gave me double New Year's gifts.

I didn't let Jun Qingqing stay here for too long, but advised:"Go home early today. Many people will stay up all night during the New Year. If you go back too late, you won't be able to tell if you run into people on the road. We still have a long life ahead of us."

Knowing what grandma meant, even if I wanted to spend more time with the old man, I knew that this was not the time to be confused. In the end, I still carried my schoolbag and left the shed to rush home.

When I got home, I also considered what grandma said before. During the New Year, even if no one came, I had to make plans. So I took out a lot of rice, flour, grain, oil, fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs and snacks, and put them in the basement of the utility room one by one. There were also several window paper stickers on the windows.

I took out the eight boxes and eight envelopes I received and checked them one by one.

Oh my god!!! What did I see? Looking at the contents of the eight small boxes one by one, they are: ancient gold inlaid jade filigree bracelet, imperial green jadeite bead necklace, full green glass jadeite pendant, emerald inlaid diamond necklace, blue chalcedony bracelet, red jadeite ring, ruby earrings, pink diamond small crown.

And in the eight envelopes, there are piles of big unity, one by one, each is five hundred.

What is this, why give this old man all the money? Hehe, four thousand yuan is already a lot of money, but the most valuable thing is the things in the eight small boxes. The only explanation is that I can't let go.

Quickly sort these out and put them all into the space. The cash is also put into the small box in the study of the space villa that is specially used for money. Now I have less than 400,000 cash on hand. In this era, it is simply very rich.

There is still more than an hour before the New Year's midnight, but the spiritual power detects that several people are walking towards my direction. Looking carefully, a smile floats on my cheeks.

Thinking about the things in his basement, he thought they might not be enough, so he ran to the kitchen before they knocked on the door, took out some of the food, whether it was bacon, sausage, or various condiments, and put them in the cupboard. He also took out thirty of each of the four kinds of fillings he had wrapped and the raw dumplings that had not been steamed.

At the same time, there were three coal stoves and a lot of honeycomb coal all placed in the utility room.

When everything was ready, a few people over there had already knocked on the door. He quickly ran over and opened the door with a smile, saying as he opened the door:"Cousin Shaofeng, cousin Shaoyang, brother Jincheng, Azhan, why are you here together?"

"Sister Jun, you are still so awesome. You can tell it’s us just through the door!"

"That is, have you missed sister Jun?"

The small talk here did not delay the action of leading five people into the house. But when he saw the fifth person, he was still a little confused. He opened his big confused eyes and looked at the other four people. The meaning was self-evident. Why don’t you introduce them?

The last one to stand up was Si Shaofeng:"Cousin, this is my cousin, your biological brother, Jun Mulan. The kind of close relationship where one father and one mother are related."

Without any embarrassment, he shouted openly:"Brother"

"Hey, hey, hey, good sister." At the same time, he also explained:"Since the death of the little baby girl we brought back that year, our mother has not been in good health. Thanks to her practice of ancient martial arts, the impact is not so obvious, but I have also seen a doctor. The hospital's instrument examination showed no problems. The Chinese medicine doctor said that she was too worried. You can imagine that this is a heart disease.

When I received the news from grandpa for the first time, I knew that my father had found a very good daughter for our family.

Our mother's condition has begun to improve.

When she later found out that you were the little girl back then, she was even happier.

In just two months, she seemed to be several years younger.

Originally, she wanted to come with us this time, but the situation is still not very clear now.

It is common for us young people not to be at home, and it doesn't matter.

But if our mother came with us, it would be too obvious.

So this year, we came together.

We didn't plan to have so many people come. I asked Jincheng to bring me here, but when Ah Zhan found out, he started to quarrel with us. Later, Shaofeng found out that Jincheng was going to give you something, so he joined in. When he was about to leave, Shaoyang ran into Shaofeng who was about to leave, and asked him what he was going to do, which led to the current situation."

Si Shaoyang also said at the right time:"Thanks to the five of us walking so fast, if the Jun family, the Si family, and the two guys from the Han family of my second aunt knew that we were coming to see you, it wouldn't be surprising if five, six, seven, or eight more people came."

"Sister, among all these people, we are the only ones who meet for the first time. Ah Zhan has been telling me how good you are all the way, and I feel like I have found not a sister, but a fairy."

Ah Zhan suddenly ran over and argued:"How can you say that my sister Jun is a fairy? Is a fairy as pretty as her? As powerful as her? Can she cook as deliciously as her? Can she know more than her? Can she study well as her? Can she make clothes and embroider patterns as well as her?"

This argument was met with laughter from the people around him.

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