Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 721 Blood Slave of the Blood Spirit Sect

The monsters seem to be a little bit ready to move lately.

The voices of two disciples were heard in the distance. Li Ting pricked up his ears and listened carefully. He was a blood slave of the Demonic Blood Spirit Sect. As the name suggests, he was a slave who provided blood.

Most of the Blood Spirit Sect's techniques, magic weapons, and even the cultivation and refining of spells require a large amount of blood as materials.

There are some who kill them now, but most of the time they raise a large number of blood slaves as supplies, not only the mortals from the Qingming Immortal Realm, but also the quasi-immortal monks who ascended from the lower world and various monster beasts as supplies.

This behavior is not because they have good intentions, but because the ancestors of the Blood Spirit Sect understand that it is easy to kill, but it is not so easy to find a new source of blood.

So the feeding started.

There are really not many demonic sects who know how to breed. After all, most demonic people have selfish and dark characters, and they kill people and destroy the sect at every turn. Therefore, even if they start breeding, they will not live to be harvested before justice is executed.

Li Ting was more unlucky because he was robbed and had only been here for a few days. He had been thinking about escaping but lacked a chance.

The advantage of being a blood slave is that you don't have to work. However, this is not because of the kindness of the Blood Spirit Sect, but because you have to have your blood drawn every day, until your whole body becomes weak and you don't even have the strength to resist.

However, in terms of eating, although it is unpalatable and ugly, it is indeed replenishing the blood. Today, the blood will be drawn until the whole body feels weak. After a sleep, the blood can be drawn again as a brand new blood pack tomorrow.

The Blood Spirit Sect has indeed put a lot of thought into treating blood slaves.

Monster? Li Ting was wondering if this would be an opportunity for him.

There was a reason why he was kidnapped. He picked up a inheritance called The Heavenly Art of Ten Thousand Beasts, but before he could warm himself up, he was caught at the entrance of the inheritance, and then he ended up here.

Fortunately, this extraordinary inheritance fell directly into his mind without any carrier, otherwise it would definitely not be preserved.

He took a look and found that this Ten Thousand Beasts Heavenly Skill cultivation method is quite unique. It does not practice like ordinary exercises. Instead, it uses many monster beasts as the basis to obtain the power of ten thousand beasts and use the power of these beasts. Pushing your own cultivation level step by step can be said to be a new way.

Therefore, if he wants to get started, he needs a suitable blood of monster beasts.

It is best to do it during the Qi training period in the quasi-fairyland.

What? Get high-level monster blood in one step? Li Ting didn't have this idea at all. There were many taboos recorded in the inheritance, especially the fact that he could not use the blood of monsters across two small realms. Therefore, the only blood he could use was the blood of monsters in the early stage of Qi training.

It was precisely because of this that he was stuck.

The area he is in is for raising mortal blood slaves, and there is no way to contact monsters. As a blood bag, he can only lie helplessly in his cell every day. Let alone going out, it is considered good to be able to move. .

Of course, you can't get out even if you want to. After all, you are in a cell. You can't get out just by saying you want to.

How can a mere mortal have so much freedom?

This led to the fact that Li Ting heard that the monster was about to move, which made him very interested.

Perhaps this opportunity was when he escaped from the Blood Spirit Sect.

But he actually has another thought in his mind, that is, can the blood of monks be used to practice the Ten Thousand Beasts Heavenly Art?

It's not that he wants to be so crazy, but because there is really no other way and he doesn't want to die so young.

After becoming a blood slave, he would not live for more than three years at most before he would die of blood exhaustion.

The Blood Spirit Sect has indeed always given them blood-replenishing medicine and food, but it will always damage the body. After a long time, it will be difficult to die.

Fortunately, he had only been here for a short time. Even though his blood was drawn every day, his foundation was not damaged too much, and he still had a chance.

If it had been longer, he might not have a chance to leave even if he wanted to.

When he couldn't find the blood of monsters, he decided to use human blood. However, it was not possible to use ordinary people's blood, so he had to use blood from the early stage of Qi training.

This limits his selection.

But now it seems that it is not that easy to obtain the blood of a monk in the early stage of Qi training, otherwise he would not have started trying and getting started until now.

Xiao Lizi, what are you doing standing over there? Be careful of being pulled over to draw blood again. A relatively weak voice came, and kindly reminded him: Hurry up and lie down, we have to draw blood tomorrow.

Okay, just take a look at the situation, Mr. Li. When Li Ting heard this, he ran back and lay his body on the ground again.

The person he called Master Li was his cellmate. In a small cell, there were ten people lying in a mess. Among them, Master Li was undoubtedly the oldest and had stayed there the longest.

My current physical condition is also very poor and I may not be able to survive for a few more days.

But the other party was cheerful and didn't care at all.

Maybe it's because the other party's background is not good. If he stays here, he will have to have his blood drawn every day, but he can still be fed and clothed.

Needless to say, the food is a bit unpalatable, but the place where we live has a formation, so it is warm in winter and cool in summer.

The benefits that this formation brings to the blood slaves are only incidental. The real function is naturally to prevent the two categories of blood slaves, monks and monsters, from rioting in the next area.

As for the blood slaves in the mortal area, they never rioted once.

No matter how ordinary people riot, they only have so little ability.

Besides, it's much better here than outside.

However, this definitely does not include Li Ting. He possesses the inheritance of Ten Thousand Beasts Heavenly Art. As long as he escapes from this cage, he can swim in the sea.

You kid, what were you listening to outside just now? Mr. Li asked feebly.

I heard that the monsters are about to riot again. Li Ting said in a low voice. He did not hide anything, and there was nothing to hide about this matter.

Just because Mr. Li couldn't hear it, it didn't mean that other people in this cell couldn't hear it either.

Huh? That would be terrible. Mr. Li's weak face showed a trace of anxiety.

Has this... happened before? Li Ting concluded from Master Li's emotions that this seemed not to be the first time.

In the past few days, the monsters have come several times. Every time the monsters come and kill us, we are the unlucky ones. Mr. Li also looked bitter. If he wanted to be a blood slave here, he would die from exhaustion of blood. , it’s a disaster caused by monsters: “The last time monsters attacked, most of the people died, so they arrested people to replenish their numbers.”

Maybe he is addicted to eating. Every time the monster comes he eats and drinks enough and leaves.

If the number of mortal blood slaves remains at a corresponding level, the Blood Spirit Sect will not capture blood slaves for no reason.

The reason why Li Ting was captured was because the monsters killed a large number of mortal blood slaves last time.

As for the monster blood slaves and monk blood slaves, there was not much loss, because before reaching these two areas, the monster beasts either had enough to eat mortals or were beaten back.

You can catch mortal blood slaves at will, but for monk blood slaves and monster blood slaves, you have to pay risks if you want to catch them.

Therefore, it would be a good thing if we could feed the monster beasts with mortal blood slaves and let them retreat on their own.

Hearing this, Li Ting also turned pale.

In the eyes of monks, it doesn't matter that mortals are as cheap as grass.

Then let's... Li Ting wanted to ask Master Li how to deal with it next. After all, Master Li had escaped once.

Just wait, it depends on God's will. Mr. Li didn't care. Although he didn't know where these monsters came from, they didn't exist in the first place, so they could only depend on luck.

In response, Li Ting also sighed and finally did not continue to ask.

Master Li is just a blood slave who is imprisoned, so how can he know these things.

If the monster came to kill him again, he would have to rely on himself.

You can’t rely on anyone, after all, it’s a matter of life and death.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a loud noise, which startled him.

What's wrong? Li Ting asked immediately. The other inmates who were lying motionless also quickly got up, and Master Li also got up tremblingly.

The monster...the monster came in again. Mr. Li shivered. This was not his first experience, so he immediately knew the cause and effect.

What! Li Ting was also frightened. He did not expect that the movement would be so loud.

Where are the Blood Spirit Sect disciples? Why didn't they react at all?

Li Ting hurriedly asked, but no one answered him, because no one else knew. They were all confined in this small cell and could not get any news from the outside world.

Something bad arose in his heart. With such a big movement, could he really fish in troubled waters instead of dying directly at the mouth of a monster?

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