Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 720 At this time, the ancestors are still fighting among themselves

Something happened again, have you noticed it? Divine Sword Ancestor said calmly.

Are you referring to the problem of our cultivation? Ancestor Yin Ming asked bluntly.

Since the Western Region turned into the so-called evil region, my own cultivation has begun to decline inexplicably, and the speed is so fast that I can't even stop it.

If another problem occurs in the Eastern Territory, the speed may be faster, and we will fall into the Ancestral Immortal Realm within ten thousand years. Liyang Ancestor Immortal did not hide anything.

The seven Ancestral Immortal Realms all noticed that they seemed to be leaking air, causing their own immortal power to leak out crazily, and they could not even stop it.

Naturally, they discovered this situation as soon as possible. At first, they thought it was their own problem. However, they tried various methods without any results. In the end, they could only focus on the Qingming Immortal Realm itself.

Then there was another gathering, headed by the Divine Sword Ancestor, and everyone discovered that not only themselves, but the other six people also had this problem.

This problem does not occur in the Ancient Fairyland. The ancestor of the Divine Sword has naturally investigated it. Not only the Ancient Fairyland, but all the realms below are fine, but there are also some minor problems. Since the birth of the Evil Realm, everyone has been unable to Breakthrough.

This is true whether it is a small realm or a large realm.

This situation also attracted the attention of the Divine Sword Ancestor, but because he himself had problems, he had no time to care about others.

He also had a guess that it should be caused by the incident in the Three Realms.

The matter in the three realms must be resolved. How are the investigations of the various sects? Yinming Ancestor was also shocked. This meant that they were the only ones in trouble, and then looked at the Divine Sword Ancestor.

The affairs of the three domains are coordinated by the Supreme Sword Sect, and the Supreme Sword Sect is the sect of the Divine Sword Ancestor. Who else can look after him.

There is not much progress. After the incident in the Western Region, people everywhere are panicking. The ancestor of the Divine Sword is also a little depressed. There is no progress in this situation. Logically speaking, as long as such a large force is willing to work hard for them, even if it means sacrificing himself. Your life will definitely gain something.

What? Why don't they sacrifice their lives?

That's naturally because they are superior.

It would be their honor to die for their ancestors.

A bunch of trash, it's been so long, and I can't even produce any useful information. Yin Ming Ancestor pointed at Sang and scolded Huai. It seemed that he was scolding the sect, but in fact he was scolding Divine Sword Ancestor.

You took the power, and you also reaped the benefits. But when things ended up like this, he didn't directly scold him, he just pointed out that it was very good.

The Divine Sword Ancestor's face turned slightly gloomy. He also heard that the other party was scolding him, but he could not refute it yet.

The time was too short, how could it be so fast? The only thing to blame is that the Western Region was destroyed too quickly. The Divine Sword Ancestor explained. After being scolded, he felt unhappy.

He didn't think about venting his anger on Yin Ming Ancestor Immortal. The main reason was that what the other party said was right and the people under his command had accomplished something.

In the final analysis, the people below are still not working hard. If they work harder, they will not be able to collect the information they want?

This matter cannot be delayed any longer. If the four-domain mutation happens, you and I will not benefit at all. Liyang Zuxian seemed to stand up to ease the atmosphere, but in fact he was accusing Shenjian Zuxian of not doing things well. .

After the merging of good and evil, how much power is there? The resources that can be collected with the help of this power are simply massive.

I really thought they didn't know how much the Divine Sword Ancestor had made through this merger of good and evil. It was just because he was doing business that the remaining six people just turned a blind eye.

Once it was done, they just pretended that they didn't know. Now that it was done poorly, no matter what they said, the Divine Sword Ancestor would not dare to refute too much.

Some coercive measures must be used, otherwise good and evil will merge on the surface, but everyone will just fight on their own.

If the Western Region Huntian Sect had the means to collaborate with the Western Region sects to destroy the Hengtian Sect, why would it have been delayed until now. Ancestor Immortal Yin Ming followed up and said.

This matter is not remarkable in the Supreme Sword Sect, but in the eyes of the seven ancestors, it is done very well. A mere monk in the Immortal Emperor Realm can actually do this.

It's a pity that the opponent's cultivation level is too low and he is still in the evil realm, otherwise he would be really useful.

After all, not everyone can integrate the power of a domain.

However, the Central Region and the Eastern Region could not find such capable people, so they could only use force to suppress them.

This matter will take some time. The Divine Sword Ancestor lowered his eyelids, but his tone was very decisive, and he didn't care about their scolding.

How long it will take, we have to give a definition. Liyang Zuxian didn't care about the other party's thoughts at all.

The Divine Sword Ancestor didn't answer, which made the atmosphere freeze immediately.

Seeing this, Yin Ming Ancestor Immortal also knew that the situation could not be chaotic, especially that there should be no cracks among the seven of them.

The seven of them are the overall situation and trend of Qingming Immortal World. Once they are in civil strife, it means that Qingming Immortal World will also undergo irreversible changes.

I can give you time, but I don't know if Chaos God Realm is willing to give me time.

Now we are fighting with the sky for our fate. Before, we could have ignored it. The worst we could do was to abandon the Four Realms. But now the affairs of the Four Realms are related to our status as ancestors, so we have to pay attention to them. Ancestor Immortal Yin Ming advised the gods. Sword Ancestor Immortal.

Then who else should I persuade, Li Yang Zuxian? He was not responsible for this matter, and it was the Divine Sword Ancestor who handled the matter.

One month, at most one month! Divine Sword Ancestor Immortal glanced at Yin Ming Ancestor Immortal. He had always been indifferent to this person. He looked like a wallflower who had both sides. It was just that there was no need for such a person to mediate internally. But no Prevent him from looking down on the other party.

Most of the time, they ignore or take advantage of them, and the other party will cooperate with them for the sake of internal stability.

The Divine Sword Ancestor is also used to being domineering. After all, he is an orthodox and righteous monk, and he practices the natal flying sword. In the past, he would rather be straight than bend, but now he would rather be straight than bend, but in terms of interests, he would rather be straight than bend. , fortunately there is a fig leaf, and there is no double standard that goes too far.

After the Divine Sword Ancestor gave his time, the remaining six people did not press too much. They just wanted an attitude.

Then let's go back to the original topic, let's wait... After seeing the Divine Sword Ancestor's submission, the Yin Ming Ancestor Immortal began to change the topic back to the topic of their own cultivation falling and leaking.

Mainly to lighten the atmosphere.

If it weren't for the Yin Ming Ancestral Immortal, their team of seven Ancestor Immortals would have been disbanded long ago.

However, Ancestor Yinming was enjoying it. It seemed like he was wavering, but in fact it was more like he was controlling the overall direction.

Why do these group of ancestors hold meetings every two days? Wang Linchi also noticed this.

After all, the seven people standing at the top of the Qingming Immortal Realm must be paid attention to, so Wang Linchi noticed them the first moment they met.

I've discovered the change in the three degenerations of the five degenerations of heaven and man. Then it's okay.

The discussion between these seven people did not come up with a reason at all. They were just confused and blamed the three-domain mutation.

Don't tell me, this is really a mistake. If they can solve one area, then their problem in the Ancestral Immortal Realm will be solved. Wang Linchi still appreciates this, at least he has really found the root cause.

It's pretty good except that the solution is a little weird.

Although I don't forget my life for small profits, I cherish my life for big things. Wang Linchi also commented.

They are afraid of death, but Wang Linchi is also afraid of death, but when doing big things, he will go all out instead of shrinking. Unless there is really not much chance of success, Wang Linchi will try anyway.

Forget it, ignore them, no matter how hard you try, as long as they don't step forward and fight hard, no matter how many tricks you do, it will be useless.

Wang Linchi didn't care at all about their so-called merging of good and evil. He forced a group of weaklings to explore the path of thunder. It was just a fool's errand.

This is a gap in strength, not a so-called information gap.

Even if he made the situation in the three domains public, the other party would still be timid because of endangering his own life.

In fact, there is a solution. The seven Ancestor Immortals take action at the same time, and with the original stocks donated by them from the Qingming Immortal Realm, they can still destroy an area and defeat them one by one. On the premise that Wang Linchi does not take action, they can completely solve the current problem. dilemma.

It's a pity that even if Wang Linchi doesn't take action, they can't do it together. They all have their own agendas, so how can they work together, let alone be afraid of getting themselves involved, for fear that they will die as a result, how can anything be accomplished.

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