Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 722 Ten thousand beasts practice magical powers

Facts have proved that Li Ting did succeed in fishing in troubled waters. He took advantage of this time when the monsters were looking for food and successfully escaped from the Blood Spirit Sect's pasture where blood slaves were raised.

And he also got a copy of the blood essence of monsters in the early stages of Qi training, which was simply unexpected.

The main reason was that there were so many monsters this time that even the Blood Spirit Sect disciples stationed at the Blood Slave Ranch could not resist them. The entire Blood Slave Ranch was immediately submerged.

It was probably because they were fed too full before, which caused the monster beasts to taste the marrow, which triggered a small beast tide.

There are probably only a few people left alive.

That is to say, Li Ting was lucky and escaped.

However, this is not a big loss to the Blood Spirit Sect. There are countless pastures like this.

If the huge Blood Spirit Sect only had such a pasture, it would have been wiped out by other sects long ago.

Even if this matter is reported to the Blood Spirit Sect, there won't be much of a stir. At most, a certain deacon in charge of management will be punished.

The next step is to clean up this group of monsters, and the rest is to rebuild the Blood Slave Ranch.

These things have nothing to do with Li Ting. What he needs now is to find a suitable place to practice the Ten Thousand Beasts Heavenly Skill as soon as possible to refine this monster blood essence.

As time goes by, the spiritual power in the monster's essence blood will dissipate little by little, and the final effect will decrease.

Fortunately, what he obtained was blood essence. If it had been replaced by blood, it would have dried up and become useless. Then he would have to find a way to obtain new blood.

Essence and blood have another advantage over blood, that is, if it is refined with the Ten Thousand Beasts Heavenly Art, it will definitely form a magical power.

Li Ting was not a monk, he was just a mortal at first, so he didn't know how precious supernatural powers were to monks. He only regarded them as a special ability.

There is no way out, so he escaped for three days and finally found a safer place, and began to refine this blood essence through the Ten Thousand Beasts Heavenly Art.

It only took him three hours to successfully refine it and push his strength to the early stage of Qi training, which didn't make much sense to him.

Acquired a magical power? Li Ting noticed that his magic power had changed slightly. It seemed that it was mixed with some kind of poison, making his magic power also contaminated with poison.


This magical power is called Yin Po, which allows his mana to carry a poison called Yin Po when he uses spells. This poison is very useful against physically powerful monks.

If he attaches mana to his hands or weapons or magic weapons, he can also gain sinister abilities.

It seems to be a bit ordinary. Li Ting is neither a time traveler nor a second-generation monk. He is just an ordinary person who has just stepped into cultivation. Therefore, he does not feel that the magical power is of much use. After all, he only has so little magic power. .

It's of little use even if you want to use it.

Next, the monster beasts need to be in the middle stage of Qi training. It seems that they still have to use blood essence. Even if this so-called magical power is of no use, it is always good to have one more ability for nothing.

Li Ting thought for a while and felt that he had become a monk now.

It's a pity that there are no spells recorded in The Heavenly Art of Ten Thousand Beasts. Li Ting was a little regretful. He naturally preferred spells to magical powers.

If other monks heard this, they would probably strangle him to death.

A mere monk who is in the early stages of Qi training actually masters magical powers. Then they have been practicing for thousands of years, so they are just like useless people.

Where can I find the monsters in the middle stage of Qi training? I have to... As Li Ting muttered in a low voice, he suddenly noticed a stream of heat coming from behind.

This made him look stiff. This must be some kind of powerful beast or monster.

The evil wind came from behind, and he dodged without hesitation. Fortunately, he was a monk in the early stage of Qi training, otherwise he might not be able to dodge this attack.

A Gulu rolled forward, and from the corner of his eye, he saw it was a big bear.

The bad thing is that this is not a beast, but a monster, and it is still a monster in the middle stage of Qi training. This is not good news for him.

Bear-like monsters are thick-skinned and extremely powerful, and he happened to not have mastered any magic. If they were to fight, he would definitely die.

But it's also good news. He doesn't have to look for the monster in the middle stage of Qi training, because it's delivered to his door. Well, maybe Li Ting himself delivered it to him first.

This cave should be the original residence of this bear monster, but it was occupied by him when the other party went out to look for food.

Roar! A roar came, and the black bear rushed towards him.

Seeing this, Li Ting wanted to run away, but found that the position he was in was not very good, and the exit was blocked by a black bear.

The other party entered from outside the cave, so it was normal for him to be in the direction of the exit.

We have no choice but to fight. Seeing that there was no way to escape, Li Ting could only bite the bullet.

Now he can only hope that this so-called sinister magical power is really as effective as the inheritance says, and has miraculous effects on powerful physical beings.

Otherwise he will have to answer here.

The magic power is attached to his hands, and he directly competes with the black bear.

Otherwise, what else can he do? Black Bear's cultivation level is higher than his, and his strength is naturally stronger than him. Apart from head-to-head confrontation, he has no advantage at all.

As for relying on your own sensitivity?

This is a demon beast, not a wild beast. The opponent's advantages are rough skin, thick flesh, and great strength, but it does not mean that the opponent is bulky. It hits him like a huge ball of flesh, and the speed is so fast that he can't dodge even if he wants to.


Li Ting flew out directly, and then hit the wall of the cave. His whole body felt as if it was about to fall apart.

The severe pain all over his body made it difficult for him to move.

At this time, he had closed his eyes and waited for death.

But soon he discovered why the black bear didn't take action.

Slowly opening his eyes, he found that the black bear was standing motionless. Under its fur, it was visibly moving, as if it were some kind of terrifying thing.

This...is this sinister??? The only thing Li Ting could think of was his own sinister magical power, otherwise it wouldn't make sense.

He was beaten by a black bear and hung on the wall, so there was no other possibility.

In his surprised eyes, the black bear fell to the ground and died immediately.

He hurried over to check and found that the black bear's flesh and blood had been twisted into a ball. When he reached out and touched it, it was soft and disgusting.

With this condition, can the essence and blood still be used? Li Ting extracted the opponent's essence and blood from the black bear's body, which looked a bit weird.

After much hesitation, I decided to use it.

At this time, he also understood that after becoming a monk, he would not be able to save his life.

If it weren't for the sinister magical power he acquired that happened to restrain the physically powerful black bear monster, he would have died.

And this time, refining the essence and blood of the black bear monster will definitely allow him to obtain magical powers related to the physical body, thereby further enhancing his strength.

More importantly, he can also recover from his injuries.

The bear paw of the black bear monster just hit him directly against the wall of the cave. If it said there was no injury, it must be false. It was not just the surface, but the huge force penetrated into his body and injured his body. Offal.

If you want to recover, you can either rely on your own magic power to slowly warm it up, or go for treatment. However, there is a third way now, which is to obtain the black bear's physical magical power and rely on the physical body to heal itself.

He chose the third option without hesitation.

The refining process was also very smooth, and there were no accidents.

Opening his eyes, a strange light flashed in his eyes, which eventually disappeared. Li Ting also suppressed the inexplicable irritability in his heart. He didn't care much about it. Instead, he broke through to the middle stage of Qi training and obtained a man named Man. After Xiong Kuangtu's magical power, he completely recovered from his injuries.

So after the irritability disappears, what remains is naturally joy.

And his originally thin body due to the blood draw immediately became extremely strong, without any feeling of weakness.

Even the damaged foundation has been restored. This Ten Thousand Beasts Heavenly Skill is indeed extraordinary. Li Ting was also extremely excited about this. He did not expect that in just one day, he would become a monk in the middle stage of Qi training. This was a real surprise to him.

What exactly is magical power and why does it have this ability? It seems that we have to find a way to find out.

After Li Ting experienced the two magical powers of Yin Po and Wild Bear's Crazy Body, he also understood that he might have underestimated the magical power, and that the magical power was probably something he cherished.

Therefore, even if he wanted to inquire, he had to be careful to avoid getting into trouble.

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