Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 719 Separation, the new demonic destiny after unlocking

It's still a bit difficult to complete the separation.

Wang Linchi looked at the two forces separated by him in his hand. Among them was the support from the world before Chi Lian Demon Lord traveled through. This force was temporarily sealed by him.

The main reason is that research on this power is difficult and takes a long time.

So put it on hold for now.

This is just like taking a test paper for an exam. You must do it first if you know how to do it. You can't say it is difficult. What if you get stuck?

On the contrary, it was another force. Wang Linchi felt that it was a bit strange. It didn't look like it was brought by Chi Lian Demon Lord when he traveled through time. Instead, it seemed a bit like it was automatically parasitized after being contaminated.

And it has a certain positioning ability. In terms of system, it seems to have certain similarities with Qingming Immortal World.

After Wang Linchi analyzed it, he was reminded of the Chaos God Realm.

If Qingming Immortal World was purchased online and during delivery, Chilian Demon Lord was discovered by the Chaos God Realm who was looking for Qingming Immortal World everywhere, and he was given a mark, and this mark was also combined with the destiny of the other party. , eventually forming some kind of lock.

The next step is very simple, just send the signal out.

Qingming Immortal World most likely did not find this mark before, otherwise it would have been cleared away long ago.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to wait until the destiny is locked, and there is no way to take action.

Although I am aware of something strange now, I have no clue.

After all, all the innate magic weapons have left, indicating that the cleanup process has been completed. However, Chi Lian Demon Lord was still handled by Wang Linchi.

It wasn't until Wang Linchi peeled off the two powers from Chi Lian Demon Lord that the birth of a new demon path, Destiny, began.

As for the gestation of the Righteous Path and Destiny, it has actually been stuck with bugs.

The evil king is Ding Chaomu. He is not dead yet, so he still has his destiny.

There is also a way to separate it, which is to kill the evil king directly, but now that the evil domain has successfully covered the entire Western Region, no one can kill the other party.

As long as any monk enters it, he will definitely be surrounded by living magic weapons. The Ancestral Immortal Realm can kill them, but they are afraid of death.

When entering the Western Region, you must not bring magic weapons, otherwise the magic weapons will not only not be a help, but will become an enemy.

However, without a magic weapon, the damage caused by cutting it in half would be even more.

Monk fighting is nothing more than magic weapons and spells. There is also hand-to-hand combat, but it is also composed of these two parts.

If the Ancestral Immortal Realm really wanted to take action, they wouldn't have delayed it until now. They had already started killing when the Weird Territory covered the Northern Territory. As a result, they just ignored the matter and waited until the Southern Territory turned into a evil territory. The zombies came out of the cage. , because it affects their interests, they will ban it.

Even if all four domains are lost, it is of no consequence to those in the Ancestral Immortal Realm.

Regarding the four regions, Wang Linchi actually had a little guess.

That is, it is very likely that it is not the original part of the Qingming Immortal Realm. When it left the Chaos God Realm, it is possible that part of the Qingming Immortal Realm was torn away and finally integrated into itself. Even if it is only a small part, it is still from the beginning. Chaos God Realm has its flesh cut off.

How could the Chaos God Realm let go of the Qingming Immortal Realm? You just ran away and you even took the food, so how could you tolerate it?

However, these are just Wang Linchi's guesses, and there is no substantial evidence, even if he has obtained the memories of the Seven Ancestral Immortals and knows about the battle that year.

But in fact, not much is known. The battle that year was indeed very brutal, but in Wang Linchi's eyes, it was more like a superficial righteous incision.

No one knows what the real situation is like.

What do those seven Ancestral Immortal Realm know about? They are just a group of surviving thugs.

These seven people were not the only high-end combatants who participated in that battle. It was only these seven people who survived and finally obtained this original share and became the ancestral fairyland of Shou and Tianqi.

In reverse analysis, I don't know if we can reversely analyze the other party's coordinates? Wang Linchi thought about this.

He didn't care whether the one who left the mark was from the Chaos God Realm. Anyway, he would first get the opponent's location, and then stage a dark forest.

If it was really the Chaos God Realm, it would be a good thing. He would kill the Immortal Realm first, then destroy the God Realm, and then unify it... Forget it, he doesn't have that big ambition.

Anyway, he was very satisfied just nibbling on bits and pieces of the lower realm.

In fact, his mouth has not stopped now, and he has stuffed all the lower realms into his stomach and gnawed on them.

Especially the lower realms of the west, south and north regions have been basically eaten up by him.

The quantity is indeed a bit small, but it cannot hold up to the large quantity. This makes Wang Linchi's strength also improve by leaps and bounds, but it is a bit unable to match the Qingming Immortal World.

After all, we agreed to eat Qingming Immortal Realm first, but ended up breaking the promise.

However, these lower realms are really just snacks, and they are not as good as the Qingming Immortal Realm. They have been sucked by the Qingming Immortal Realm as blood bags, and their value will inevitably shrink.

Let me see, it will take about three years, and it should be able to be successfully analyzed. Wang Linchi compared the data and came up with a more accurate time.

It is said that it is three years, but in fact it will fluctuate up and down. If everything goes well, it can be done in three days, but if it does not go well, it may take thirty years.

Yes, it is this fluctuation.

The ups and downs are a bit big, but it is already very fast. The monks in the Qingming Immortal World need tens to hundreds of years to practice a spell, so he is considered very fast.

The main reason is that the opponent's entanglement is too strange and Wang Linchi has to start from scratch, so it takes a little longer.

Hey, a new demonic destiny was born, so fast?

Wang Linchi, who was experimenting, suddenly detected a brand new fluctuation.

This time it is not that Qingming Immortal Realm is willing to give up, but that there is no other way.

Wang Linchi, the protagonist of a casual cultivator, has been dawdling around, receiving subsistence allowances, and he feels like the mud cannot support the wall.

The righteous protagonist has a bug and cannot be used, so I can only use the evil protagonist.

And the protagonist of the demonic path has an advantage that neither the righteous nor the casual cultivator can match, that is, rapid growth.

By practicing magic skills, coupled with the protection of destiny and luck, there is no need to worry about going crazy. In addition, you can also fight to support fighting. Whether it is growth and improvement or performance capabilities, it is a model of soaring.

I wonder if there will be another time traveler? Wang Linchi thought about this.

But it was quickly rejected by him. Even if the Qingming Immortal Realm wanted to buy another time traveler, it was probably because they were powerless. The previous investment in the Qianchuan Realm time traveler had lost its investment, let alone the return of capital.

Coupled with the current situation in the Qingming Fairyland, the Qingming Fairyland simply does not have enough funds to purchase a new traveler protagonist.

After the original protagonist's world was destroyed, there was no longer a high-quality and low-priced protagonist trade. Purchasing protagonists from other worlds must be expensive.

If you can't afford it, you can only use the aborigines.

One advantage of using a time traveler in modern society is that after experiencing the explosion of information, a lot of training in terms of vision and knowledge can be omitted.

They have all been purchased, and the time traveler protagonists they purchased must not be useless, but real capable people.

Otherwise, if you spend a large amount of money to buy a piece of trash, the Qingming Fairy World will definitely let the opposite world that sells time traveler protagonists know what a loss is.

Then I have to arrange the opportunities and tribulations for him in advance before Qingming Immortal World sends him a message. Wang Linchi thought, as a righteous knight and treasure-giving boy, he must not fall behind in Qingming Immortal World.

The old template of Qingming Immortal Realm is full of flaws.

It's nothing more than giving the cheat finger first, which is the innate magic weapon, and then arranging opportunities and enemies, and then relying on the protagonist to grow on his own.

Behemoths seem a bit outdated, why not use monsters?

Wang Linchi thought, if he really arranges the giant beasts in the Eastern Territory, then when the merit giants arrive, the first one to cause harm will definitely not be the Central Territory, but the Eastern Territory.

They have a feud with the giant beast, and they are jealous of each other, so their hatred will be attracted by the giant beast.

It would be better to choose to use local monsters.

Since it's a demonic path, let's do some evil things. When Wang Linchi thought of this, he wanted to find out if there was anything in him that was not evil, but naturally he found nothing.

No, I should call this an unpopular thing, not an evil one!

Wang Linchi quickly realized that when describing his system, he should use a high-emotional intelligence method of speech.

It must be the bloodline of a monster or the fusion of a monster. I remember it seems like...

After having a goal, the rest was much easier to handle. Wang Linchi began to rummage through his body for the needed materials.

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