Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 704 White Bones and Skeletons, Seven Days of Soul Chasing Map

Bah, a bunch of brats are worthy of fighting against me. Wu Xian spat out a mouthful of blood. Just now, he was attacked by a disciple of the sect.

The face is unfamiliar, but the spell used can be seen at a glance. It is not a local sect, but a group of demonic sects from other places.

He narrowly escaped death and almost didn't get killed by these devil brats.

Yes, he lost the fight, he just ran faster.

Although being beaten like this by a group of little kids seems very embarrassing, it is actually not embarrassing at all.

The inheritance he received was incomplete, and he did not have enough resources and guidance. In essence, he was only a half-learner, and his training time was not long. It has only been half a year until now.

That group of sect disciples practiced for a shorter period of time, but they received better education, and they also had sparring partners, etc., which was far beyond what he could compare with.

In addition, the magic weapons and talismans on his body are much stronger than him. It is normal to lose. If he can win, he will not enter the Xuannan Cave Mansion ruins to obtain the inheritance.

Others are here to experience, but he is here to find a way forward.

That's right, his inheritance only reached the foundation building stage, and there may be some beyond that, but because of the damage, there are only a few words left, and even if he wants to practice, he can't practice.

After walking halfway, Wu Xian noticed something wrong.

It stands to reason that I should start the inheritance assessment now, why haven't I started yet? His expression suddenly darkened.

The words something happened came to his mind.

It wasn't that something happened to him, but something happened to the Xuannan Cave Mansion ruins.

It must be those sect disciples!

Apart from them, there would be no one else. It was true that it was his first time to attend the Xuannan Cave Mansion Site, but this was not the first time it had been opened. No sect disciples had participated before, so there were no accidents.

As a result, something unexpected happened this time. If it was a coincidence, Wu Xian didn't believe it.

If it doesn't work, just quit first. Wu Xian gritted his teeth. He was injured and there was something wrong with the inheritance. If he lost his life, it would be a big loss.

So the best way is to escape.

This is a heritage, not a killing array, so if you want to leave, there will definitely be no problem.

But when he was about to use his magic power to leave the cave through suppression, he found that he was still in the cave.

This situation quickly amplified the trouble in his heart and turned it into panic.

No, we have to do it as soon as possible... He said, preparing to walk back. Since he couldn't move out, he would go out through the entrance.

But after taking one step out, his expression was full of horror.

The originally ordinary cave had changed its appearance. He appeared in a quaint house. It looked like an ordinary house in a mortal's house. It was small, cramped and covered with dust.

This...is this an assessment? No, this was not the case in the first assessment. He quickly reached out to touch the dust, and his hand left a very obvious palm print on the table.

It's not a hallucination, it's real... How is this possible... He muttered to himself, completely unaware of what was happening.


A voice came from behind, which startled Wu Xian, and he quickly turned around to look.

This is because Ye Luzi was born and did not have enough experience in fighting magic. If he were a group of monks in the Immortal Realm, he would be able to use a spell.

But it's a good thing that he doesn't have enough experience, otherwise, he might die on the spot.

He saw a skull embedded in the wall. Just now, the skull moved slightly, and it looked like it was struggling.

Wu Xian quickly realized and calmed down. It was not like he had never seen skulls before, and he had even killed them himself.

He is much more cruel than this.

It doesn't have any magic power. It's not a ghost or a zombie. He breathed a sigh of relief, thinking it was his imagination. After all, it was really just a skull.

When he took a closer look, it seemed that it was not a skull embedded in the wall, but the entire body was actually embedded in it. It was just that there was a problem with the position where it was embedded, so most of the head was exposed.

Scare me, huh. Wu Xian couldn't help but snorted coldly. He used the sword control technique to turn the flying sword into sword light and prepared to crush the head.

Keng ~

When the tip of the flying sword came into contact with the skull, it made a violent noise. The scene he imagined did not appear. Instead, the tip of the flying sword immediately shattered.


This is impossible!

A mouthful of blood spurted out. After Wu Xian saw that his flying sword was damaged, he also suffered a backlash. Not only did he vomit blood, but a trace of blood appeared on his face.

His inheritance is biased toward the right path, so he also cultivates his natal flying sword. What he pays attention to is that one sword can defeat all kinds of magic, and the ending of the sword destroying the person is the sword's death.

This time we encountered a tough situation, but luckily it was just the tip of the flying sword that broke, so the backlash was much smaller.

If all the flying swords were broken, then he would not be seriously injured, but would die together.

At this time, he didn't care about his injuries and hurriedly controlled the shaky flying sword to come back, not for anything else but because the withered bones had undergone some kind of change after his attack.

The whole room was squirming, and the skeleton completely broke free from the wall.

The first moment he retrieved the flying sword, Wu Xian rushed towards the door without hesitation. He wanted to escape from the room.

However, when he was about to arrive, he suddenly stopped. What kind of door was there? It was clearly a big bone-white mouth. As long as he rushed out, he would definitely die.


When the skeleton's feet landed on the ground, it made a weird noise and was getting closer to him.

Wu Xian's face also turned pale, and he activated the spell without hesitation. The flying sword would definitely not dare to be used again. The skeleton's body was extremely strong, and it also had the ability to weaken the flying sword. It was simply not something he could resist.

However, all the spells falling on the skeleton had no effect at all.

The other party simply ignored it.

As he approached him step by step, Wu Xian's mentality collapsed, which is commonly known as the broken Taoist heart.

After all, his technique is biased towards the right path, so the side effect is not to go crazy.

The skeleton's hand gently fell on his face, and there was nothing in the empty eye sockets.

But Wu Xian could see the skeleton's smile strangely, as if he had found a suitable...clothes?

Before Wu Xian could take any further action, he discovered that the skeleton had pulled out his flying sword. The flying sword fell into his hand and turned into a skeleton inch by inch.

At the same time, Wu Xian, whose natal flying sword was damaged, was naturally hit hard.

Get out, get out! The pain caused by the backlash seemed to dispel a lot of his fear, and he started to resist while shouting.

It's just that the intensity of the resistance is really the same as nothing else.

The whine of the flying sword was accompanied by the backlash in his body. Wu Xian didn't know where he got the courage from, and forcibly took his flying sword back from the skeleton.

Then he rushed towards the big bone-white mouth without hesitation. He was going to die no matter what, so it would be better to die happily.


The next moment, he hit the wall straight away. When he regained consciousness, with a look of bewilderment on his face, he came out of the bone room.

Still undergoing the test of inheritance in the Xuannan Cave Mansion ruins, the scene just now seemed like a dream.

If it weren't for the flying sword in his hand that was mostly turned into bones and the backlash from his damage to the flying sword, he would definitely have thought it was a dream.

Then, a strange tattoo appeared on the back of his left hand. This tattoo was very light, but it was getting deeper and deeper.

He knew that when the tattoo completely appeared, he would enter the terrifying bone room again.

As for how he knew it, he didn't know, but the idea came to his mind when he saw it.

Either die, or never escape this real nightmare for the rest of your life.

Seven days? Wu Xian's face was ferocious.

What can you do with just seven days? Not even enough for him to recover.

This is forcing him to fight hard.

There is definitely hope for life. As long as he obtains the magic weapons, elixirs and other items from those sect disciples, recovery from injuries will not be a problem, and he will be guaranteed after entering.

But if you do this, you will definitely offend the sect.

If that's the case, then you can't blame me. Wu Xian murmured softly.

It's all death anyway, it doesn't matter how you die.

It doesn't matter to him whether he dies in the pursuit of the sect or in the hands of skeletons, but he will choose whichever one can make him die later.

Therefore, he chose to intercept and kill the disciples of the sect to give himself a chance of survival in seven days. If he was hunted by the sect, that would only happen after he survived seven days.

The inheritance of the Xuannan Cave Mansion ruins is still one month away from being closed, and it will be one month before they are hunted down.

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