Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 703 Inheritance·Xuannan Cave Mansion Ruins

What's going on? There is actually a sect participating in the inheritance of Xuannan Cave Mansion this time? The expressions of the casual cultivators were not very good.

Most of them send their descendants to participate in this inheritance. After all, they can only enter during the foundation building period.

It is not impossible to enter by force, but it will cause the entire cave ruins to be shattered, and then it will be all in vain.

As for the monks who can suppress the shattering of this cave, they must be in the Immortal Lord realm. For them, that is an existence that is out of reach.

Most of the people who come here are from the quasi-immortal realm, and the ups and downs are relatively large. The strongest ones are in the tribulation stage, while the weakest ones are only in the foundation-building stage. No one comes in the Qi-training stage, and even if they come, they can't get in.

But this time, there were actually disciples from the sect coming, which made all the casual cultivators look bad.

Everyone is a casual cultivator, and their level is not very high, but if they were disciples of the sect, they would not dare to take too many actions after entering the Xuannan Cave Mansion with the golden sign of the sect's body protection.

You can touch them. They may not be able to fight each other at the same level. Even if they can fight, they don't dare to mess around. If they hurt the other party, the other party's sect will help them take revenge, which will make them feel very uncomfortable.

The most important thing is that his nose is almost turned up to the sky, and he seems to look down on these people who are casual cultivators.

However, the casual cultivators did not have too many conflicts with the sect disciples. After all, the gains outweighed the losses.

When the time was almost up, a disciple of the Immortal Realm from the Throwing Elephant Sect came out, looked at the casual cultivators with disdain and said: This time, I hope you will give up the inheritance of Xuannan Cave Mansion. This time, our sects I’m here to train my junior brother.”

If you don't mention the other party's attitude and tone, you might think that the other party is pleading, but in fact it is just to save face.

The actual situation is to tell you to get out, but it is not said clearly.

Yes, yes, let's leave right away... All the casual cultivators could only leave in frustration.

Among them, most of them are in the quasi-fairyland. When facing the fairyland, they can be killed by the other party with just one slap.

As for those from the Immortal Realm, they don’t dare to come forward. Each sect has sent nearly a dozen Immortal Realm people over. They can’t defeat each other alone, not to mention that the other side has better skills and magic weapons. How can I and others win?

So after these sect disciples spoke, most of them left, leaving only some casual cultivators in the foundation building period.

The disciples of the sect glanced at this group of casual cultivators and paid no attention to them.

A mere casual cultivator in the foundation-building period could not compete with the carefully cultivated outer disciples within their sect, regardless of the age gap.

Most of the disciples sent in by the sect for training are teenagers, and all of them are very young. As for the group of foundation-building casual cultivators, the youngest must be twenty years old, and the older ones are all in their thirties or fifties.

When a casual practitioner enters spiritual practice, it depends on when he obtains the inheritance.

The inheritance of some casual cultivators is so incomplete that they can only practice to the foundation-building stage, so if they want to go further, they can only fight with themselves.

purchase? There is no problem with this, but it is expensive, and still very expensive.

Essentially this is a monopoly.

The reason why they didn't drive them away was not because they were kind-hearted, but because this group of casual cultivators in the foundation-building period were also part of the training for their own group of little ones.

Not only do you have to face the test of inheritance, but you also have to kill this group of casual cultivators as much as possible to increase your fighting skills experience.

Fighting is meant to kill people.

The casual cultivators who left immediately were unwilling to let their descendants become stepping stones and ghosts for the disciples of the sect, so they chose to give up this inheritance.

In fact, they have been coveting the inheritance in the Xuannan Cave Mansion ruins, at least it can directly lead to the immortal realm, which is also very precious to casual cultivators.

Wang Linchi is also mixed in here. He holds the strategy and just goes in and starts doing it. He doesn't have to worry about other people.

It's equivalent to others being in PVP mode, and he being in PVE mode.

If it weren't for the intervention of the sect disciples, everyone would only be in PVE mode.

In fact, he was not too surprised by this matter. When he read the script before, he saw that the sect disciples would intervene.

And not only the righteous sect, but also the demonic sect, the other party has other ways to enter.

Well, the reason is actually their own fault.

Originally, this area did not receive the attention of the Demonic Sect, and had always been the territory of the Righteous Sect. It was not until the Zhaojin Sect and other sects joined forces to cause trouble with the Supreme Sword Sect, and then used the ghost corpse virus aggregate to fight against it. The Wanming Sect started fighting, and then the Demonic Sect focused their attention on this.

It just so happened that four months ago, these local sects really couldn't afford to respect the Supreme Sword Sect monk in the Immortal Realm. After the other party left, the Demonic Sect began to get ready to intervene in various local affairs.

However, these righteous sects have not discovered this matter yet, thinking that the limelight has passed and the conflict has been transferred from them to the Supreme Sword Sect and Wanming Sect.

The truth is that this is just the beginning.

As time passed by, the Xuannan Cave Site was opened on time.

After many sect disciples entered, a group of foundation-building stage casual cultivators began to enter in frustration. This group of sect disciples relied on their own strength to forcefully delay them for nearly three hours before letting them in.

After three hours, even if you go in, you won't get anything good this time. Naturally, you are doing this to make a profit for yourself.

When the sect disciples inside come out, this group of immortals will also be able to gain their filial piety, which is equivalent to fighting for their own interests, and naturally they will be more shameless.

It's just that the strong are respected and no one dares to say anything.

Wang Linchi didn't care. No one else could get the contents inside except him, the protagonist. It's hard to believe that the things the world gave to the Son of Destiny could be so easily intercepted.

Even if he succeeded in intercepting Hu, he would still have to spit it out when the time comes. A group of ignorant people would dare to reach out to the things that the father prepared for his son, thinking that their cultivation was really against heaven and impossible.

Those who entered first suffered a disaster, because the people arranged by the Demonic Sect had already taken the lead in ambush, catching the disciples of the Righteous Sect by surprise.

After Wang Linchi entered, many casual cultivators in the foundation building stage began to huddle together for warmth, and even asked Wang Linchi to join them.

Wang Linchi declined directly. Why did they join a group? He didn't really come here to get the inheritance. He had also read the content of the inheritance. In the eyes of his predecessor, it was indeed very good. From the foundation building stage to the immortal realm, the contents were all It is very complete, and there is also an extremely powerful magical power.

Coupled with a lot of resources, at least in the short term, you don't have to worry about inheritance and resources. You only need to concentrate on fighting for the world and kill those people with karma.

Let me see, the next step is to...transform Zhou Xuannan's bones. Wang Linchi took out his plan and took a look. The first one was to find a host for the five degenerates of heaven and man.

Zhou Xuannan, the original owner of the Dongfu ruins, is very suitable.

That's right, the other party's name is Zhou Xuannan, so this place is called Xuannan Cave Mansion Heritage. Otherwise, no matter how you call it, it is definitely best to use the other party's name.

The other party's bones are at the core. I have to go there in person. It's my fault that I don't want to pass it on. This inheritance...

Oh, the inheritance also needs to be magically modified. Otherwise, if you only give the big stick but not the sweet dates, something will happen easily.

Now that the gods and humans have the five debilitating powers, Wang Linchi must create a better technique to serve as a source of harm... and welfare.

The rest are big projects, which are a bit difficult to handle.

After Wang Linchi reviewed the plan, he felt lucky that he had made a fortune before, otherwise he would have to pay the cost.

That's right, Wang Linchi didn't pay the cost.

A demonic immortal who came to cause trouble appeared nearby and was killed by him. Then everything fell into his hands, and after skinning and removing the bones, he also took away the whole person.

The reason why he took action was also very simple. The other party had been investigating him, and that was because he had offended a righteous knight like him, so he simply responded in kind. If the other party could bear it, Wang Linchi would target him again in the future. If we don't stop, this will be the situation now.

It is equivalent to Wang Linchi not only harvesting the raw materials of the Immortal Realm, but also plundering a large amount of resources and property of the sects that were plundered by the other party. Otherwise, what would Wang Linchi do with the other party? He would just wait for the other party to finish harvesting the sect, and then Wang Linchi would harvest again. The other party does it right in one step, eliminating the need for middlemen to earn the price difference.

When we start construction, it's not my cost anyway. I can at most pay some time and labor costs.

Try to get it done within half an hour!

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