Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 705 Euglena enters the skull, eats the eyes, and gains supernatural powers

Wu Xian wiped the blood on his face and watched the tattoo on his hand fully emerge. It was a white skull with a sinister smile.

Today is the seventh day, and he will enter that terrible and terrifying place again.

However, compared with the last time, Wu Xian was much calmer this time, but also crazier.

In these seven days, he killed an outer disciple of the Elephant Throwing Sect and obtained a lot of resources.

As for the injuries on his body, they were left behind when he was chased by Thousand Elephant Gate.

The two sects of good and evil used this Xuannan Cave ruins as a place for training. Not many disciples of the two sects died. On the contrary, their group of casual cultivators became the target of attack because they were soft persimmons.

It seemed that he planned to eradicate the loose cultivators first, and then proceed to the decisive battle between good and evil. Wu Xian did not pay too much attention to this matter. After all, he might not be able to come out alive today.

Found it, he is here! A voice interrupted Wu Xian's thinking.

Another Throwing Elephant Gate. A trace of violence flashed in Wu Xian's eyes. When he was facing death, the other party was still pursuing him so closely. This was forcing him and them to fight to the death.

Kill Senior Brother Xu Heng, I want you to pay with your life today!!! came an angry female voice.

Wu Xian did not confront the opponent head-on, but turned around and left. Now he was only losing in fighting with them.

Bah, a bunch of little brats with no hair growing all the way, how can they play affectionately? Wu Xian cursed, which caused these disciples from the Thousand Elephant Sect to curse and chase them frantically.

It seemed like a sore spot had been poked.

However, Wu Xian simply ignored the other party's insults. For a casual cultivator, survival was the most important thing.

Counting down the time silently in my heart: 'Ten, nine...'

There is a dead end ahead, and this guy can't escape... Before the disciple from the Throwing Elephant Sect had time to finish his sentence, he saw a vision emerge.

Then he saw a huge white skull slowly emerge, swallowed Wu Xian in one bite, and then disappeared without a trace.

This... Everyone was also frightened.

This thing is indeed too weird, and there is no magic fluctuation.

Demon... people in the demonic way should be killed! Someone reacted and became angry with embarrassment, which meant that the other party ran away.

But they didn't see a strange white spot appear on their hands. This white spot was spreading and spreading along their relationship network little by little.

On the other side, Wu Xian also opened his eyes and appeared in the Bone House again.

Recovered? Looking back, he saw half a skull embedded in the wall. The damage and traces left by his struggle with the white skeleton had completely disappeared.

Where is this place?

Wu Xian also felt a chill in his heart. This matter was indeed too strange.

Fortunately, after his first experience, he would not act foolishly this time.

Looking at the door again, it's not a big-mouthed monster now, it's just a normal wooden door.

After much hesitation, I finally chose to push it away, but still cautiously.

When he opened the door, the unexpected change he originally expected did not appear, but instead he saw a run-down street.

Could it be that I offended the skeleton in the first place and that made the incident happen?

He muttered quietly, and then tentatively walked out of the house without being blocked or attacked.

Roasted chestnuts with sugar...

Sweet and delicious sugar-roasted chestnuts...

An old voice from far and near reached Wu Xian's ears, which made him startled.

He had never heard of such a thing, but as the sound emerged, he smelled the sweet smell in a trance.

At the same time, his internal organs were roaring, and a feeling called hunger was welling up in his heart.

Young man, you are hungry, please have some roasted chestnuts with sugar.

Suddenly, Wu Xian looked up and saw an old woman pushing a strange car. There was a strange thing on the car, exuding an alluring sweet fragrance.

Subconsciously, I thought about asking for one, but my reason forced me to suppress it.

How can you buy food randomly in this weird place?

He was about to turn around and leave, but found that he couldn't move.

No, it's not that he can't move, but his body is resisting him instinctively.

He knew rationally that there must be something wrong with the food called roasted chestnuts with sugar, and he must not eat it.

However, his body was fascinated by the sweet smell, and he didn't want to let him leave just like that. He had to eat a portion.

How much is one portion? He gritted his teeth and asked word for word.

Quack, quack, it depends on whether you want a large portion or a small portion. The old woman said with a strange smile.

You can have a large portion of flesh, blood, organs, and bones at will. A small portion is cheap. You only need ten years of life and you can spare me a finger.

The old woman's price frightened Wu Xian.

Along with the other party's offer, the bone and skull tattoo on his hand also gave him the same feedback.

Even though a large portion of only flesh, blood, viscera and bones seems to be inferior to the life span, here, once taken away by the other party, even if you become the ancestral fairyland, you will not be able to be born again, but will be taken away forever.

A small finger was also placed on the finger, but this was recoverable and was not permanently removed.

Then...then I won't buy it! He gritted his teeth and refused.

Huh? The old woman's tone seemed strange. She didn't seem to expect that Wu Xian would refuse, but then she laughed weirdly again.

In the laughter, Wu Xian saw the black shadows with teeth and claws breaking out of the old woman's hunched body, and then looked at the black fruits in the pot. They were not so-called chestnuts, but individual ones. The white cocoon, while the so-called sugar is pitch black slime.

‘What’s wrong, I did something wrong again. ’ Wu Xian regretted it endlessly. He thought that if he didn’t use force, this weird place would not change, but he didn’t expect that as long as he didn’t follow the wishes of these monsters, it would be triggered.

It's not that there is no good news. After the mutation happened, his body was able to move.

So the first thought in his mind was to escape.

However, in an instant, he felt what would happen if he did not run away, but instead chose to buy?

After all, I can't keep running away.

Wait a minute, I'll buy it. I'll buy it. I want a small portion of roasted chestnuts with sugar. He said immediately.

It's not just a ten-year lifespan. As long as he breaks through in time, he doesn't have to worry about problems.

As for a finger, that doesn't matter, he can regenerate it.

Okay, sir. When the old woman responded, she did not return to her original appearance. Instead, she still maintained her weird appearance, and her voice was extremely sharp.

He took out a piece of oil paper, scooped up a white insect cocoon from the pot, wrapped it carefully, and handed it to Wu Xian.

Wu Xian, on the other hand, felt weak. Ten years of his life were taken away. As for his fingers, the index finger of his left hand was broken, and blood spurted out instantly.

However, he didn't care too much and stretched out his right hand to catch the bag of so-called sugar-roasted chestnuts.

Young man, don't you want to taste it? If it's not sweet, I'll give you a refund. The black shadow on the old woman's back suddenly swelled, and a single scarlet eye opened from it.

There was such malice in his one eye that Wu Xian couldn't resist at all.

This made Wu Xian understand one thing. He had to eat. If he didn't eat, the one-eyed black shadow would eat him.

Okay, okay, I'll try it right away. Wu Xian also regretted it at this time. Whatever he tried, he would have escaped sooner.

But then I thought, could I really escape from such a terrifying existence? I was afraid that I would die if I turned around.

Opening the oil paper bag and looking at the solitary white insect cocoon inside, he couldn't help but feel a little bitter. When his hand just touched it, a piece of information actually flowed through his mind.

‘Taking it, you can get a companion eyeworm. The worm enters the head and feeds on the eye. If you eat the left eye, you can get the supernatural power of phantoms. If you eat the right eye, you can get the magical power of creating obstacles. Both eyes will be full of eyeworms, and then you can get the magical power of evil light. ’

For a moment, he looked horrified. He never thought that eating this white cocoon could actually gain supernatural powers.

Of course he knows how powerful supernatural powers are.

This was the message conveyed by the bone skull in his hand, so he swallowed it without hesitation.

The cocoon did not hatch immediately after entering the belly, it seemed to take time.

Another small portion. He said without hesitation.

Isn't it just ten years of life and one finger, he bought it.

The small portion is gone, only the large portion, do you want it? The old woman laughed, and the one-eyed black shadow also made a sharp sound.

Yes, I'll use my eyes! He said without hesitation.

Anyway, the eyeworms will eat the eyes and turn into his eyes, so don't use them. You can see with the eyeworms anyway.

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