Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 529: Free-range breeding is indeed better than domestic breeding

In the north, the meat ball has finished eating a demon god, and its body is squirming and changing.

It was sent here by Wang Linchi a few days ago. At first, it was almost frightened to death when it saw a large number of creatures similar to Wang Linchi, thinking that strong men were everywhere.

As a result, it was later discovered that Wang Linchi was Wang Linchi and the others were other people.

Comparing these people with Wang Linchi, they are simply worlds apart, not even comparable to the Holy Lord.

This is also a normal situation. The level of this group of people is not very high at best. Even the most peak adults can rarely match the powerful beasts.

If you want to win, most of you have to hold armor to increase the corresponding strength. Otherwise, a group of ordinary people want to be as strong as they want.

Then the meat ball began to readjust its shape, because it discovered that it had indeed gone the wrong way. It was a mistake to imitate Wang Linchi. What made Wang Linchi so powerful was not the skin, but the core inside.

Therefore, it is evolving and adjusting more and more in the direction of a beast, wearing scales and armor to increase defense, fangs and claws to increase attack, etc., all of which are further optimizing its hunting ability.

If it wants to survive, it naturally needs to be optimized, otherwise it will be unable to walk with those weird organs on its body.

In fact, it also understood that its previous wrong evolution must have been deliberately induced by Wang Linchi, which caused it to take a lot of time to readjust.

It doesn't necessarily take time. It's okay if you have enough food. After leaving Wang Linchi, Rouqiu naturally learned the human language system and writing system, and through learning, his experience was greatly improved, and he was no longer able to be used by others at the beginning. Wang Linchi is such a fool.

Food, for it, used to be only demons and gods, but now it is different. There are also humans, animals, plants and even soil and rocks. As long as it can be eaten and converted into nutrients, it regards it as food.

It's just that the demon god has the most nutrients and the best taste for it. Other things, whether they are animals, plants, or soil and rocks, for it, the taste is extremely distorted.

Therefore, unless it has no choice, it will naturally not choose other species besides demon gods as food.

However, now it was time to have no choice. Without Wang Linchi's feeding, he spent a lot of time and nutrients adjusting his life form, leaving him completely without enough energy to make further progress.

After eating this demon god, it has to continue on the road to find other demon gods, otherwise it will have to eat dirt.

I have also tried to capture humans, which is indeed cost-effective in terms of nutrients. Unfortunately, there are too many people. If you are accidentally exposed, you will be hunted down. The subsequent danger is no less than fighting with ferocious beasts.

The strange pupils shrank, and a familiar smell was caught in the nose.

It's you... Meatball said, looking at a figure approaching in the distance.

Look at how skinny you are. You've been so hungry lately. Wang Linchi smiled and touched Meatball's scale-covered head, not looking disgusted at all.

However, Meatball felt that the time was ripe and it was time to devour Wang Linchi.

Therefore, he turned his head and opened his mouth to bite off Wang Linchi's hand, but the Holy Master forcefully grabbed his upper and lower jaws. In the process, all his teeth were broken.

You haven't changed your naughty attitude. Wang Linchi teased, and then said slowly: You've almost eaten up all the demon gods in the north.

The Holy Lord lowered Rouqiu's upper and lower jaws, and Rouqiu looked at Wang Linchi with some fear. Even though he was defeated by such virtue, he still couldn't figure out the opponent's true strength, so he lowered his posture without hesitation and looked at Wang Linchi. He lowered his eyebrows and said with a submissive expression: Yes, I have already finished eating.

Its nose can smell the scent of divine power, its eyes can locate the God Realm, and its sharp claws can see through the gap between the God Realm and reality, and then take out the demon gods to eat.

It sounds awesome, but these are special attacks against gods. For ordinary humans, the threat level of the meat ball is about the same as that of large carnivores such as bears and tigers. That is to say, it has strong vitality and sufficient regeneration ability.

Yes, in this apocalyptic environment, the upper limit of this product is only here. No matter how high it is, it is not much higher. The most it can do is continue to develop horizontally and become a rare and exotic beast with the characteristics of many ferocious animals. Unable to develop the ability to fly into the sky, escape from the earth, move mountains and reclaim seas.

The current level limit is only level 19. No, it has dropped to level 17 now. As Qianlong rises, the calamity of the end of the law begins to gradually increase.

In the later stages, everyone was really just ordinary people.

Do you still want to eat? Wang Linchi asked seductively.

Of course I have, but it's not that easy to find. Rouqiu replied without hesitation. There was no point in lying in front of Wang Linchi.

Going south to Kyoto, you should know about the million-dollar festival. Wang Linchi said with a smile.

Meatball naturally knew about it, and the matter spread a lot, but it was very self-aware. With its ability, it was impossible to reach Kyoto.

I need a way out. It asked Wang Linchi for benefits without any politeness at all. In fact, it also knew that Wang Linchi was taking advantage of it and that it had some value that the other party needed, so it just Would be so unscrupulous.

Wang Linchi would beat it or even torture it, but he would not kill it, otherwise how could it dare to be so confident?

Of course, I'm here just to help you. Wang Linchi said with a smile. The growth progress of the meat ball was far beyond his imagination. Before harvesting, he just put it in Kyoto to have some fun.

Kyoto will soon be bustling with activity.

Pei Jiang, who Qianlong came out of the abyss, took the banner of Emperor Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng, and in the name of Qingjun side, he ordered the army equipped with a large number of talismans to set off and head towards Kyoto.

Li Qinglian, whose spirit-eating body is fully developed, takes the name of the God-Slaying True Monarch, takes the mission of the Human World Society, and a group of people with lofty ideals and comes to Kyoto in order to kill the most powerful demon god, Tenra Wandao Dog God. .

But Wang Linchi thought it wasn't chaotic enough, so he arranged for Meatball to go over again.

The Tianluo Wandao Dog God is not ordinary. It is rumored that he was once a dog named Wandao of Hengshi Sect, and was selected as the first beneficiary demon of the demon god system. In the end, relying on his relationship with the royal family, he gathered a lot of incense beliefs, and then he became a god. Luo Wandao, the dog god, even turned against Tiangang and directly took advantage of the original owner and his family.

Wang Linchi suspected that Tianluo Wandao Dog God might have noticed the decline in his strength and level, so he planned to hold a big sacrifice to break through himself and ensure his status. Otherwise, if other demon gods also noticed it next, then The status is no longer guaranteed.

Naturally, Wang Linchi didn't catch a cold against this so-called Tianluowandao Dog God, and even wanted to kill him and use it to make hot pot.

However, although the other party came from a good family, he was also kind and tolerant and knew how to plan after he became a god. He got his current strength and status by borrowing chickens from the Daheng Dynasty to lay eggs, instead of being Quan Aotian from the beginning. That had been dealt with by Heng Shizong long ago.

I will give you a concealment talisman to protect you from exposure and breath for three days. Wang Linchi said, then took out a talisman and attached it to Rouqiu's body, and then said: During this period, you are not allowed to touch water or fire, let alone blood, flesh, or filth. If you are really hungry, you can swallow some dew to relieve your fatigue.

Normally, the concealment talisman can last for three days, a quarter of an hour at most. However, the version Wang Linchi has is different, and it is a cheating version.

What Meatball fears most is naturally being attacked by people. With its appearance, it looks like rare and exotic animals wherever it goes. Once it is discovered and reported, someone will inevitably come to capture it.

It is not afraid of one or two people, and it can fight with a dozen or so people, but if twenty or thirty people come with bows and crossbows and leather armor, it will not feel comfortable even if it escapes.

And if you want to get to Kyoto as quickly as possible, it's not that easy. You definitely can't take the small roads, you can only take the big roads.

The concealment talisman given by Wang Linchi indeed met its requirements very well.

Not enough! Meatball wants more, and he must not let go of this good opportunity.

You are really greedy. Wang Linchi looked doting on him and took out two more talismans: This qi and blood talisman will keep your qi and blood for three days, and this armor and horse talisman will make you run for three days. The energy is endless.

No matter how much, there will be none.

Wang Linchi was warning Meatball, if you get greedy again, don't blame Wang Linchi for trying to deprive you of your freedom.

In the end, Meatball was very honest and did not continue to be greedy. It could detect the strong malice emanating from Wang Linchi.

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