Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 530: Gathered together, the first confrontation between two individuals at the peak of their

Why do you know how to lift this clay leg? The chief assistant couldn't help but curse and looked at the soldiers camped outside Kyoto with a gloomy expression.

He actually dared to engage in this kind of attack in the east and in the west. He thought that the opponent wanted to expand, but he didn't expect that they attacked Kyoto directly. He couldn't even react.

What's more important is that they actually dare to intercept some human sacrifices. It will be terrible if there are not enough animals for sacrifice to the Ten Luo Wandao Dog God.

Not to mention this group of rebels, Li Qinglian entered Kyoto yesterday. Some people saw that after the death of several demon gods, there was only a green lotus seal at the scene. The minister of Dali Temple said with a stiff tone.

This is a grand event for demons and gods, so naturally a large number of demons and gods came here just to get a sip of soup in this million-dollar ceremony.

Unexpectedly, he became the food of others first.

It's not just Li Qinglian, there's something else that got in. The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice lowered his eyelids with a chill in his tone.

A million-dollar ceremony actually brought out so many things that were hidden so deeply, which made him shudder and he didn't know how to solve it next.

What's more important is that many demon gods are not of a peaceful nature. They are all making trouble, trying to replace the dog gods of heaven and earth and make themselves the supreme god.

Everyone knows what's going on, but everyone sees through it and doesn't speak out, just to keep this fig leaf, lest it's too late after they break up.

Intensify inspections in the city. The rebels outside the city are dealt with by the Forbidden Army. We also notify the royal family and ask them to help. There must be something wrong with this group of mysterious people. Maybe it was supported by some demon god. As a temple blessing, the assistant was naturally aware of some strange things about the royal family.

He also went to investigate, but found nothing, and finally had to give up.

At such a critical moment, he didn't believe that the royal family would continue to hide, unless the other party wanted to die together.

Otherwise, he would definitely help.

Yes, I'll do it right away! The staff on the side quickly started processing according to the regulations.

As for Li Qinglian, this was indeed not something they could solve. When the other party struck, the sword was full of light, and the person who was killed was already dead before he could react.

He is not afraid of crowds. He is agile and cunning. Once he is targeted, he will definitely die.

It is already very good to target the demon gods now, but if we target them one day, then they will be doomed.

Therefore, patrols in the city can only be strengthened.

Is there anything else? The first assistant rubbed his temples. If he were not the temple blessing of the Tenra Dog God, he would definitely leave a place like Kyoto as soon as possible.

He always felt that something big was going to happen.

Yes, gunpowder has been found in many places. It is a kind of gunpowder known to humans.

Hearing this, the chief minister was shocked. What is going on? How could there be gunpowder? Of course he knew the power of gunpowder, but he didn't want to try it.

What's going on? The city isn't patrolled twelve hours a day and there are a lot of protections. How can we let the thieves of the Human World break in? What's more, hasn't the Human World been broken up? The chief assistant asked a barrage of questions. Likewise, the person who spoke was rendered speechless.

I don't know yet, but I'm sure it must be with the help of Temple Zhu. The man responded immediately.

Most of the things that can become the blessings of the Demon Temple are not good things, so it is very simple to buy them. If the price is right, it is not just to help bring something. It is not too simple.

Nowadays, in the whole of Kyoto, apart from human sacrifices, the most popular thing is temple blessings.

Strengthen the management, find these temple blessings, and send a letter to the court to question them. The chief assistant does not intend to use his status as Tianluo Wandao Dog Temple God's blessing to deal with it, just let the court do it. Anyway, if something goes wrong, the court will be responsible, and It doesn't fall on him personally.

He also wants to stop it, but this kind of thing can't be stopped. The number of Miaozhu is so huge, how can he manage it, not to mention that they ignore you. Miaozhu only needs to be responsible for the demon god he believes in, even if he is Chief assistant, but this status is completely useless to other temple blessings.

The only thing that can be used is his status as a temple blessing, but everyone is a temple blessing, so why are you higher than them and still thinking about giving orders? This will only make him targeted.

No matter how much he said, he would have no choice. Since he couldn't control other people's temple blessings and couldn't restrict them, he could only strengthen management.

If you are not good externally, you can only supplement it by being more aggressive internally.

Yes, Lord Chief Assistant. The person who spoke was also very calm. In fact, he had known the result for a long time. If Miao Zhu was not involved, he would indeed be able to go to war to get to the bottom of it. Unfortunately, it is basically over here now. Continue All I can say is that they should be careful and try to discover gunpowder as soon as possible.

After another discussion, everyone dispersed.

Li Qinglian hid on the beam and listened to the content clearly.

At this point in the simulation, coupled with various changes, the convenience brought by so many foresights has almost disappeared, but he does not need it anymore, because his name as the God-Slaying Lord has already resounded throughout Daheng. This heroic spirit must be of unparalleled quality.

It's just that if he wants to exit the simulation, he still needs to finish his life, and he feels that even if he dies, he can't die in obscurity, at least it must be earth-shattering.

He also found out the time when these people were meeting, so they hid here and eavesdropped as soon as the meeting was held, so as to understand the movements of the court.

As for the movements of the demon gods, there is no need to control this, because even if he wants to, there is no way. The demon gods are originally divided into factions, and they are simply chaotic. Unless he can monitor all the demon gods, it is meaningless at all. It is better to It is better to choose the imperial court.

Normally, he should leave now, but today, he noticed something wrong. It seemed that there was someone not far away who was eavesdropping like him.

No, in his perception, it was not a person, but some kind of beast dormant, but the other party had restrained its aura and murderous intent.

Friends over there, come out. Li Qinglian spoke first.

What came out was not a response, but an attack with a vicious wind.

Fortunately, Li Qinglian had already been prepared. When the opponent attacked, he drew out a sword with green lotus painted on it to block the attack.

However, before he could see clearly what was attacking him, the other party fell into darkness again and disappeared without a trace the next moment.

The exchange between the two sides was just one move, but Li Qinglian's face showed an unprecedented solemnity.

It stands to reason that with his perfect Spirit Devouring Body, there would be no one who could be his opponent, but as a result, he met him this time.

‘Another god-eating body? ’

'No, it's impossible. Even if the other party has a spirit-eating body, the other party has not developed any skills! ’

‘So there are only other possibilities. ’

Although Li Qinglian was confused, she did not pursue him. He had other things to be busy with. As long as the other party was willing to fight against the demon god and the court, he would be a fellow traveler.

There is no need to fight to the death with the other party.

He left the beam quietly, gliding in the air like a big bird, and finally fell into the deserted alley and blended into the crowd. No one noticed this scene at all, except Wang Linchi.

We met so quickly and even fought. Wang Linchi's figure slowly emerged, leaving two marks on the beam. One was the paw print left by the force of the meat ball, and the other was naturally The sword marks produced when Li Qinglian drew her sword to block.

She's a bit of a supermodel. The supermodel Wang Linchi said was naturally not referring to Meatball. The other party had an extraordinary background and should have such strength. But Li Qinglian was different. This guy was still a human being. The so-called spirit-eating body. In fact, it has reached its end, and the upper limit is there.

The result was that it was evenly matched with the meat ball, so one can imagine the difference.

But it's not that big of a deal. Jiu Juezi has managed to kill gods with his own body. Even if he is a supermodel, it's not impossible for him to do it.

Wang Linchi was not surprised at all.

It's a pity that the value of both Meat Ball and Jiu Juezi has been exhausted. I hope these two can give me some more surprises. The reason why Wang Linchi didn't care was to see if Meat Ball could force Jiu Juezi first. Juezi Li Qinglian has some hidden potential that allows him to obtain additional data.

If he can't be forced out, forget it, Wang Linchi can wait for the next generation of Jiu Juezi.

Meat balls are naturally used as reinforcement materials to strengthen their game characters. Whether dead or alive, meat balls still have ultimate value to use. Unlike Li Qinglian, there really isn't much left.

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