Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 528 Recruitment? Congratulations!

Recruitment? Pei Jiang looked at the edict urgently reported from Kyoto with a strange expression.

This means that as long as they are willing to submit to the imperial court, then all of them can obtain official positions, titles, and even real power.

However, in fact, through his own power, Pei Jiang has mastered the ability of the talisman and has extraordinary power equal to that of the demon gods. He even killed all the demon gods in the city to show his strength.

The next thing to do is very simple, that is to enter Kyoto and restore the identities of millions of people from sacrifices to adults.

Everyone was sharpening their knives at this time, but the recruitment order was issued.

What's more important is that it doesn't include the most important item, which is to have him, the leader of the thieves, executed.

The chief minister of the dynasty is not mentally ill. It is impossible to write like this, so that after the person who accepts the will dies, the other party's subordinates can enjoy glory and wealth. Is this possible?

Lord, there is a fraud in this matter. A middle-aged man next to Pei Jiang had a cold light in his eyes.

I didn't want to be recruited. Pei Jiang immediately explained that if he was recruited, he would definitely be killed by the court. The demon god is so powerful, how could he resist.

To solve the problem, the best way is to promote the Tao of Talismans as soon as possible. However, the learning threshold is too high, and the number of people who can be trained now is indeed limited.

If you agree, the imperial court will definitely let you fall into the land of gentleness. When the troops are dispatched to suppress it, no one can escape. The middle-aged man was a military advisor recruited by Pei Jiang. He was a frustrated scholar with a big personality. Talent, so he can see the other party's plan at a glance.

From the large number of pleasure-related things sent, we can see the bad intentions of the court.

It is indeed dangerous, but what should I do if I refuse to recruit you now? Pei Jiang asked.

Since there is no recruitment, the court will definitely take the next step.

If you refuse to recruit me, the demon god must have sent Miao Zhu to fight against us. However, if Miao Zhu faces ten or fifty people, he still has a chance of winning, but if he faces hundreds or thousands of people, it will be mediocre.

The lord only needs to expand externally within three days. The requirements are not big, just capture a city. The middle-aged man naturally knew the situation of Miao Zhu. It was okay to deal with ordinary people, but he was no match for the organized army. , otherwise how could the rebels from all over the country survive until now.

The temple blessing that can deal with ten people is already very powerful.

Attack the city? Is there any connection between these? Shouldn't we rush into Kyoto to save many people? Pei Jiang did not understand the intention at all.

This is naturally our plan. However, we want to show the imperial court that it is expansion, rather than taking Kyoto directly. In this way, we can distract its attention.

At least we have to force Kyoto to send troops to rescue them. Then we can take advantage of this opportunity to rush into Kyoto and catch them off guard!

The middle-aged man gave his own plan. The plan was indeed very crude and did not have many subtle operations. It was more like a means of attacking in the east and in the west.

But it doesn’t matter how subtle the method is, it just needs to be effective.

Those who can fight in the imperial court are dealing with rebels from all over the country. It will be good if they can survive, but it is impossible to fight against them.

As for bringing in troops, by the time the soldiers from the imperial court arrived, they would have already captured Kyoto, ensuring that they would miss the mark.

Okay, I'll act according to your plan. Pei Jiang agreed without hesitation. When someone is under pressure, he will delegate power without hesitation.

However, he dared to delegate power because his potential in judging people was fully stimulated, so he was so bold in hiring people.

All he has to do is to put the right people in the right positions and give them corresponding treatment. Then he only needs to say what to do, and the rest of his people will help him perfect the details. He only needs to wait. Just watch the results.

Yes, lord! The middle-aged man was also very touched by Pei Jiang's trust. He was willing to leave such a big matter to him and still trusted him so much. Naturally, he was willing to go to pieces.

By the way, is there any news about Daimiao and Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng? Pei Jiang asked.

He is naturally very concerned about this matter. After all, the way of talismans was transmitted from the other party, and its effect and power are very powerful. It can not only be effective on demon gods and temple blessings, but also be effective on people, so in order to let this power With better control in hand, it was natural to investigate.

We have found some. I thought they were just wild temples and wild gods where they came from, but I never thought they were the authentic ones of Heng Kingdom. If the Dai Temple had not declined due to the suppression of Heng Shizong, there would be no human sacrifices now. The middle-aged man said. The man sighed and took out a piece of information.

Pei Jiang took it and took a closer look. The more he looked at it, the more he frowned.

This Heng Shizong is really stupid. After reading the cause and effect, Pei Jiang understood in his heart.

No wonder the Miao Zhu of Dai Temple was willing to help him. When Daheng founded the country, he also received help from Dai Temple. He also learned that Dai Temple was not as greedy and violent as the demon god, but was very close to the people and helped Daheng become strong and common. Ankang has made great contributions.

Daheng's decline began precisely after Heng Shizong was greedy for power and supported the demon gods to suppress Dai Temple, and it has led to the absurd situation it is today.

In other words, Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng gave birth to the Rensheng Emperor. It is righteous. No wonder many rebels are using this banner. Pei Jiang said this, but in his heart, he was thinking that it should be that one more. Wang Xue Shu's support.

Otherwise, who would use a flag that has been in decline for hundreds of years.

But he also knew that the Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng Emperor had a very good effect on intimidating many demon gods, especially those high-ranking demon gods.

Only those unworthy demon gods would think that Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng was just a declining wild god.

Do you think we should also use this person's name? Pei Jiang suddenly asked.

Judging from the intelligence and his exchange with 'Wang Xue Shu', it seems that the Dai Temple system has no idea of ​​fighting for power and profit at all, and more of living its own life.

It's feasible, but if the tail is too big to fall off in the future... the middle-aged man affirmed first, and then talked about the hidden dangers.

If this Dai Temple becomes another demon god, it will be troublesome.

It's not that there is no solution, just don't let Dai Temple leave Taishan. Pei Jiang promised 'Wang Xue Shu' to keep the ancestral palace of Dai Temple in Taishan, but there was only one way.

As long as the ancestral court is still there and the incense is still there, even if it is not at its peak, it will be fine.

This method is of course safe, but there is one problem. If the Lord becomes a big deal, he may need to go to Mount Tai to enshrine his vows and fulfill his vows to show his orthodoxy.

In those days, Taizu Heng, Emperor Gaozong and others all went there.

It means that if you use someone else's banner, you must make things better for them in the sense of justice, otherwise how will the world see you?

There are so many disadvantages, but what about the advantages? Thinking of this, Pei Jiang felt a little disadvantaged.

Of course there is. If the Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng Emperor is the banner, we can also be the orthodox one. The middle-aged man suddenly smiled mysteriously, and then said: Taizu Heng once said that the descendants are stupid and violent, and the Holy Emperor You can raise troops to replace him and show the light of day.

Hiss~ How dare Taizu Heng say this without fear... Pei Jiang also took a breath of cold air.

Taizu Heng was a Class-A believer of the Holy Emperor, and received the blessing of the Holy Emperor. Moreover, all the people in the world were followers of the Holy Emperor at that time. Just because of the status of this Class-A believer, no one would rebel. Once he said it, everyone in the world would be wiped out. If we all go together, why worry about failing to achieve our great cause. The middle-aged man couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

He couldn't even imagine what this situation would be like.

The world is unified, no wonder Taizu Heng can say such words. Pei Jiang was also moved at this time, which means that as long as he carries the banner of Dai Temple and Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng Emperor, then he is not Instead of rebelling, he was able to clean up the unworthy descendants of Taizu Heng, and he could also succeed to the throne with orthodoxy and create a new dynasty.

There is no need to worry about getting a reputation as a rebel, usurper, etc. in the history books in the future, because your ancestors of the Heng Dynasty royal family have said that if you are not good enough, the believers under the Holy Emperor can replace you.

In this case, I am using the banner of Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng. Don't they know that the way of the talisman in my hand was taught by Dai Miao Wang Zhu Xue Shu, and it comes from the Dai Miao lineage.

A smile appeared at the corner of Pei Jiang's mouth. Since he has great righteousness, his actions will go smoothly.

When the middle-aged man heard this, his eyes widened. He didn't know whether Pei Jiang's words were true or false, but it didn't matter. Dai Temple was gone anyway, so no one would be entangled in these things.

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