Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 527 How did Emperor Heng secure the throne? Rely on a weak brain!

You bastard, you can't even handle this little thing! Emperor Heng, who was nearly fifty, had a ferocious look on his face.

Three days ago, 50,000 people dared to rebel. They first killed Miao Zhu and the officers and soldiers, then directly raised 20,000 rebels on the spot and occupied a city in the hinterland of the Central Plains.

As for how 50,000 people turned into 20,000 people, certainly not everyone would be willing to follow in the rebellion, and there were also many old people, children, and women who were not suitable as soldiers.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the treasonous sentence shouted by the other party, Prince General Xiang Ning has the guts!

Are a bunch of idiots worthy of coveting this supreme position?

Fortunately, the lack of 50,000 people did not have much impact on the big sacrifice. One million people were needed as sacrifices to worship the demon god, but he did not recruit only 1 million people, but 1.5 million people. .

So there is no need to worry about not being enough. What he is angry about is that even the Central Plains region cannot control people who dare to rebel. Then where is the majesty of his emperor?

Pass the message, give me three days to defeat this traitor, and kill nine tribes, no, ten tribes!

Emperor Heng roared.

However, all the ministers just watched with their eyes, nose and heart, not afraid or anxious at all.

Because they are the spokesmen of various demon gods and do not obey the orders of Emperor Heng at all. Unless they are fighting for the interests of their own demon gods, most of the time they are clay-embodied Bodhisattvas and remain motionless.

So in fact, Emperor Heng had no so-called majesty at all. He couldn't even mobilize the army, and he couldn't promote or demote his ministers.

However, he still feels good about himself. The reason is naturally that he has been deceived and lame over the years.

He also paid attention to bloodline. The founding ancestor of his ancestor was just an ordinary person from the northern grassland, and he had no noble bloodline.

Your Majesty, calm down. This matter is indeed urgent, but it cannot be so urgent. The chief assistant stood up. This chief assistant was not the one who persuaded Emperor Heng to break with the demon god. The one who had died long ago had died. It's just too eye-catching.

Emperor Heng thought about kneeling, but the chief assistant asked him to stand, and the conflict came out like this. The winner did not need to think about it, it was this Emperor Heng. After all, Emperor Heng was supported by the demon god, and the chief assistant was not only a minister, but also himself Or the weaker side, who loses if he doesn’t lose?

The first assistant said that I know you are in a hurry, but don't be anxious yet.

Emperor Heng, who was used to being fooled, did calm down. He trusted the chief minister very much. This million-dollar sacrifice was his idea. As long as he successfully held it, he would definitely be able to go further.

Ai Qing has a good plan? Emperor Heng felt that the other party should have a solution.

However, the first assistant was helpless. What could he do? In this situation, there was no other solution except fighting.

But the problem is that there are not many available troops in the imperial court now. Over the years, rebellions have broken out from time to time in various places. Those who can be exterminated will be left alone, and those who cannot be exterminated will become stronger.

The rebellion was suppressed with force, and a large number of human sacrifices were needed as sacrifices to the demon gods. The entire Daheng was no longer riddled with holes, but was about to sink.

This also means a very serious thing, that is, they now have no available generals or soldiers. If they want to wipe out a rebel army, they can only transfer people from all directions.

As for transferring people from Kyoto to quell the rebellion, this is simply impossible.

The princes in the court are not stupid, why would they take off their amulets? If someone steals their amulets, they will all die.

Yes, Your Majesty can issue an edict and ask the thieves to hand over their leader in exchange for recruiting An Gou to live, so as to offset the merit. He bit the bullet and came up with a bad idea.

If you want to recruit people, then the other party will directly become one of their own. Although they are a bit unruly, as long as the leader dies, then there will be nothing but loose sand, and the rest will be left to them to knead.

The idea is very good, but the question is why should the other party listen to you? They have rebelled, and you will recruit them just as you say?

But Emperor Heng didn't think so, but his eyes lit up and he felt that this matter was indeed feasible.

Although just killing the leader of the thieves will not quell my anger, if the recruitment can be successful, it will be an honor for them to allow these traitors to enter the capital and continue to be human sacrifices. Emperor Heng couldn't help but say.

Naturally, the recruitment will not take into account their rebellious behavior, but the responsibilities that should be fulfilled must be fulfilled.

Everyone in the court looked at each other, what kind of idea was this.

They didn't want to die in the first place, so they rebelled. But it turned out that you were lucky, and you asked the other party to be a human sacrifice. How could this be a good move? I'm afraid it won't continue to cause conflicts.

My dear, what do you think of this? Emperor Heng was still a little complacent. This is a chance for you. To die for him is simply an honor for these idiots.

The Chief Assistant smiled a little reluctantly: What your Majesty said is absolutely true, but now that there are enough people and animals, I think there is no need for these 50,000 people.

He still wanted to save him first, even though according to the other party's thoughts, he might not be able to save him.

After hearing this, Emperor Heng's brows frowned as expected: It's okay if the number is sufficient, but it's not impossible to let them go as sacrifices first.

It means jumping in line.

Upon hearing this, the first assistant felt that he had the urge to strangle the other party to death.

He said the number was sufficient, but you said you would directly arrange for early death. This was because you were afraid that the other party would be willing to recruit people, right?

This is inappropriate. All human and animal sacrifices have a fixed number and cannot be changed at will. Upon hearing this, the Minister of Rites also jumped out to smooth things over, using etiquette as a restraint.

Emperor Heng did not have any doubts, but nodded: In that case, then...

Everyone thought that the matter would just go away, but unexpectedly, Emperor Heng said something even more outrageous.

You can also send these human animals to demon temples in various places as sacrifices for consumption.

The princes in the court felt a little suffocated. It can only be said that their influence on Emperor Heng over the years has been very fruitful, otherwise they would not have become such a fool.

But now the problem is very real, that is, this silly appearance seems to be a bit stubborn, there is no way to be controlled by them, and further adjustments are needed.

Your Majesty, why do you need to personally intervene in such trivial matters? Let the chief assistant handle it. You are the supreme body, so you will not be disturbed by such trivial matters. The Minister of the Ministry of War also made suggestions.

If we really have to follow Emperor Heng's method, it won't work without fighting. Then it will be difficult for him, the Minister of War.

That's why I immediately jumped out to stop it, otherwise what else could I do.

Hearing this, Emperor Heng also nodded: I'll leave it to you, Aiqing. We must let these people perform their duties.

To perform one's duties means to die as a sacrifice, not to be released.


Everyone is speechless. You are afraid that your position is too stable, right?

Your Majesty, don't worry. I will leave this matter to your Majesty. Your Majesty will be satisfied. The chief minister planned to use the old method, which was to prevent the news from reaching Emperor Heng, and then just dilute it over time. As time went by, Emperor Heng also forgot about it.

What the result will be is not a matter of his opening his mouth.

As for the real way to deal with it, as long as Emperor Heng doesn't know about it, it's not up to them. The entire court is controlled by their demonic forces inside and outside the court. Emperor Heng is just a fig leaf with no knowledge of himself.

Okay, Aiqing is really a great minister. Emperor Heng couldn't help but praise him, and then continued: Ai Qing, do you have anything else?

Emperor Heng didn't ask if there was anything else he wanted to report, but he said that he didn't want to have sex this morning, and you can handle the rest by yourselves.

The eunuch on the side was very discerning and started to shout: If there is something to do, go to court, if there is nothing to do, leave the court.

The ministers were very cooperative and shouted: Congratulations to Your Majesty.

After such a tacit understanding, everyone dispersed.

The first assistant and the six ministers were walking and chatting in the palace, trying to find a solution.

Recruiting security is nothing more than appeasement and concessions as a means of stability, but this is not a long-term solution after all. The chief assistant's intention is very obvious, which is to stabilize these mud-legged people first, then bring back troops from the outside, and then directly destroy them. other side.

Otherwise, if you really feed it, you might become a white-eyed wolf.

We can mobilize troops from the south, but this movement is not small and will definitely affect the situation in Daheng. said the Minister of War.

It is said that 20,000 people rebelled, but after the opponent occupies a place, it will inevitably begin to expand. How can it be possible that the opponent will still face 20,000 people?

Moreover, mobilizing a border army to leave will inevitably affect the rebels it suppresses. What should we do if we take advantage of the situation?

This matter really needs to be discussed again. The chief assistant stroked his beard, thinking about letting the demon god take action to solve it.

Most of the capable people were excluded from the court by them, and those who were able to hold power were all supported by the power of demons and gods.

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