Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 503 Seven dynasties enter the belly, and the five immortals are complete

What about the Dai Temple system that's as big as mine?

I am not the Dasheng Rensheng Emperor of Dongyue Tianqi, how did I become the Lord of Taishan Mansion?

Why did the game character level drop again?

When Wang Linchi got up, he was a little confused.

He had been digesting the civilization materials of seven dynasties in the Taishan underground, and had not noticed the situation in the outside world. Most of the memories had been recovered.

The characters in the game have always been lurking among the Jiujue Sect, and they became the royal family along with them.

After he finished digesting it, he looked again and found that it was more than six hundred years ago.

Yuan Lin, Zhang Lin, Li Zheng and others have been dead for more than five hundred years, and now the grass on their graves is... Oh, this is not high, because there are people helping to weed the grass.

But when he looked again, he saw that the great leek field he had cultivated was destroyed by a group of little bastards who jumped out of nowhere.

In the faith network, there are no Class A believers, and there are only a few Class B believers. There are not even ten people in total. As for Class B and D believers, there are a little more, but not much more.

Wang Linchi quickly called up the game character's records. While he was digesting it, he embedded Jia Sansan's memory and personality model into the game character. It was disguised very well and was not exposed.

After simply reading it, I was also very shocked.

Damn it, what kind of weird idea is this? Just because of this little thing, the weird scene of sharing the world with the aristocratic family in the previous dynasty suddenly happened, right? No, no one who shares the world with the aristocratic family can be as harmful as you. At least the aristocratic family doesn't He can really eat people. Wang Linchi felt that it was indeed remarkable that Yuan Lin could produce such a descendant who would ruin his foundation.

That Heng Shizong was really powerful. He did use the demon gods to fight and suppress the Dai Temple belief, and he was indeed successful, but he never considered the consequences of the growth of the demon god belief.

In Sejong's later years, he could no longer control the demon god system. The demon gods had begun to grow bigger and stronger, further eroding the imperial court.

To be honest, this Shizong lived too long. If he died young, he would not develop like this, because during this period there were many opportunities to control the demon god's belief system. However, the other party wanted to balance the emperor's power. , ignored.

Then it became like this.

It's a good thing that I have become an immortal now, otherwise I would have been tricked by you. Wang Linchi has now reached the level of the Five Immortals and is in the position of an immortal.

The position of the Divine Way, which can be called the Immortal of Time, the Dasheng Rensheng Emperor of Dongyue Tianqi, has also become a part of it and is no longer restricted by the belief in incense, so it does not matter if it declines.

Even vaguely, he has been able to fight against the calamity of the end of the law.

If there really was a fight, it would probably be 30-70.

There is a 70% chance that he will not be killed by the final method, and a 30% chance that he will be seriously injured.

It's just a confrontation, it doesn't mean that he can survive the end of the law.

Even this mature world cannot resist. How could Wang Linchi, a newly grown up world, be able to win? Isn't this too whimsical?

Now he has all three realms in his body. The only flaw is that he is a bit dull. Although he has a lot of memory to help, it is still a little bit behind.

He needs to make his three worlds of heaven, earth and man form a complete cycle and generate corresponding civilization. Only then can he enter the second stage of the history of time, which is civilization.

At present, it is still difficult, at least he cannot create civilization in a short period of time.

In other words, he needs a little help.

For example, the help of the Daheng Dynasty, which has been in power for six hundred years, and the help of these little brats who stole his leek field.

If it had been the early days of Daheng's founding, he might not have been able to make up his mind. Whether it was Yuan Lin or others, they all helped him a lot.

I still feel a little bit regretful about killing a hero.

If Daheng still enshrines him, the Dasheng Rensheng Emperor of Dongyue Tianqi, and the development of Dai Temple continues to flourish, Wang Linchi will be embarrassed to do it. After all, six hundred years of worshiping him, there is no credit but hard work.

It's a pity that his Dai Temple has been in decline for too long.

As for Emperor Heng who wanted to save him...he couldn't save him. If the other party was really saved, Wang Linchi would also recognize the other party's hard work.

Since there are none, don't blame Wang Linchi for turning his back on him.

Although Yuan Lin was said to be a hidden dragon at the beginning, Wang Linchi was not a white wolf and had invested a lot of money in it. Therefore, theoretically speaking, Daheng also had Wang Linchi's original shares in it.

There is also the Tribulation of the End of Law. In these years, the level limit has actually been reduced to only 21.

If this continues, won't the destruction of the world be imminent? Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of this.

And it's probably the end of the dynasty again.

Wang Linchi thought of the last Dajing incident. Once he fell to another level, the Jiujue Sect members would start taking action against Daheng.

Thinking about it this way, isn't this generation of Jiu Juezi coming out again? He was a little uninterested at first, but now he's a little excited. This is Jiu Juezi. After catching him, he doesn't ask for too much. If you study for thirty to fifty years from afar, you might be able to find out the secrets of the other party.

For example, the current Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation has been completely controlled by him.

After that, he could turn it on and off by himself even without the help of Jiu Jue disciples.

As for the Nine Jue Palace, it has actually fallen into the hands of the game characters, but the game characters did not interfere too much.

For him, just take it down. He can't mess around until Jiu Juezi is caught.

He still understands that catching the thief first captures the king. What's the use of catching a group of reformed people who are no different from tool people.

But what are the arrangements for Taishan and Dai Temple next? Wang Linchi felt that this matter seemed a bit tricky.

Destruction is impossible, let Wang Linchi take care of it, forget it, he has no such intention at all.

What's more, there are only three or two big cats and kittens left in Dai Temple. The entire Daheng combined can't even make up the five Dai temples.

The ancestral court on Taishan Mountain is a bit better, but the incense is no longer good. The original splendid appearance has also changed to a desolate appearance. Even in some places, if you want to repair it, you don't have enough money to repair it.

It is indeed too sad that the incense has declined to this point.

Six hundred years have changed, and if Yuan Lin saw this, he would probably feel sad. Wang Linchi sighed.

The Taishan Dai Temple underwent many renovations during Yuan Lin's lifetime, making it huge in scale. Although it is not in ruins, it is still overgrown with weeds.

Let's find Jiu Juezi first. We'll talk about Dai Temple later. Anyway, there's no way to cut it off for a while. If that doesn't work, I'll move Taishan and Dai Temple into my body after everyone is dead. Wang Linchi I feel that this Dai Temple cannot be saved.

The main reason is that the belief in incense is of little use to Wang Linchi now, so he has not thought about taking the trouble to save one.

Besides, he still had to worry about it after he was rescued.

It would be better to wait for Dai Miao's faith to die suddenly, and it would be best for him to take him away.

It's just that the world is so big, where can I find Jiu Juezi... Wang Linchi was also a little helpless.

Each generation of Jiu Juezi has a different identity, appearance, and name. Some were born in Rome, while others were born as cows and horses.

However, regardless of whether they are Roman or oxen, they can succeed without exception and have unparalleled reputation and strength in this era.

The shortcomings are also obvious. If the Jiu Juezi of this era has not yet risen and is in a state of accumulation, then he will not be able to find it even if he wants to look for it.

The Jiu Juemen could not find the Jiu Juezi in this state, and they could only find it after the Jiu Juezi rose.

We can only find a place to settle down first, and then keep an eye on the Jiu Jue Sect and wait for news from them.

Wang Linchi didn't force it. Anyway, there were game characters infiltrating the Jiu Jue Sect, so there was no need to worry about missing the news.

We still have to take the Holy Master away. This guy has been a golden statue in Taishan Dai Temple for more than 600 years. Now he can finally retire.

The Holy Lord's strength seems a bit useless to me now.

The current Holy Master cannot defeat Wang Linchi at all, and cannot even get close to Wang Linchi.

No, the game character must come back, otherwise I won't be able to get out without my skin... Wang Linchi patted his stone head. Now he is a large twisted mass of colorful stones. His race is the world, and he is in urgent need of human skin disguise.

Let the memory go and disguise itself as a member of the Jiujue Sect, the Holy Master will come back as a bodyguard, and the game character will be my human skin.

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