Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 502 Six hundred years have passed and the demon god is in power

The Daheng Kingdom has lasted for six hundred years. Starting from the founding ancestor Yuan Lin, it has experienced many events, but now it has become a little decadent.

The demon god of Nantian breaks into the realm of the gods and demands three thousand pairs of boys and girls every year.

The Beihe Demon God has entered the realm of true gods and demands ten thousand loving couples every year.

Three more demon gods were born in the West, and they have become a climate.

Above the court, memorials like snowflakes fell on Emperor Heng's table, which made Emperor Heng's head look big.

He had only been in power for three days, but he found that the demons and gods everywhere were in chaos.

At this time, he also complained about why Heng Shizong supported the demon god to suppress the Dai Temple. Nowadays, the Dai Temple and the Holy Emperor are gradually declining. A large number of Dai temples have been demolished, leaving only a few scattered ones. Even the Taishan Ancestral Court has been demolished. It fell down.

After these demon gods gain power, they are not like Dai Temple, who only seek incense in the world. They want to eat people.

Once the demands are not met, trouble will follow.

As for why they supported the demon gods to suppress Dai Temple, the reason is very simple. It was naturally for power.

The Founding Patriarch received help from the Holy Emperor and was a Class A believer, but this does not mean that his descendants will definitely be followers of the Holy Emperor.

When Taizong succeeded to the throne, the other party could not reach the level of A-level believers at all, but only the level of B-level benefactors, and when it went down, it had fallen to the C-level.

However, in the third generation, they began to be dissatisfied with the great momentum of Dai Temple and the Holy Emperor.

Later, during the reign of Emperor Shizong, he thought of using barbarians to control barbarians. He first deprived Dongyue Tianqi of the title of Dasheng Rensheng Emperor and changed it to Taishan Mansion Lord. He directly changed from the status of emperor to the king of a palace. This was natural. There was a great shock.

However, with his imperial power and worship of demon gods, all kinds of dissatisfaction were quickly suppressed.

As a result, the reputation and power of Dai Temple have dropped significantly, and it has embarked on the road of decline.

Unfortunately, after the death of Heng Shizong, the next Emperor Heng did not have the means. In addition, the Dai Temple was suppressed too hard and declined more and more, and the demon god became bigger.

Nowadays, the real decision-makers in various places are no longer the local officials of the imperial court, but the demon gods and the temple blessings of the demon temples.

Some powerful demon gods even dared to directly ask the court for human sacrifices as sacrifices, which can be described as extremely dark.

The previous Heng Emperors also thought about supporting the Dai Temple and suppressing the demon gods everywhere. Unfortunately, the Dai Temple at that time had completely declined, and they couldn't support it even if they wanted to, let alone there were many demon gods blocking it, so how could they support it.

For the sake of his own power, Heng Shizong has brought disaster to his descendants and even more to the people.

Your Majesty, I can't give it to you. If you give it today, these demon gods will ask for more in the future. The look on the chief assistant's side was gloomy.

What kind of life do they live now? They are simply livestock raised by those demon gods. They have to feed as many people as the demon gods say they want to eat.

Ai Qing, do you have any good ideas? Emperor Heng asked.

It's okay not to give it, but you have to find a way to deal with the demon god's wrath next.

He also wanted to have backbone, but he knew that things like backbone would not prevent demons and gods from doing evil.

Daheng doesn’t have to give it to him, but the demon gods will get it themselves, and then they won’t be able to get even the last bit of dignity.

When the chief assistant heard this, his expression showed helplessness.

He really had no solution, so he gritted his teeth and said, Go to Taishan Dai Temple for help!

Mr. Taishan Mansion has not performed miracles for many years and has long since declined. Emperor Heng shook his head. He had not thought about supporting him at all.

The late emperor once thought of restoring the title of Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng Emperor of Taishan Prefecture as a means of support. Unfortunately, the officials in the court did not agree, and the demons and gods in various places threatened the people everywhere.

Obviously everyone knows, even if it is only recorded on paper, how terrifying the Dongyue Tianqi Dashengren Saint Emperor they have never seen is.

At that time, Taizu Heng, with the help of the Holy Emperor, swept across the world and established Daheng. No one or the gods wanted to be swept away like the previous dynasty that had ended.

Therefore, even if the Dai Temple fell and Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng Emperor became the Lord of Taishan Mansion, people and gods would always keep an eye on them to prevent Da Heng's power from returning to the emperor's hands.

Your Majesty, maybe it's not that it hasn't been demonstrated before, but that no one can meet the conditions. The chief assistant said.

A Class B philanthropist is the minimum condition for receiving the Holy Emperor's blessing. In today's era, perhaps only the temple blessing in Dai Temple can meet this condition.

You want me to believe in the Lord of Taishan Prefecture? Emperor Heng couldn't help but snorted coldly when he heard this: It's nonsense. I am the honor of a country, how can I be inferior to others?

He doesn't even believe in those powerful demon gods, so he still believes in a declining prince?

I really thought he had lost to the point where there was no way out.

Furthermore, if you really want to have faith, you have to choose a reliable backer, not a Xiaofujun who has been in decline for many years.

It didn't matter that it was strong back then, but now it is not in decline and has only a few people left.

Hearing this, the chief minister sighed in his heart. Sure enough, when a country is about to perish, there must be evildoers. The new emperor has just taken office, and he is not as good as the previous ones in terms of ability and vision.

The first few people knew that these were all Shizong's fault. He was so crazy for power that they left their descendants to deal with the aftermath. However, they really couldn't defeat the powerful demon god, so they could only choose to support the original state religion, which was the Dai Temple Clan. Belief.

Daimiao will not seize power, nor ask for human sacrifice, nor will it embarrass the emperor.

If it weren't for his reputation among the people, he wouldn't have been feared and targeted by Shizong.

The Heng Emperor in front of him was very good at internal fighting, otherwise how could he possibly ascend to the throne and become emperor, but when it came to external fighting, he was extremely clueless.

You are still inferior to others. At that time, Taizu Heng was still a Class A believer, and later Taizong was also a Class B believer. How come he can't do it when he comes to you?

I'm afraid I just look down on others.

What your Majesty said makes sense. How can a supreme body believe in gods? The country should come first. The chief assistant warned the other party, meaning that since you don't believe in Lord Taishan, then don't believe in other demons and gods either, otherwise the world will be in chaos. of.

When Emperor Heng heard this, his eyes flickered. He naturally wanted to believe in a powerful demon god, support him with the country, and keep his throne and reputation.

He just wanted to imitate Shizong's method.

Sejong used the small sects to surround and kill the large sects, that is, he used a large number of demon gods that were inferior to the belief in Dai Temple to forcefully destroy the Dai Temple and bring the reputation of the imperial power to the highest level.

But he was different. He wanted to use the large sect to suppress the small sect, choose the most powerful demon god to worship with faith, and then let the most powerful demon god control other demon gods with insufficient strength. With the help of the demon god's belief, the imperial power could be restored. .

As for the possibility that he might be controlled as a puppet by this powerful demon god, he never considered at all how he could end up like this when he was able to become the emperor from among his many brothers and sisters.

With his machinations and strategies, is he still unable to control the demon god?

What the Chief Assistant said is absolutely true. How could I have such an idea of ​​believing in God? Emperor Heng said with disdain, but in his heart he was thinking that this old guy was blocking his way and he had to find a way to get rid of it. .

'No, not only the chief minister, but also everyone left by the late emperor must be purged and then replaced with a new group of people. ’

What? These people are the rare human sect, not the demon god sect? What Emperor Heng needs now is the Demon God Sect, so that he can better use the Demon God to subdue the Demon God, and finally let the Demon God be controlled by him.

Emperor Heng was not aware of his lack of ability at all. All the previous pressures were shouldered by the late Emperor and his ministers. What he did was to fight his way out of the big poison basin of many brothers and sisters. There was no trace of it at all. Exposed to the cruelty of demons and gods.

There were indeed demon gods asking for human sacrifices from him in the memorial, but he had never seen them in person. In his eyes, these people were just a string of numbers and words, without any concept at all.

So if it is approved, it will be approved.

Go down, I'm tired. Emperor Heng casually agreed to all the requests for human sacrifices, and then threw them to the chief assistant, meaning to get out of here.

Seeing this scene, the chief minister felt extremely suffocated. When the late emperor was here, every memorial involving human sacrifices was carefully thought over and collected carefully, and most of them were not approved unless it was really impossible to resist. , then you will be forced to agree.

As a result, the new emperor agreed and gave up without even looking at it.

He wanted to speak, but when he saw the impatient look on Emperor Heng's face, he felt sad. How could such a person become the emperor?

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