Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 504 Dai Temple outside the city, the fallen Holy Emperor

Thirty miles away from Quanshou City, in the dilapidated Dai Temple, Wang Linchi looked at the somewhat old statue of his own god and couldn't help but sigh.

Yesterday, the old Miao Zhu of the Dai Temple in Quanshou City died of illness, so he happened to come over and take over, just to find a suitable place to stay for a while.

Otherwise, there is really no place to go.

Today he buried Laomiao Zhu on the back mountain.

The other party was a rare B-level believer. Otherwise, Wang Linchi wouldn't have even looked at it if he had been a B-level believer.

Then, the Holy Master was asked to simply clean up the Dai Temple.

In fact, this is not the original Dai Temple. The original Dai Temple was in Quanshou City. It was very large. Unlike now, after the statue of his god was placed in the main hall, it looked very cramped and there were not many around it. There are even chickens and ducks in the backyard, and vegetables and fruits are grown.

The number of pilgrims is extremely small, with less than ten people in a month, and the money for incense is even less. However, this old temple monk is self-sufficient, and is doing well except for having no money.

The cause of death is also relatively good, that is, death at the end of life.

When Wang Linchi was in seclusion for digestion, because no one adjusted the belief network, only Grade A believers who wanted to obtain corresponding life span rewards were the only ones, and the number of life spans gained was also decreasing year by year. The threshold for divine spells and spiritual patterns will also be raised later. Because after Shizong destroyed the Dai Temple, there were naturally very few qualified candidates.

Now, let alone Class B upper class, the highest remaining believers are Class B lower class.

After tidying up Dai Temple, Wang Linchi planned to live here.

He is not worried about the catastrophe of the end of the law. He can see that this thing is a slow death and can last at least two more dynasties.

Not to mention he now has a way out.

He has several world coordinates in his hand and can leave at any time.

In the past six hundred years, the world coordinates in his hand have changed dozens of times, and many of them have disappeared because of too long.

It may be because the world opposite was destroyed, so the world coordinates cannot be located.

Obviously, world coordinates are also time-limited. If they don’t pass immediately, when the other side is destroyed, don’t even think about passing by.

Of course, Wang Linchi will definitely not use these coordinates that have been around for too long.

The shorter the coordinates are, the world on the other side may not have experienced the end of the world yet. For example, if he has the longest coordinates of the world in his hand, that world may have become riddled with holes. If he goes there, he will immediately It would be bad luck, so I didn’t even consider it.

The Dai Temple was quickly cleaned up. Wang Linchi was sitting on a deck chair in the courtyard, squinting his eyes. This kind of lying-down life was not to mention how comfortable it was.

If he didn't need to become stronger, he would have wanted to lie here all his life. It would have been better if he could marry three wives and four concubines. Unfortunately, with his inhuman appearance, he couldn't even think about marrying and having children. It was better to be alone. .

As soon as I lay down, it was already evening, and I was about to ask the Holy Master to cook for me. Although he was no longer a human, he was still wearing human skin, so he had to imitate well.

But he noticed that someone was approaching his Dai Temple.

The person who came here is not good. He still has the aura of the demon god. After the death of Lao Miao Zhu, the other party plans to completely eliminate my Dai Miao to avoid future troubles.

The number of Dai temples is small, but the threat is great.

No one knows whether the former Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng Emperor will take action.

What? Did Heng Shizong demote him to the title of Prince of Taishan Prefecture? Just listen to this kind of thing. Even if this ancient and powerful existence is in decline, they cannot touch it.

Therefore, they only dared to suppress, but did not dare to touch the Taishan Ancestral Court.

But Dai Temple in other places is different. They really dare to kill people.

This old guy is finally dead. Will you... hit him later? A strong man in the lead stretched out his foot and kicked the door. As a result, Wang Linchi opened the door. Not only was the kick empty, but also He almost fell to the ground, but fortunately the boy behind him had quick eyesight and quick hands to catch him.

Where did you come from? Why do you live in a temple? The strong man asked with an unhappy expression after he stood up.

I am the new temple minister of Dai Temple. Where can I live if I don't live in the temple? I can't just live in your house. Wang Linchi couldn't help but smile. The strong man in front of him was afraid.

A bit lustful and jealous.

Impossible, you are not a new temple blessing at all. But I heard that the imperial court did not give Dai Miao the documents to approve another Dai Miao Miao Zhu. A younger brother next to the strong man scolded.

The other party was still a bit literate, so he retorted immediately.

When the strong man heard this, he became more courageous. Yes, where did Dai Temple get the new temple blessing?

What's more, the person standing behind him is the Xuanhu Divine Lord. What is he afraid of?

The temple blessings of Dai Temple need to be certified by the court? How come Emperor Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng didn't know about this. Wang Linchi did know this, and it was precisely because of this that Dai Temple declined so quickly.

It's nothing more than blocking you from allowing temple blessings in Dai Temple. Even if someone is willing to help for free, they will be labeled as illegal temple blessings and thrown into prison.

This trend was particularly strong in the period after Sejong's death and when the demon gods began to gain momentum.

It doesn't matter now, because Dai Temple has declined. Even if the court is willing to issue documents, no one will be willing to come to Dai Temple for temple blessings.

Where did the God of Wild Hair come from, Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng Emperor? Don't you know that Quanshou City is the fiefdom of the Xuanhu God? the strong man shouted.

Wang Linchi smiled: Okay, no matter how much you say, it's useless. I have become a temple blessing, what can you do?

I...of course I destroyed your temple. The other party said bravely. He really wanted to retreat, but he was here to flatter the Xuanhu Divine Lord. If the filming didn't happen and he escaped, how could he? It’s not like he became a waste in the eyes of Lord Xuanhu.

Why did you destroy the temple? What grudge do I have against you? Wang Linchi asked.

No, but your temple is too eye-catching! the strong man said, rolled his eyes, and changed his tone: It's okay if you don't smash it. You smashed that statue of Lord Taishanfu. We'll leave right away. .”

That's not okay. The statue is the guy I eat. What's more, this is not the Taishan Mansion Lord, but the Dasheng Rensheng Emperor of Dongyue Tianqi. Wang Linchi corrected the other party.

Up to now, no one actually knows about the Holy Emperor. They only know about Lord Taishan. It can only be said that he is indeed very good at controlling public opinion.

The strong man knows that there are gods three feet above his head, so he really doesn't dare to move when there is a temple blessing. The last time he tried to move the Dai Temple, he was almost beaten to death by the old temple blessing.

Now it's a younger one, how dare he do it.

After all, in his eyes, temple blessings all possess magical powers given by gods.

As for the spirit pattern, he had never heard of it at all, and this thing was unique to Wang Linchi, and other demons and gods bestowed magical powers.

Why don't you understand? If you serve as a temple blessing to a wild god who doesn't know where he comes from, you will starve to death sooner or later. If you smash the statue of the god, I can introduce you to the Black Tiger God. That is the real great god! The other party continued to lie.

So you are the temple blessing of the Xuanhu God? Release a magic spell for me. Wang Linchi teased, but he was cursing in his heart: Well, a 19th-level demon god actually dares to call himself a god. Not to mention the ancient times, even in the age of spiritual warriors, they would have been slaughtered. ’

‘The Wolf God and the Sky Wolf don’t have such an arrogant name. ’

You... just wait for me. When the next time Xuanhu Temple Zhu comes in person, you will know whether you will live or die. The strong man couldn't help but snorted coldly, and after putting down his harsh words, he ran away in a bit of embarrassment.

Naturally, he is no longer a temple blessing, nor has he mastered any divine arts. He is just an ordinary person who wants to use this time to please him and become a temple blessing to obtain divine arts and become a human being.

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. He has seen the magic of Miao Zhu, and it will not be a problem to kill them all.

Go slowly. Next time you come here, remember to demonstrate the Black Tiger Magic to me. Wang Linchi shouted to these people with a murderous heart.

After the opponent heard this, his running speed increased by three points.

I don't know. Wang Linchi shook his head and returned to Dai Temple.

This world is indeed strange. A group of weaklings now dare to call themselves gods and emperors. They are simply too cheap to be cheap.

Firstly, he was bragging about his awesomeness in order to gain faith, and secondly, because the imperial court wanted to suppress him, the Dasheng Rensheng Emperor of Dongyue Tianqi, so these honorific titles were made worthless.

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