Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 489 Nine unique skills of all generations, sacrificing civilization in order to continue

Inside the palace, there is no luxury that Wang Linchi imagined that could match the Jiujue clan. Instead, it is very low-key, just an ordinary village.

However, in Wang Linchi's eyes, it was not that simple. The overall layout was just as he imagined, a large-scale maintenance base for modified humans.

Here, Wang Linchi also met two other reformers with code names prefixed by B and C.

Type B is a manufacturing type, and Type C is a repair and maintenance type.

Coupled with the command-executing Type A, an iron triangle was formed, with one working in the field and two doing logistics, making the Jiujue Shrine a secret power.

Wang Linchi also discovered that the Jiujue sect is not the only one who can transform people. Once they die, they can create a corresponding transformed person as a replacement. However, it is not a brand new one, but the same type that has the memory and personality of the previous generation of transformed people. .

In the eyes of the Jiujue sect, this is resurrection, but in reality it is a new person.

Looking at all this, Wang Linchi was a little bit confused. He was a different kind of player.

As long as you are not aware of the truth that you are dead, and someone from the Jiujue Sect reappears, you will only think that you are alive, and you will definitely have nothing to fear.

The Jiu Juezi who created the Jiu Jue Shrine was indeed no ordinary person.

After Wang Linchi infiltrated the Jiujue Shrine, he quickly became a marginalized figure. Mainly the Type A cyborgs were all repairing and maintaining the palace. Wang Linchi was fine and was released after the first day of inspection.

From this point of view, the Jiujue Sect members don't seem to think there is anything wrong with themselves at all, nor do they think it is common sense for a normal person to conduct these completely abnormal examinations.

Found it... Wang Linchi quickly found what he wanted from the bookshelf.

He is looking for who the Nine Juezi of this generation is.

Xuanwen Emperor Li Wenan...

Wang Linchi was indeed very surprised when he saw this name.

Because this man was the late emperor who died young, the one who promoted Wang Linchi, and even gave Wang Linchi an enhanced usurpation package before his death. If Wang Linchi could have the gains he has now, Li Wenan could Said it was a great contribution.

But he never expected that the other party was actually Jiu Juezi.

Moving forward, he soon saw the Pure Land Holy Monk Shenxiu, the Evil Ghost Sword Liu Buqi... and a series of other names. Wang Linchi counted them, and adding Li Wenan, there were seven identities in total. The present age of Dharma-ending can be traced directly back to ancient times.

Co-authoring this Nine Jue Shrine is the ancient orthodoxy.

Wang Linchi couldn't help but complain, but he didn't understand a bit, what was the connection between these people?

How are the Nine Juezi selected? Do they know that they are the Nine Juezi?

It stands to reason that these people are all talented people. Even Li Wenan, Wang Linchi was confused by his abilities. However, relying on his courage to delegate power, his mind was extraordinary. Wang Linchi asked himself , can’t even do this.

Did you feel that strange way back then?

Wang Linchi quickly recalled the strange feeling he had when he first met Li Wenan. Now that he thought about it, it should be Jiu Juezi's problem.

There is only one Jiu Juezi in a dynasty, and most of them are in the last years. What is the reason for this? Wang Linchi quickly finished reading the records of these seven people.

The records left in the Jiujue Shrine are more like a personal biography, and they all record positive images.

After careful analysis, the overall content is about turning the tide, which in common terms is just a slap in the face.

Li Wen'an was the only one who met such a cheater like himself, which made the content seem a bit unremarkable compared to the previous six.

It doesn't seem to be of any use after reading it. Wang Linchi was a little confused.

As for finding any clues from its records, this is absurd.

These records have all been beautified, and the small problems are ignored. The big problems are only the greatness and integrity of the Spring and Autumn Period.

He didn't know about the others, but how could he not know about Emperor Xuanwen's situation? Many of the things he did were accidentally transferred to Emperor Xuanwen by the Jiujue Shrine. When the era is over, these will be the real history.

Does Jiu Juezi's emphasis on history involve fundamental power? Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of this matter.

From tampering with history to having Jiu Juezi in every dynasty, if Wang Linchi still can't connect the clues based on these things, then wouldn't he have grown a brain in vain... Well, he doesn't have an organ like a brain now, he would have changed a long time ago Turned into stone.

As for the game character, there is indeed a brain in it, but the problem is that the game character's brain is not his.

The game character is just a piece of clothing, and the brain of the clothing belongs to the clothing, not to him as a 'person'.

After Wang Linchi put the biography back, he began to further explore the village called Jiujue Shrine, which was actually a large-scale base for human transformation.

Now it can be confirmed that the end of the dynasty is indeed inseparable from the Jiujue Shrine.

At least in Wang Linchi's eyes, that's what it looked like.

So he had to find a way to find something that would annihilate civilization without changing the perception. He was very interested in this kind of thing.

According to the people of Jiujue Sect, the whole process is a sacrifice.

Unfortunately, he didn't find any traces related to the sacrifice. As for asking other Jiu Jue Sect members.

If he dares to speak, he will be exposed.

As a member of Jiujue Sect, you don’t know about this kind of thing?

So what can be done can only be obtained from the memory of Jia Sansan, which has been split into many parts.

It doesn't matter that he doesn't have soul searching technology, but Wang Linchi now has a replacement product. He previously wanted to add a sufficient amount of DLC to the underworld, so he stuffed a lot of things into it, such as the Six Paths of Reincarnation to supplement the Seventy-Two Divisions. He First, simply erase the memory of Jia Sansan’s capture.

The next step is simple, just throw it into the Six Paths of Reincarnation that has just been built as a prototype, let the other party fall into the illusion, and start the fantasy again.

When Wang Linchi waits for observation, he will be able to know what dating, sacrifice, etc. are.

If the technology hadn't been immature, Wang Linchi might have been able to peek into memories from several generations ago through Jia Sansan's memory.

This needs to be changed, and it can be done in about ten minutes. However, it is not important to look at the memory of ancient times. What is important is to know first what this group of Jiujue people are going to do, how to sacrifice, etc. Things in the past will not Disappear, the future is always changing, so have enough information.

What Wang Linchi wanted to do, of course, was to use this information.

Look, how is Yuan Lin? Zhang Cheng pointed at Yuan Lin who was working hard and asked his sister Zhang Qing'er.

Zhang Qing'er saw Yuan Lin's appearance at first glance. He had a tough appearance. Although his appearance was not handsome, he still had a good appearance with his temperament.

It's up to dad and brother to make the decision. Zhang Qing'er meant it.

Otherwise, they will say that they want to serve their parents at home for a few more years.

With his sister's reply, Zhang Cheng was also happy. Since Yuan Lin worked for them, Jiangbei Army's development has improved visibly.

Both father and son agreed that Yuan Lin's ability was still higher than that of Wu Yong, which was a blessing for them.

So why don't I just take my sister over overnight so that the two of them can have some contact for a while?

By then, Zhang Xuan, as the elder, will be able to make the final decision on their marriage.

Zhang Qing'er didn't have the appearance of someone who would be the most beautiful girl in the country, but she was a jade girl from a small family, and her personality was even gentler and kinder. Even though she was born in a peasant family, after the rebellion between Zhang Xuan and his son, they pampered themselves and brought back their appearance.

So don't worry that Yuan Lin will look down on him.

As long as you say this, please go back to the commander's tent first, and I'll go find out what Brother Yuan's tone is like. Zhang Cheng knew that it would not be possible for one person to agree on this kind of thing, and it would only work if two people agreed.

If Yuan Lin was unwilling, they couldn't force him, lest they ruin the relationship between the two parties.

Yuan Lin is indeed their direct descendant, but the direct descendants have to be further wooed, instead of saying that they don't need to worry about it, they have to pay more attention to it.

In this regard, Zhang Cheng still did a very good job. Otherwise, how could he become the young commander of the Jiangbei Army if he was just a dandy? There must be real ability in him.

He opened the tent and smiled generously: Brother Yuan, thank you for your hard work. I brought you some white fungus and bird's nest soup. Please take a rest and drink the soup to recuperate before dealing with it.

You definitely can't come empty-handed, he naturally came with something.

Every time he came to see Yuan Lin, he would bring something and show concern for him as a way to win over him.

Zhang Cheng still knows the difference between giving substance and painting a pie.

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