Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 488 Haishi, the opening of the temple

Are the successors arranged so soon? Wang Linchi realized that Zhang Xuan, the king of Jiangbei, planned to package the entire Jiangbei army to Yuan Lin.

After marrying his daughter to Yuan Lin, if Zhang Xuan and his son die, then Yuan Lin will be the natural heir.

What's more important is that now that Yuan Lin has begun to step on the stage, he only needs to accumulate enough qualifications and reputation, and the rest is not a problem.

Before, it was learning, now it is practice. When the magic power is perfected, we must not sweep the world. Wang Linchi's memory, Wu Yong, taught Yuan Lin a lot of things, some of which were the various rebellion methods and methods he obtained from the previous world. Management skills are mostly taught through cramming.

How much he can use is all up to him.

Judging from the data monitored by Wang Linchi, it has basically been digested. It can only be said that he is worthy of Qianlong. This ability can draw on various resources to the greatest extent possible even if it starts from a humble beginning.

If we go quickly, we should be able to conquer the world within three years. Wang Linchi deduced through data and felt that this was really possible.

Hey, Jiujue Shrine has arrived? Wang Linchi noticed again that his game character, through repeated 'help', finally spent three months to arrive at Jiujue Palace which was supposed to take five months. Shrine.

Next, just wait until the corresponding time to enter.

There aren't many problems around, and I can't find any data problems. Wang Linchi checked through the game character's field of vision, and naturally found nothing.

If he had found it so easily, he wouldn't have been the only one to discover it by now in the Jiujue Shrine.

I hope there are records from previous eras or records from extraordinary systems. Wang Linchi actually knew that this possibility was not very high.

Judging from the opponent's behavior, they mainly focus on destruction, so how could they leave backup behind?

In Wang Linchi's eyes, Jiujue Shrine is more like a maintenance factory for modified people. Otherwise, if these modified people operate for a long time and say that there will be no wear and tear or problems, then it must be a lie and it will not be the original one. The accessories are also mixed with multiple systems. Wang Linchi himself does not dare to use multiple systems, so he can only use them as one, let alone this group of reformers.

Let's wait until the game characters get in, and then we'll see how the Jiu Jue Palace is dealt with. According to Wang Linchi's character, it would definitely be blown up immediately.

The game characters carry a large number of Philosopher's Stones. In this apocalypse, only various extraordinary systems are targeted, and nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs are not affected at all.

But now that I think about it, it seems that I won't get much benefit from the explosion, so I might as well use the Jiujue Shrine to do things for myself.

As long as we look at the character flaws, this Jiu Jue Shrine is a good sword no matter what.

After squeezing out all the value, it would not be too late to kill him directly. If they hadn't helped stir up trouble, how could he have made so much money?

Although they destroyed their 365 Dai temples, for Wang Linchi, as long as the benefits are enough, and the other party points at his nose and scolds, he can smile and hand the other party a glass of water to avoid injury. If it reaches his throat, as for hitting him in the face, it's not impossible, you have to pay extra.

He never cared about the dignity of the strong or the so-called heart that would rather be broken than bent. The secret to living a long life is to be shameless. Otherwise, if someone scolds you a few words, he will feel insulted and then kill the other person. , what if it’s a trap?

Unless his own immediate interests are involved, Wang Linchi usually rarely does anything random.

Therefore, after the Jiujue Shrine created enough benefits for him and had a lot of value, Wang Linchi generously forgave the other party for destroying his Dai temple, and said that as long as the other party gave more, the Dai of Taishan They can let them burn the temple, and it doesn’t matter if the golden body is smashed.

Of course, if they were no longer valuable, Wang Linchi would chew them all up and eat them without leaving any residue behind.

How long will this Hai hour last? Jia 21 complained.

The opening time of Jiujue Shrine will vary according to the time of year. The current opening time is twelve o'clock.

It doesn’t mean that it will appear as soon as the time comes, but it requires corresponding rituals and corresponding items.

It is equivalent to the lock appearing at a regular time. If you want to open the lock, you need the corresponding password and key, otherwise it will not be opened.

There are still three hours, don't worry. The game character Wang Linchi said.

After Wang Linchi said in his book that he wanted to learn their quarrel vocabulary, the Jiujue sect members rarely quarreled anymore. Whenever they had a quarrel, Wang Linchi would silently take out a pen and paper and start recording. Someone has seen Wang Linchi The records were indeed copied intact.

Just copy it down, mark the key points, and take notes. If you scold anyone in the future, choosing this word can make the other party more angry or attack a certain aspect of the other party. This makes the Jiu Jue Sect members... He was getting more and more fucked up.

This evolved into the fact that every time someone quarreled with each other, as soon as Wang Linchi took out a pen and paper, they stopped, lest Wang Linchi write it down and use it to attack them.

It can be said that the alternative has improved the atmosphere a lot. Otherwise, every time this group of people get together, it will be a mess.

Jiayi also has a headache about this. Although he is named after Yi, it does not mean that he is the boss. He is just the first to be born, so he has no way to control others.

In addition to being arrogant and having the same goals, everyone has their own personality, and not all are exactly the same.

There are still three hours, why don't we go to the town ahead to have a good time, anyway... A bloodthirsty light appeared in Jia Qi's eyes.

The so-called pleasure is naturally not about being a pornographic person, but a mass killing.

Jia Qi is cruel and murderous, and he is responsible for many killings.

Be quiet and don't cause trouble. It was because of you last time that we were almost exposed. Jia Yi scolded.

Before, Jia Qi couldn't help it and directly destroyed the entire village. However, he was discovered and was chased for dozens of miles before he escaped. Under a volley of bows and crossbows, fortunately they were not ordinary people, otherwise they would have died on the spot. , and then naturally everyone was injured.

With Jia Yi taking the lead, the rest of the Jiu Jue Sect followed suit and cursed.

This made Jia Qi dare not continue to speak. In the end, he looked weak and said nothing.

Wang Linchi was naturally responsible for being chased. He just couldn't stand how Jia Qi couldn't control his own hands.

He must be taught a profound lesson to avoid spoiling his good deeds.

If the lesson falls on Jia Qi, it will be neither painful nor itchy, but if everyone is taught a lesson because of Jia Qi, then a control will be formed.

Jia Qi wants to die, but the other Jiu Jue sects won't care. They don't have much emotion in the first place, but if Jia Qi puts their lives in danger and causes problems or even failure in their mission, then naturally they can't bear it.

So to deal with this kind of weirdo, you have to find the right way, rather than actually attacking him.

As for Jia Qi dare not obey? The remaining members of the Jiujue Sect will help him obey and cannot take action. There are also other means to counterattack, otherwise what will happen if he encounters a rebellious one.

There are three hours left. Everyone should be honest and don't cause any trouble, so as not to cause another accident. Jia Yi said in a deep voice.

This time no one jumped out to refute Jia Yi, all of them thought so.

A Thirty-Three, how do you know there are still three hours before Hai Shi? A Twenty-One came over and asked curiously.

You want to know? Wang Linchi glanced at the other party first, and then asked arrogantly: What will you give me in exchange?

Um...you have to exchange this. A21 was a little confused.

Hmph, otherwise, why should I give it to you for free? Wang Linchi was so arrogant that he said he would pay if he wanted to learn and get out if he didn't want to learn.

Jia 21 was very unhappy. He was also arrogant, but he didn't start a fight. After all, everyone had the same attitude.

Tsk, it's not a good thing. You still want to exchange it with me. Jia 21 simply stopped learning. Anyway, if you need it, you can just ask Wang Linchi directly.

There is no financial system among the Jiujue Sect members. Generally, if necessary, they mainly rely on exchange.

Time passed minute by minute, six hours passed quickly, and it was midnight in the blink of an eye.

The entrance to the shrine is opened, and the seals are formed for the ceremony. Prepare to return. Don't fall behind. Jiayi spoke immediately. Obviously, he also had his own means to determine the time. Only then did he remind the other Jiujue Sect members that if this falls, next time If you want to go back, it will be troublesome.

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