Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 490 Reincarnation in Dreams, Jedi Heavenly Power Formation

Jia Thirty-three got up with a headache. The surrounding environment looked a little strange, but he heard the arrogant quarrel. The voice was very familiar. When he looked up, Jia 1 and A 21 were arguing again. This time It's still relatively reassuring for him.

‘Safe? ’ Jia Thirty-three felt inexplicably strange. Why should he feel at ease? There might be some danger.

My mind started to relive the memories, but there was no problem.

Therefore, he quickly forgot about it and moved forward with the people of Jiujue Sect.

The scene changed rapidly, and in the next moment, they arrived not far from the Jiujue Shrine, and Jia Sansan's expression became increasingly strange.

It always feels like something's not quite right. He muttered quietly.

Something's wrong? Is there an enemy? Jia Shiba on the side heard Jia Thirty-three's question, and then shouted: Alert!

The next moment, everyone who had been arguing became alert.

After waiting for ten minutes, there were no problems.

A-18, where are the enemies, why are you on alert? After A-1 checked around, he found nothing and came back to scold him.

I heard what Jia Thirty-three said. Jia Shiba threw the pot away without hesitation.

Jia Sansan hurriedly explained that it was his misunderstanding, and then the matter calmed down, and everyone continued to go to the shrine.

It was precisely because of this episode that all of A Thirty-three's doubts were diverted, thinking that he was being careless.

After entering the shrine, I always felt that something had been skipped. When I recalled it, both the time and the ceremony were normal and there were no problems.

‘It’s this illusion again. ’ This time, Jia Sansan did not want to explore, but simply thought it was an illusion. After all, he had just made an own mistake before.

'just? ’

A Thirty-three felt that there seemed to be some problem with his sense of time, as it had obviously been several hours.

After returning to Jiujue Shrine, the treatment started as usual. The whole process was exactly the same as before, without any changes.

Time began to speed up in front of his eyes, and his life was very normal.

Until one day, Jia Yi came to inform him that the outside world had returned to unity again, and they should continue to go on missions, and then cut off the ties between dynasties.

At this time, he couldn't help but recall the last time he was cut off.

Through the calamity called Mofa, combined with the Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation left behind by Master Jiu Juezi, civilization can be sacrificed easily, thus making everything a thing of the past.

Thinking about how the ancient times were cut off by Master Jiu Juezi, it was precisely because he was impressed by this power that he joined the Jiu Jue Palace created by Master Jiu Juezi and devoted himself to this world to continue the world. in the great cause.

Oh, okay, come over right away. Jia Thirty-three responded immediately, but when he turned around again, he was at the door, and what happened just now became more and more blurry.

After activating the Jedi Tiantong Formation Sacrifice Civilization, they had to replace the royal family and re-guide the new extraordinary system according to the plan left by Master Jiu Juezi.

The previous era was the era of spiritual men, and this era should be the era of faith.

Of course, this is not an absolute thing. In fact, there is also the foreshadowing of the next era and the legacy of the previous era.

As for how to implement it, it's very simple, just spread it directly.

I remember that according to the plan, the barbarians entered the pass, the demon gods they worshiped became the mainstream, and the spiritual warriors became magical... Jia Thirty-three muttered in a low voice. He didn't know why he said this.

No, no, there's something wrong.

Jia Sansan said a lot of things, but he suddenly realized that he didn't seem to have the habit of talking to himself, and the surroundings were probably a little too quiet.

Normally, everyone would be on a mission, and the quarrel would definitely not stop until the mission started, but now, it has stopped.

What's the problem? Jia Sansan didn't notice at all. Everything around him was distorted and deformed, and the darkness was eroding the Jiujue Shrine where he was little by little.

I must be too tired. He did not continue to explore, but stepped out of the stubborn corner.

Everything returned to calm, and there were arrogant quarrels all around. Looking at the unique architectural structure of the Jiujue Shrine, he knew that he was being careless.

What are you doing? Let's go. Jiayi appeared beside him at some unknown moment and reminded him.

A Thirty-three did not reply, but left.

The Jedi Heavenly Power Array is spread all over the world, and they need to disperse to various nodes on foot to activate it.

I don't know which node I'm going to... Jia Sansan started talking to himself again. He naturally knew the location of all the nodes, but it didn't mean that everyone was going to the same node. That would take a lot of time. For a long time, it must be dispersed, with one person responsible for one node.

Something happened this time. We have to act together.

Suddenly, Jia Yi's words interrupted Jia Sansan's thoughts, which made him ask a little strangely: Wouldn't it take a long time?

There's nothing we can do about it. This time, barbarians entered the pass, and there are demon gods there. There are places where demon gods are worshiped everywhere. It's not that easy to get past. Jia Yi's voice was a little strange.

Jia Thirty-three didn't pay attention to this, but asked: It's not because of the Doomsday Tribulation, the demon god is not as good as a spiritual man, why is it so difficult?

Why do you want so many things? Just go together if you say we want to go together. Doesn't it make you special because you are unique? Jia Twenty-one retorted.

With someone taking the lead, the rest of the people began to accuse Jia Sansan.

This made Jia Sansan start to doubt himself. Could it be that he was really wrong?

In the end, he had no choice but to succumb to the general trend.

Next, it was time to set off. At first, A was walking in front, but as we walked, he was leading the way.

After hesitating for a while, he finally did not open his mouth to refute.

The activation of each node is very smooth. Every time it is activated, the Doomsday Tribulation becomes active and erodes the entire Jingchao civilization bit by bit, including but not limited to the spiritual system, historical documents, etc., these are all based on the rules. Make sacrifices on top.

However, text, language, common sense, etc. will be retained, as if they were formatted.

‘Wait, what is formatting? ’ A question suddenly came to A33’s mind.

For him, he knew what the word meant. The problem was that he didn't know where it came from.

Before I had time to think about this issue, I saw the Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation activated, and everything was being re-planned.

Do you think the way the Jedi Heavenly Power Formation is activated this time looks a bit familiar? No one was standing around Jia Thirty-three, but he was asking.

It's like the last time the Jedi Heavenly Power Formation was activated. No, it's the same as the last time. It's really weird.

A33 didn't seem to notice the problems around him, so he started talking to himself.

The distortion and blur around him gradually came closer, and the darkness gradually began to erode Jia Sansan's consciousness.

I'm a little sleepy and want to sleep.

No, haven't I been sleeping?

As the words fell, his mind began to break away from the darkness. However, compared with the darkness, he was too small. In an instant, he was swallowed into it, and everything became calm again.

Qingmei is really a dragon and a phoenix among people. How can I be worthy of her? After hearing Zhang Cheng's idea of ​​getting married, Yuan Lin wanted to refuse.

He understood that it was just to ensure that he could always be tied to the Jiangbei Army, so he had to be further tied through marriage.

Yuan Lin had also heard about Zhang Qing'er's appearance and personality, and he was indeed a good match.

But Jiangbeijun is not a kind place. If he really gets married, he will be in even more trouble.

There is also a difference between assisting and assisting. One is fishing in troubled waters, and the other is fighting for one's life.

You are not worthy of me. Who else in the world can be worthy of me? You and I are just common people. Where did we get so much trouble?

That's it, tell me your birth date, and I'll ask someone to choose a good day. You can choose a day to get married, brother-in-law! Zhang Cheng immediately settled the matter without giving Yuan Lin a chance to refuse.

Wait, this matter has to be... Yuan Lin quickly stood up and stopped Zhang Cheng who wanted to leave.

Stop talking nonsense, my father also agreed. I will prepare the dowry right away. Zhang Cheng pushed Yuan Lin back to his position and left in a hurry.

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