Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 487 Jiangbei is defeated, the hidden dragon explores its claws

Yuan Lin looked at the relics that were delivered and was silent for a while.

Wu Yong died, and the King of Jiangbei failed to go south for the first time. He was beaten and fled back, throwing away his helmet and armor. It was originally said that a hundred thousand troops entered the Central Plains, but in the end, only less than a thousand remnants of the defeated generals escaped.

Yuan Lin also learned the reason for the defeat. It was simply that Zhang Xuan, the king of Jiangbei, was arrogant, greedy for power and got into an ambush. Then, due to a series of questionable operations, the army was defeated.

He doesn't hate the King of Jiangbei. This is Wu Yong's duty. Victory and defeat are common matters for military strategists. There is no such thing as a victorious general.

It's just that he is confused as to why it has become like this again.

Opening Wu Yong's belongings, there wasn't much inside, just a letter.

The letter was written as a suicide note to him. Most of the content was about worrying about his homework and writing down plans for how he should study in the future. He hoped that he would study hard step by step and one day become a Class A believer of the Holy Emperor. At that time, he could die with peace of mind.

From the beginning to the end, there was no mention of revenge or killing the Dog Emperor according to his last wish, just to let him consider it.

A grade-A believer? Yuan Lin couldn't help but murmured in a low voice, and then said: Master Wu, actually I am only one step away...

Until the day he died, he didn't even know that he was a second-level good believer.

One day, I will return to Dai Temple in Taishan and hold the heads of everyone in the royal family to pay homage to you. At this moment, he couldn't help but recall Gong Miao Zhu and the many sacrifices in Dai Temple when he fled back to the north. With help, he was still alive, but these Dai temples were reduced to nothing.

Xiao Yuan, are you busy? A middle-aged man's voice came from outside the camp.

No, Uncle Zhang. Yuan Lin opened the tent curtain, and there stood a tired-looking middle-aged man with an obvious scar on his face.

This person is Zhang Xuan, the king of Jiangbei.

This matter is indeed my fault. If I hadn't wanted to go south, I wouldn't have harmed Mr. Wu. Zhang Xuan said with some guilt after entering the camp.

Uncle Zhang said this. The sword has no eyes on the battlefield, and there are many dangers. Yuan Lin was not very clear about Wu Yong's status before, but later he learned that Wu Yong was the military advisor of the Jiangbei Army. His status was very high and he could be called... One person is inferior to ten thousand people, but it was just hidden from him before to prevent him from thinking too much.

The loss of Mr. Wu has caused our Jiangbei Army to lose an arm. Now all forces are eyeing him. Zhang Xuan sighed, with a frown on his face.

Yuan Lin understood in an instant what the other party was doing here, and he was planning to let him take the place of his teacher.

Apparently no one is available.

In the battle going south, the Jiangbei Army suffered too many losses, and all its available men were lost. Fortunately, its basic base was not shaken, but even so, it was still weak.

Zhang Xuan originally came from a lower-class background, and most of the top leaders of Jiangbei Army were not educated people. This meant that without Wu Yonghou, many things would be difficult for him to deal with.

It just occurred to me that Wu Yong still has a disciple here. If he can let the other party handle it, there should be no problem. After all, he is one of his own.

Zhang Xuan also investigated Yuan Lin and found that there was no problem before he came to the door.

It was precisely because Wu Yong had sufficient status in Jiangbei Army that this suicide note was able to be delivered to Yuan Lin.

If Uncle Zhang doesn't dislike my lack of talent and knowledge, I would like to serve the Jiangbei Army. Yuan Lin knew that he could not escape. When the other party spoke, he might as well speak first to gain a good reputation.

He actually doesn't object to assisting Zhang Xuan. Anyway, as long as he achieves his goal, it doesn't matter who he gives advice to.

When Zhang Xuan heard this, he immediately became happy. He was waiting for Yuan Lin's words. He thought that the other party was a young man who couldn't understand his voice-over, but now it's pretty good.

I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it. You are Mr. Wu's disciple, how can you dislike it? Zhang Xuanle laughed, but then felt that it was not good to be so happy, so he suppressed his smile, and then said: The military is busy with affairs. , if it is convenient for nephew Yuan...

Of course it's convenient. Please make some arrangements, Your Majesty. Yuan Lin changed his title and no longer called him uncle.

Why are you calling me king? Between you and my uncle and nephew, don't be so polite. Come with me. Seeing this, Zhang Xuan also took Yuan Lin to work.

Soon he took Yuan Lin to the commander's tent, which was in the center of Jiangbei Army. There was also a young man inside, who was Zhang Xuan's son.

As the king of Jiangbei, Zhang Xuan had a son and a daughter, both of whom were in the army. Not to mention the daughter, the son followed Laozi in the north and south, and he was also an expert in fighting.

Brother Yuan is here, hurry up, brother, I've been waiting for you for a long time. Zhang Cheng also stood up to greet him.

In this era, it is not easy to find a capable person, especially when they are still on the northern grasslands.

The vast majority of people with abilities were from poor or aristocratic families, or at least wealthy businessmen, and most of the others were not qualified to have access to writing.

Zhang Xuan and Zhang Cheng were both barely literate, and were forced to learn after the uprising.

So after Wu Yong was gone, their brains were almost blown away while dealing with official duties in the past two days.

I've seen the crown prince, is this the official business that needs to be handled these days? Yuan Lin said.

Why do you call me Prince? Just call me brother. Zhang Cheng was polite for a moment, and then said: Yes, that's it. Brother Yuan, how long will it take to deal with it?

How long it takes to process it does not depend on the quantity, but on the content. Yuan Lin was actually confused. There should be many literate people in the army. They asked people to come over and read it. Zhang Xuan and Zhang Cheng could not handle it directly by dictating it. Okay, why is this so?

It may be troublesome to find someone who is capable, but it shouldn't be difficult to find someone who is literate.

But after thinking about it again, I realized that they were not well versed in military matters. Secondly, these contents were military secrets. It would be terrible if someone heard them or the person who read them leaked them.

On the contrary, Yuan Lin is a disciple of Wu Yong, a direct member of the Jiangbei Army. He is trustworthy and has a background. As for his ability, the test will begin now.

If the ability is sufficient, then the next step is to replace Wu Yong as a military advisor.

Uncle Zhang, Brother Zhang, then I will start to deal with it. At the beginning, you two need to cooperate. I don't know... Yuan Lin means that he will show you that if his ability is qualified, he will work independently for you. Don’t worry too.

Okay, you can just start. Although Zhang Xuan is a low-level rough man, he is also rough and subtle. Otherwise, how would he be able to pull off such a large force.

Yuan Lin began to check the comments and spoke out the contents and solutions.

Who can't read the content? What Zhang Xuan and his son need is a solution to this official matter.

As expected of Mr. Wu, it's true. Zhang Xuan was very satisfied with the resolution of this official matter. He couldn't even think of such a solution.

In that case, then my nephew will write down Zhu Pi. As he said that, Yuan Lin wrote the solution into the note and handed it to Zhang Xuan.

Zhang Xuan did not take it, but took out a seal from his arms and placed it on the table.

This is Mr. Wu's military advisor's seal. I left it here with my nephew. After my nephew has finished correcting it, he can seal it and send someone to do it. Zhang Xuan is naturally a thoughtful person, so he placed it here. The official duties on a job are actually the most difficult. Yuan Lin solves them so easily, which shows that the other tasks are not a problem either.

So just like before, just delegate the power directly.

This... doesn't matter, I'll accept it. Yuan Lin did not refuse.

This means that he will replace his teacher Wu Yong next.

Cheng'er and I have to patrol the border. I'll have to worry about nephew Yuan for the rest of the affairs. Zhang Xuan handed over his hands and left with Zhang Cheng.

The two of them are mainly engaged in military affairs, and they are actually not idle at all now. After the assessment, they naturally left.

After walking for a while, Zhang Xuan finally spoke: Cheng'er, do you think Yuan Lin is worthy of Qing'er?

He planned to completely tie Yuan Lin to their chariot. Judging from the fact that the other party was able to solve official duties so quickly, he would definitely grow up better than Wu Yong.

I'm worthy of him, but I don't know if Qingmei is willing. Zhang Cheng naturally favored Yuan Lin.

As long as she's worthy enough, it's not her turn to make the decision if her parents order a matchmaker. Zhang Xuan simply decided: Next, find an opportunity to bring the two of them together.

Is this just a son-in-law or a daughter-in-law? Zhang Cheng asked.

Zhang Xuan also hesitated for a moment, and finally said: Marry a daughter. If you want to recruit a son-in-law, this will be quite humiliating to nephew Yuan, and there will inevitably be a gap in your heart.

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