Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 486: Ancient times transformed people, the culprit of the dynasty’s end

A group of reformers?

In Taishan, Wang Linchi finally climbed out of the coffin and was dissecting the real Jia Sansan.

The other party's body structure is completely different from that of a normal person, and he has undergone various transformations, large and small. These transformations should be an assembly line operation, with high precision and high technical content.

It's interesting. The origin of Jiujue Shrine is not simple.

Wang Linchi discovered the source of the other party's arrogance. It was not that they wanted to be arrogant, but that they couldn't control themselves.

A certain hormone in the body affects the physiology and the psychology, and its long-term accumulation makes it form a kind of mental protection. Wang Linchi quickly came to a conclusion.

The other party's arrogance is an essential side effect, which will disappear if you concentrate hard.

That is why when they perform tasks, they are completely inconsistent with their original arrogant character.

If Wang Linchi replaced this minor problem, he would not change it. What if this bug is corrected and the program cannot run?

So it doesn't matter if we let it go.

Mental protection involves the existence of a certain kind of thought seal, but after his in-depth analysis, he concluded that this thought seal is not formed innately, but is generated by the Jiujue Sect members themselves.

It should be caused by the use of power. Whether it is cultivation or fighting, it will deepen this process. Therefore, the problem is their cultivation method, and it is carried out in a silent way, and they are not aware of it. .

After practicing to this point, every member of the Jiujue Sect is dedicated to their goals, and their brainwashing methods are very powerful.

In addition, the various modified structures of the body feel very useless to Wang Linchi. There are actually many shadows of modern medicine in the internal structure, but they are not used as a foundation, but as a supplement.

This means that the strength of this group of transformed people will gradually decline due to the calamity of the end of the law, and finally they will become no different from ordinary people. Fortunately, there is no need to worry about lifespan. Their vitality basically does not need to worry about non-accidental or man-made death, which is commonly known as immortality. Not old.

The second is the ability to regenerate, whether it is the recovery of injuries or the rebirth of broken limbs. The disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it is affected by the catastrophe of the end of the law.

A group of magically transformed people were unrivaled powerhouses in the era of high energy. However, in the era without magic, apart from being relatively survivable, they are no different from ordinary people, and all their abilities will become ineffective. Wang Linchi's interest was greatly reduced.

Although the transformation of the Jiujue Sect involves multiple systems, it is likely to be the culmination of a large number of different extraordinary systems from a large number of dynasties. Unfortunately, it is too scattered. Unless Wang Linchi obtains the complete system or corresponding manufacturing data, otherwise , Wang Linchi can only get limited things from a single reformer.

What's more important is that there is encryption on it. It is a composite encryption based on multiple systems. Wang Linchi's head is a bit big when he sees it.

The difficulty of deciphering it was probably equivalent to deciphering several characters composed of incomplete character systems that he didn't recognize. He had to recognize them out of thin air. You can imagine the difficulty.

With this time, he might as well enter the Nine Jue Palace directly, and maybe he can find the corresponding clues.

After dismantling No. A-33, store them in categories and make sure that No. A-33 will not die.

It's not that Wang Linchi doesn't want to kill him directly, but if he really wants to keep him, then various daily nutrient solutions, maintenance equipment, etc. are also a resource, but it's a pity that he can't kill him.

As a modified person, No. 33 A has corresponding vital signs monitoring equipment. If he dies, the game character mixed in will be exposed directly.

So I can only keep it here for the time being.

Thanks to the low cost, otherwise Wang Linchi would not necessarily be able to take care of him so carefully, but would be able to maintain his vital signs more roughly.

Further experiments will be needed in the future, such as using A-33 to create corresponding anti-personnel weapons, such as viruses and diseases.

Although it is of no use, it is still prepared. What if this group of Jiujue disciples explodes? If they directly transform into Super Saiyans and beat him, wouldn't that be a fool's errand?

This possibility is so small that it can be ignored, and nothing can be done just by chance.

The game characters need to be speeded up. Otherwise, if they have to walk for half a year, all the day lilies will wither. Wang Linchi felt that the speed of this group of people was too slow.

However, this group of Jiu Jue Sect members neither use vehicles nor special abilities, they really only rely on one leg.

Even if his physical fitness is higher than that of ordinary people or he is a transformed person, he still needs time to rest. It is impossible to say that he is on the road all the time, and a series of time such as eating, sleeping, etc. are indispensable, which makes Wang Linchi extremely anxious.

Let them arrive within one month... okay, three months without alerting the snake. If Wang Linchi had a choice, he would definitely choose tomorrow, but this is not realistic at all. It is possible that the other party will be provoked even in a month. doubt.

Even three months is actually faster. According to their speed, they have saved nearly half of the time.

When they go to sleep, let the game character lead them forward, and then modify the surrounding environment. Wang Linchi could only make this last resort.

Otherwise, it is really not that easy to solve it.

People from the Jiujue Sect are also very keen in their five senses, otherwise how could they be called reformers.

If a flaw is detected...then the only way is to physically modify the memory.

Physically modifying memories naturally means to make them lose part of their memory by punching them hard and performing forced neural deletion.

This was when he was analyzing No. 33 A, and he found a weakness in the opponent that was not considered a weakness. There were many such weaknesses. After all, it was a stitched-up reformer. It was normal to have some problems.

This kind of weakness can only be used when someone is stronger than the Jiujue sect. If it is replaced by someone weaker than the Jiujue sect, it will not be used at all.

Even in this way, it is easy for something to happen. If you lose too much memory, you will definitely be wary.

Of course, if you can't use it, then don't use it.

After Yuan Lin joined the subordinates of Jiangbei King Zhang Xuan, he was not assigned to the front line to charge into battle, but instead did paperwork in the army.

There are not many wars that I can come into contact with on weekdays, but my life is a little better, but it is still quite hard.

So, do you have any doubts today? came a gentle voice.

Yuan Lin quickly stood up and saluted respectfully: Master Wu.

The visitor's name was Wu Yong, and it was he who taught him how to read and write in the military camp and taught him all kinds of knowledge. Yuan Lin still respected Wu Yong very much.

Sit down, you don't have to be so polite. Wu Yong said with a smile: Today the king has won another victory, and he will soon enter the capital. When the time comes, he will cut off the head of the Dog Emperor and use it to pay homage to the Holy Emperor, my deceased wife and children. If there is knowledge under the spring, you will definitely be extremely happy.

From these words, Yuan Lin could tell that Wu Yong was very happy. He knew Wu Yong's origin. King Tianqi brought him a wealthy life and a happy family. Later, due to the death of King Tianqi, everything turned into a There was no such thing, so he put his hatred on Emperor Jing's head.

In addition, he was very devout in his belief in Holy Emperor Tian Qi Ren. Yuan Lin suspected that the other party was probably a Class B believer like himself. However, there was no Dai Temple in the northern grassland, so he had no way of knowing.

Nowadays, if you want to offer incense, you can only go to the Taishan Ancestral Court. All the Dai temples in other places have been burned down by the royal family.

Your Majesty dominates most of the grassland. With the prestige left by the Holy Emperor, he only needs to unify the north. Then going south will not be a problem. Yuan Lin is also very optimistic about Jiangbei King Zhang Xuan.

However, Zhang Xuan can fight, but he may not be able to govern the world. It's okay now, he can support war with war, but he won't necessarily be able to ascend the throne. He didn't say this.

You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately.

Master Wu is here, do you have something important to do? Yuan Lin immediately changed the subject. He was not able to participate in such an important matter.

Come here to check your homework. After some time, I will have to go out with the army as my teacher, and I may not be able to take care of you, so I took the time to come over and check it, and give you some homework by the way. Wu Yong sat down, still That gentle look.

Master Wu worked so hard for me, I am really ashamed of myself. Yuan Lin was so moved that he almost left, still thinking about him. Wu Yong was the only one who was so kind to him since entering the military camp.

If it weren't for Wu Yong's help, Yuan Lin knew that with his own conditions, it would be impossible for him to be so stable in the rear. He would only become a small soldier, killing the enemy on the front line, and then die in battle.

There is nothing to be ashamed of in a master-disciple relationship. After Wu Yong said this, he began to check Yuan Lin's homework and began to explain.

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