Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 485 Title A, a disciple of the world

The game character Wang Linchi wears a large black cloak, a hat on his head, a mask on his face, and a wide robe under the cloak. These items all have a unique pattern.

He actually wanted to complain. Dressed like this in broad daylight, it was actually very conspicuous. It naturally gave people the impression that there was something wrong with me. Come and investigate me.

After infiltrating the Jiujue Shrine, I discovered more and more that this group of people was actually much better at brainwashing than Wang Linchi's half-hearted one, and each one of them worked even harder for their mission.

Of course, this group of people are also very crazy. Wang Linchi has never seen such an arrogant and weird character.

Now they are on their way back to Jiujue Shrine. After igniting the entire powder keg and plunging Dajing into turmoil at the end of the dynasty, they will naturally retire with success.

Wang Linchi actually discovered that this group of people was actually very problematic.

For example, lifespan. According to his tests, this group of people has lived for at least tens of thousands of years. Even if he is just a game character now and not a real person, his growth age can be found by examining the bones on his body.

What is checked is definitely not the bone age, but the age of growth. If the bone age is used to check, this group of people are very healthy, and the bone age is only about 20, which means that they have some kind of ability to keep themselves immortal and maintain themselves. Abilities at the peak of physical fitness.

This physical peak has also been affected by the Doomsday Tribulation. By now, it should be at level 29 and will not exceed this level.

Listening to a group of people chatting there, looking down on this one and that one, Wang Linchi's head hurt a little, so we couldn't stop talking.

His silence did not attract attention. After all, there were many people, and not everyone would speak.

A thirty-three, what are you thinking about? came a voice.

A Thirty-Three is Wang Linchi’s name. In Jiujue Shrine, no one has a name. They are all named after A and B plus numbers. As for the previous names, they may have long been forgotten.

The people of Jiu Jue Sect are also proud of their name. After all, it was the name given by Jiu Jue Zi.

I was just wondering if there would be any problems if it went so smoothly this time. Wang Linchi said perfunctorily.

The person who started talking to him was Jia Twenty-one. After hearing this, the other party couldn't help but sneer: Just because Emperor Jing is a loser? If King Tianqi is still alive, we really need to spend some energy, and he is worthy Turn over.”

Looking at the whole of Dajing, only King Tianqi has some ability and can barely catch the eye. The others are just rotten fish and shrimps. The so-called South Zhang Beikong and Wu Xing Qi Wang are just upstarts.

Especially that Zhang Lin, who actually wants to become a thousand-year-old family? Where is the toad in the well? Jia 21 became more and more disdainful as he spoke.

Wang Linchi agreed with this. In the face of strength, the Aristocratic Family was indeed a rotten fish.

As for him, if he doesn't cheat, he really doesn't have much ability and it all depends on luck. He doesn't deny this.

If there were more, there would be nothing left.

After such a topic was raised, a group of people began to belittle it further.

Okay, be quiet. A opened his mouth. He was the former elder of the royal family and the great elder. The other party had extremely high prestige, so he quickly silenced the group of Jiu Jue sect members.

Although these people are a bit useless, a bite can still be very painful, so we can't take it lightly.

Wang Linchi thought that the other party would stop him, but unexpectedly he said these words, which made him speechless. If the eldest brother doesn't talk about the second brother, you will be proud of your co-author.

After returning to the Jiujue Shrine this time, the Shrine will enter the secluded world. After the birth of the new dynasty, it will enter the world to replace the royal family and enter reincarnation again.

So everyone should have a good rest and don't cause such a big trouble for me like last time. Jiayi said in a bad tone.

Jia 21 was particularly disdainful of this: Aren't they just a bunch of worldly trash? They are also making trouble. We didn't even know that they were being tricked by us. How can there be any problems if they are fooling around in circles?

You...hum! When A saw this, he originally wanted to scold him, but he felt that what the other party said was reasonable, so he could only snort and express his dissatisfaction.

Wang Linchi was numb when he heard this. What kind of awkward characters do you guys have? Why haven't you been corrected after walking in the world for so many years? It couldn't be because of some ideological stamp...

Wang Linchi complained silently in his heart.

The Jiujue Shrine is located overseas, and these Jiujue disciples can only rely on their legs. If there were airships before, they would be really fast, but not efficient enough.

In fact, Wang Linchi still has a doubt, that is, how the dynasty was formed.

At present, the members of the Jiujue Sect have obviously completed their mission and are going back to rest for a while. However, the dynasty has not yet been established. They cannot wait until the new dynasty is born to infiltrate the royal family and then take action. It will definitely be too late.

Therefore, it is very likely that the opponent's backhand has been retained, but it has not been activated yet.

When he sneaked in, it was already the period of return, so it was naturally impossible to know the previous plan, and he was not a complete replacement.

As for the original Jia Sansan, he naturally did not die. After being captured alive, he was sent to Taishan by memory. He is now using a game character, which is not suitable for research, but more suitable for fighting and saving his life.

It just takes a while to transport it. There are no airships, and it's not a high-energy era like immortals and gods, so it's not that fast.

Wang Linchi was not in a hurry, and he was not worried about anything going wrong with A33. Anyway, sleeping pills, sedatives and other things were poured into his body to ensure that he would not wake up and he would not have to worry about starving to death. Nutritional solutions would also be injected regularly.

The kind that is guaranteed to be still alive and kicking when delivered.

If I had known, I should have left a few airships. Although King Tianqi is a bit useless, this steam machine is really useful. Jia Twenty-two muttered quietly.

Going back overseas from Kyoto would take at least about five months based on their pace, which is still day and night.

Thanks to the unique power of the cloaks and masks they wear, which allows them to hide themselves without being noticed, and the shoes can ignore all kinds of rugged mountain roads, otherwise it would not be so easy to go back.

After all, there is chaos everywhere now, and they will fall into trouble if they are not careful.

They are indeed strong men. It is a pity that the strong men of this era can be stabbed to death by ordinary people. The Jiujue Palace can cause trouble in the world, naturally because they have some creations that are not in line with the times, such as these cloaks, shoes, and masks. Wait for something.

Oh, you still dare to leave it behind without permission? If you dare to bring it back to Jiujue Divine Palace, you may end up on the stage of death immediately. Jia Yi sarcastically said.

Jia 21's face was a little ugly, and he was retorting, but the rebuttal was not that bringing things back would be convenient for Jiujue Shrine, but in other ways. Obviously, he also thought of his mistake.

Facts have proved that he really did not dare to take it back.

In this regard, Wang Linchi also added a rule to the Jiujue Shrine that foreign objects or things related to the dynasty cannot be brought back.

He didn't know what the purpose of this rule was, but since it existed, there must be some reason for it, and there was some kind of secret or benefit involved behind it.

Wang Linchi did not intervene in the quarrel between Jia Yi and Jia 21, but other members of the Jiu Jue Sect were affected and finally joined in the quarrel.

I don't know when I will get used to it... Wang Linchi was a little helpless. I'm afraid there is no way to get used to this kind of thing.

A quarrel between a group of mentally ill people would be terrible if he was used to it.

A Thirty-Nine, you seem to be a little taciturn these past two days? What's wrong? A Thirty-Nine asked with some confusion. He remembered that in the past, even if A Thirty-three didn't like to talk a lot, he wouldn't remain silent like this.

Learning their vocabulary. Wang Linchi responded.

These words made the quarrels stop and they looked at Wang Linchi. Although the faces of the people could not be seen clearly, Wang Linchi could feel their thoughts. It was probably that it was your kid who was going to hurt them. They put aside the quarrel. If you steal a lesson here, do you have to use it on others after you learn it?

Because of this incident, everyone also kept their mouths shut, lest Wang Linchi learn the trick and use it against them, which would make them die of embarrassment.

‘Jiu Jue sect members should not fight each other. There should be this rule, otherwise they would be so noisy that they would only use their words without moving their hands. This group of extremely arrogant people would look very strange. ’ Wang Linchi observed another rule from it. Of course, this rule may have more details, which can be added later.

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