Chapter 305

On September 1st, the enrollment of freshmen arrived as scheduled. Starting at more than 7 am, the school gate of Linchuan University continued to flow. Parents and students from all over the country brought their luggage and the bright sun. Entering campus, it looks particularly spectacular.

Of course, in addition to these newly enrolled parties and parents, there are another group of more exciting people, that is, the senior who is single and wants to find an object.

This group of dogs have been stunned for a long time, just to take a glance at this time to see if there is any kind of tender water school girl who has a tender water.

If not, let me see if there are no tender schoolgirls in other majors.

Especially the kind of girl who is lonely to report by a person to help move a luggage, add a QQ or something, although the means is more conventional, it is really easy to use.

For example, Ren Ziqiang got up from the bed early in the morning. It was like going to go on a blind date. He planned to go straight to the school gate after having breakfast.

Of course, Ren Ziqiang must not be able to go by himself, so he pulled up the whole dormitory before leaving.

Cao Guangyu has an object, but does not delay his appreciation of beauty. Zhou Chao is not so urgent to find the object, but does not delay his appreciation of his legs. As for Jiang Qin, it is actually used to getting up early, so come to make a lively. Does the school girl have a feet particularly beautiful?

“Brother Jiang, have you lost money? Why keep walking with his head and watching?”

“No, the neck is falling, it’s a bit uncomfortable.”

Jiang Qinfeng said lightly, it was completely a gentleman who was out of the low -level taste.

When I came to the school gate, I found the freshmen of the School of Finance. The F4 of the 302 found that the people in the tent were full.

All the students of the School of Finance were all members, and under the leadership of Chairman Zhu Feng, they managed the work of new students’ sign -in and campus cards.

Zhu Feng is a senior this year, and she will go down immediately. This is the last large -scale collective action she has participated in, so the whole person looks particularly serious.

Seeing Jiang Qin’s arrival, Zhu Feng raised his hand and greeted him: “Boss Jiang Ri Renmi, and the excitement of being a new student enrolled?”

“This is not idle, let’s see if there are any excellent talents in these new students, and absorb to our 208 miles.”

“Then what do you always look at the ground?”

“Whether a person can use it is great, in fact, you can see from the posture of walking. It is stable and unstable, whether the steps are neat, this is all learned, alas, this school girl seems to be good.”

At this moment, Jiang Qin saw a girl wearing a short dress walked through. The beautiful legs were white and well -proportioned. There was a pair of crystal sandals with a slightly heel on the feet. Pink nail polish.

Boss Jiang seemed to be pierced inexplicably, hissing sound in his mouth.

“Don’t look at it. That’s a new teaching teacher in our college. It is impossible to join you 208.” Zhu Feng said at the same time,

Jiang Qin opened his eyes wide: “Do you? It seems more wonderful.”


The kung fu that was talking, suddenly there was a sound before the signing. Jiang Qin turned his head and saw that Ren Ziqiang was squeezed out of the crowd like a human -shaped cargo. Qingxiu’s schoolgirls and tall schoolmates.

From the perspective of clothing and accessories, these two people should be a couple, the red box carried by Ren Ziqiang is a girl, and the black box is a boy.

Cao Guangyu and Zhou Chao followed, and laughed like a dog.

“what’s the situation?”

“Old Ren thousands of choices looked at a schoolgirl. Walking over, I had to help others get my luggage. However, the school girl did not refuse, so I gave my suitcase to the old man.”

Jiang Qin glanced at Ren Ziqiang’s figure: “Isn’t this good?”

“What a good!”

Cao Guangyu’s face running his eyebrows: “Xuemei gave him the suitcase to him immediately, the baby is coming, there is a kind senior here to help us get the luggage!”

Jiang Qin whispered: “Did Ren Ziqiang have dismantled the old temple of the moon in his life?”

“I don’t know, but let’s take a step first, and I will interview the old appointment later.”

Cao Guangyu and Zhou Chao talked, and immediately followed up, and the dogs looked at it.

Jiang Qin recalled it back. When he first started school last year, although Lao Cao prefers hardly, he didn’t seem to be so dirty. I did not expect that one year has passed, and everyone has been improved and growing.

“Jiang Qin, I will go down immediately.” Zhu Feng said suddenly.

Jiang Qin returned to God: “The next chairman is Ma Jiangming?”

“Yes, Ma Jiangming who led the team in the future, but I still want to ask you, are you interested in entering the student union?”

The chairman of a student union who is about to step down suddenly asked whether a sophomore student would enter the student union. This is actually very unreasonable, unless she is to let Jiang Qin sit in a position instead of simply absorbing.

After Ma Jiangming succeeds the chairman, the position of the vice chairman will be empty, and one of the six parts will go up, so one of the ministers will be empty.

This position is usually sophomores, because they have one year to exercise. One year later, a president may have a president.

At this time, the golden flowers in the third financial class were also at this time. The one who led the team was Jiang Tian. When she heard Zhu Feng said this, she suddenly was a little embarrassed, and her thoughts seemed to return to the midsummer last year.

At that time, the military training was about to end, and the new activities of the hundred regiments were held. She asked Jiang Qin if she wanted to participate in the interview of the Student Union.

[No, I can’t do it if I choose what I want to be the chairman of the Student Union, I can’t do it. .

This was Jiang Qin’s original words at the time.

Even if Jiang Tian was a bit interesting to Jiang Qin at the time, it was inevitable that this sentence was suspected of being pretending, but he did not expect that a year has passed. This sentence seems to be a word.

“Forget it, a year has passed. I don’t have the slightest growth, and it is not enough to have enough abilities.”

“You are the first star of Lingda’s first study, Linchuan youth entrepreneur, this ability is not enough?”

“Because these things consume too much energy, I can’t contribute to the college. However, our squad leader Jiang Tian is very good. I can dinner, tourism, and group building. Every time, I can make me arrangement. ”

Jiang Tian was handing mineral water next to him. After hearing this sentence, she froze, and then looked up and found that Zhu Feng was aiming at herself: “Sister, is there something wrong?”

Zhu Feng pursed the corner of his mouth: “Our conversion meeting will start immediately. You can write a speech and try to run for the deputy minister of the Ministry of Outrifying.”

“Good school sister.”

Jiang Tian glanced at Jiang Qin and knew that he had been covered.

Later, Jiang Qin did not express any opinions. He retreated to the tent and stood with the Jinhua in the third class of the Financial Class.

He didn’t find it before. Song Qingqing’s feet were quite beautiful. It looked particularly playful and lively.

However, in a few of them, the best feet are simple, white and tender, small as jade, and slightly red, as well as full of red cherries.

When I saw Jiang Qin staring at her feet, Jian Chun’s cheeks were slightly red, and I couldn’t help shrinking back, but just shrinking, gathered courage to walk back, bite the red lips, and tightened the red lips. At the same time, his eyes became full of water, and his legs couldn’t help claming.

Zhuang Chen was standing beside him at this time. After seeing this scene, he didn’t know that he was very irritable. There was always a girl who had liked it for more than ten years.

But he can’t say anything. Is it necessary to say Jiang Qin, don’t you want to look at simple feet? Those present will definitely feel that he is a pervert.

“Male god, a new shop in Pedestrian Street, the decoration is pretty good, but weird, I seem to have a taste of my mother in that shop.”

Song Qingqing suddenly spoke, and his tone was a bit.

Jiang Qin looked back at her; “What shop?”

“Yang Ji, the main business is sheep soup, small fried and dumplings, yellow chicken or something. It tastes good, but his dumplings are too like my mother.”

“Oh yes, forgot to tell you, Yang Ji is the restaurant I invested in. The shop you put in the store. This shop was originally a local brand in Jeju. Now he is planning to open the market in Linchuan.”

Hearing this sentence, all the people in the new tent turned around and looked at it, with a touch of envy and worship in his eyes.

Everyone knows that Jiang Qin is doing the Internet, and he has made a knowledge and a group in one hand, but no one expected that he still has so many industries.

If this is the case, the previous rumors are likely to be true. Xiang Tian may be the boss Jiang. If this is the case, it will be dead. It is said that this milk tea brand has blossomed in the city and occupied Linchuan. More than 40 % of the market.

I remember that in the semester of last semester, a professor of the School of Financial started a lecture and made an example with this brand. It is said that its marketing method is exquisite and not lost to the group.

In other words, whether the group or sweetness is sweet, it is from the hands of Jiang Qin.

“Hey, have you haven’t tasted the taste of our Yang Kee? So, everyone will taste it with me at noon.”

Zhu Feng couldn’t help but turn his head: “Can the people of our Student Union follow it?”

“Everyone I said, referring to everyone.”

When the words fell, there was a cheering in the tent. As soon as it was at noon, he followed Jiang Qin to the pedestrian street. The entire large army was mighty.

The taste of Yang Ji is really good, especially the dumplings contributed by the Yang family’s ancestors Yang Tang and Song Qingqing, which is satisfied with all the people responsible for the new.

When leaving, Jiang Qin also gave them a bag to each of them, and it looked like a gift.

“What’s this?”

“Where can I eat enough, take a little bit, don’t be polite to me.”

Zhu Feng froze for a moment, saying that there are such enthusiastic hospitable people in this world? Even if you eat it, give gifts? So she reached out and opened the bag and found that there were stacks of leaflets in it.

These leaflets are exquisitely printed, with many pictures of the main meal, as well as Yang Ji’s logo.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Feng’s calculation was understood. Jiang Qin made them a leaflet at the same time as the newborn, and used this style to let the new students know that there is such a shop in the pedestrian street.

This fucking is not capable! Intersection

I am too modest. Boss Jiang. If you are the chairman of the Student Union of the Finance College, our student union must not be the first evil forces at Linchuan University?

(This chapter is finished)

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