Who is reborn? Who is in love?

307. 307 Buy nail oil for Xiao Fu Po

Chapter 307

The world’s martial arts are not broken, and the ups and downs in the business field are changing. It sounds like nothing from others, but the advantages that can occupy this step are too great.

Qin Jingqiu has a feeling that Jiang Qin has not used everything.

Because now all the combination of fisting is very easy, and the marketing seems to have completed the marketing. You can’t know where his limit is.

The establishment of the project of Linchuan University is far less difficult than the promotion of the four major universities, and the promotion of the four major universities is far lower than the promotion of the city of Linchuan. Of course, the promotion of Linchuan City is of course lower than the national promotion.

In other words, Jiang Qin has come all the way, and his career difficulty has been increasing, but so far, the state he shows is still at ease.

This stuff is just like weightlifting. From an outsider’s point of view, you can easily perform, so this is not your limit. Only when you are embarrassed and trembling with your hands. It’s right.

“Jiang Qin is really excellent, but unfortunately he is too ordinary, and there are too few resources and connections that can be used.”

Feng Shihua suddenly said: “Hidden the group, use Zhihu as a shield, clear the roadblock, and build a fast passage that is conducive to the group. This kind of stolen beams and pillars are only he dare to play, but when the real capital enters the venue, he I’m afraid it is difficult to persist in this way, after all, no matter how high martial arts are, they are afraid of kitchen knives. ”

“Didn’t you invest in him before? Why don’t you start to be optimistic again.” Qin Jingqiu glanced at him.

Feng Shihua smiled slightly: “I want to invest in him. Even if the group was annexed in the end, I could dig him to take care of our business. Talents would not be buried, and they would glow wherever they went.”

“But you know now, he is your niece.”

“Yes, I re -considered it from his perspective. He had a kind of unwilling concern in my heart. There was no industry behind it. Once he was scratched by the wind of capital, he couldn’t help it.”

Qin Jingqiu nodded: “The real start from the hand may not exist at all.

Feng Shihua looked at his wife: “You have not been replaced by the mother -in -law, and the son -in -law is going to lose, you are not in a hurry at all?”

“Let my little Nan Shu support him, it is also good to be a little white face. At that time, give me a little grandson and the daughter, isn’t it good?”

Just when the two were talking, Qin Jingqiu’s computer suddenly lit, and an email icon popped up in the lower right corner.

Today is September 1st. The Eagle Eye of the investigation company sent the latest investigation report, and the name of the compressed package was: Jiang Qin -0901.

[Industry upgrade seminar, Jiang Qin proposed to develop a group to reach a preliminary strategic cooperation with Lintchuan’s wealthy businessmen. .

[The Linchuan Municipal Government decided to deepen industrial reform and led the establishment of Linchuan Merchants Gang. .

[Mine owner urgently seeking transformation, registered empty shell company to seize the strategic cooperation quota]

[Jiang Qin’s investment in Wanzhong Group …]

Qin Jingqiu and Feng Shihua looked at the contents of the email, looked slightly, and then looked at each other, just like a Dao Lightning passed through his head.

“He wants to let all the wealthy merchants in Linchuan taste the sweetness of the Internet, and then follow him like a gambler!”

“When you can’t resist the wind and waves, then tie yourself to a huge stone. Wife, you are right, he can make more layouts to face unknown risks.”

In the night, in the light, Qin Jingqiu listened to Feng Shihua’s voice, while watching the contents of the email gradually appearing.

My family Xiao Nan Shu was picked up the ordinary stones anywhere, and went home to clean it. It was found that it was a dog head gold? Intersection

“Let Xiao Li book a ticket for me, I want to register a company in Linchuan.”


In addition to Qin Jingqiu’s attention to Jiang Qin’s movement, in fact, there is another outsiders focusing on his movement, that is, Ye Ziqing.

Since I have been to 208 at the end of July and after careful chat with Jiang Qin, she has been looking forward to Jiang Qin’s promotion plan for restarting the group.

Sister Ye Xue has already thought about it. If Jiang Qin is willing to continue promoting the group, then she will throw away the family business she takes over, come to help him do this project, and make the group to make the first group of domestic group buying.

So since the summer vacation, she has been advised and has been waiting.

If people do not have ideas, and once they have ideas, they are basically anxious.

Just like you went to the mall and found a necklace you like, but if you didn’t buy it, you will definitely think about it when you return home. Buy it can be relieved.

This is Ye Ziqing’s current mentality.

Sister Ye Xue’s parents did a venture capital business. The industry involved in a variety of. Although she did not achieve the top in China, she just lost a company to do it very easily.

Since the failure of entrepreneurship in college in college, Ye Ziqing has followed the arrangement of the family step by step, and took over a daily fast cinema company invested by his father.

From that day, she lost her dreams and ambitions. She went in and out of the wine farm every day. Various entertainment continued, and then drunk back to the empty home. In the face of the empty room, she was stunned. In hours, I fell asleep slowly until I couldn’t hold it.

In her dream, she always dreams of those days when she goes all out for dreams, and she is full of regrets.

If you slow down at that time, it would be fine if you were more cautious at that time.

Then every time she wakes up, she will be more empty than before going to bed.

Ye Ziqing had a few girlfriends, and met at work. Every time these girlfriends went to her house, they always issued a question.

“Well, why didn’t you buy anything in your family? Didn’t you even buy chai oil and salt?”

“Oh my god, why is there only professional clothes in your wardrobe, and there is no daily private server?”

“How long have you not opened the refrigerator? A lot of things inside have expired.”

Ye Ziqing was silent every time, because she knew that even if she said her girlfriends, she would not understand.

She has no sense of belonging about her life. She always feels that this life is more like a monitoring. She is not sleeping at all times.

But the saddest thing is that she didn’t know when she could go out of this prison.

It wasn’t until that day that she saw Jiang Qin’s team that it was not the current life that trapped herself, but her original failure. She felt she lived again.

But it wasn’t until she was pushed to Shanghai that she was pushed to Shanghai until she was promoting. Jiang Qin was really unwise. He really abandoned the group and turned to focus on the development of knowledge.

Ye Ziqing couldn’t understand Jiang Qin’s idea at all. When he touched his mobile phone, he had to call Jiang Qin. He wanted to ask what he thought, but the opposite bell is long, but no one has been answered.

Knowing the start of the country’s promotion, Jiang Qin is already very busy, it is normal to not answer the phone …

Sister Ye Xue tried to calm down as much as possible, and decided to find a chance to go to Linchuan University to talk to Jiang Qin in person.

In fact, Boss Jiang is really busy now, because he is now in a washing product store in the former square to choose good nail polish.

“President Jiang, this is the light nail polish, the most common one, it will have paint.”

“This is the pearl model. Under the light of light, there will be a very light pearl effect, like a pink pearl.”

“This is fog light, that is, the scrub that people say, not very smooth, but it is very temperament after applying it.”

“There are also cracked models. After drying, there will be cracking lines. There are fluorescent agents inside, which will shine and have a three -dimensional feeling.”

Jiang Qin followed the guidance of the shopping guide, walked in front of the container displayed by nail polish, nodded from time to time, shook his head again, and looked particularly serious.

Today, he looked at the schoolgirl who lowered his head for a whole day at the school gate, but felt that his mouth was dry. As a result, he just passed by this shop when he came back and saw a row of nail polish, so he couldn’t help but walk in.

“What do these nail polish do?” Jiang Qin asked.

“Organic solvents, nitrifying fiber, bright glue, and color.” Miss shopping guide explained patiently.

Jiang Qin thought for a long time and picked up a pink pearl nail polish, shaking it under the light and said, “Will this thing be poisoned if you eat this thing?”

“Why eat ????”

“Nothing, I just asked casually, do you have any recommendation?”

Miss shopping guide looked around on the shelves: “Miss Feng’s complexion is very white, her temperament is good, and it will be better to choose a matte feeling, and it will be more elegant.”

Jiang Qin froze: “How do you know I bought it for her?”

“Isn’t she your girlfriend? Hi Tian’s manager Gao told me, is it a rumor?”

Jiang Qin really admired Gao Wenhui: “Just buy a pearl, just a scrub,”

Miss shopping guide: “…”

After a long while, Feng Nanshu came to the entrepreneurial base with a small leather shoes, and was pulled into 207 by Jiang Qin. Before he had time to speak, the shoes and socks were taken off, and the expression was at a loss.

Jiang Qin squatted on the sofa, grabbed her white little feet in her hand, and gently painted her nails into pink.

Xiao Fumao didn’t know what to do, but looking at Jiang Qin’s focus and gently treating her feet, she couldn’t help but want to call his brother.

After the right foot was applied, Jiang Qin blew her twice, her eyes shiny.

“Is it good?”

“Good -looking.” Feng Nanshu nodded well.

Jiang Qin smiled slightly: “It’s so beautiful, just like a pink jade, the color and fragrance are all.”

Xiao Fu’s face suddenly bluffs his little face: “Jiang Qin, do you want to eat good things again?”

(This chapter is finished)

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