Who is reborn? Who is in love?

304. 304 Why don't you wear a hat at work?

Chapter 304 Why don’t you wear a hat when you go to work?

“Can you have a child with a Aquarius? Thinking is more active, good at thinking, calm and smart.”

“Okay.” Feng Nanshu agreed to be fast and good.

Jiang Qin smiled slightly: “In fact, Leo is also good, enthusiastic, kind and sincere.”

“I don’t understand anything stupid, just listen to you.”

“Well, but the problem of belonging to the phase must be considered. Next year is the year of the tiger. If it is a girl, the tiger is not very good. Although the girl who is a tiger is confident and cheerful, it will easily hurt people and others. According to reason, in fact, the name cannot be random. It is best to find someone to see the life style. ”

Being a boss for more than a year, Jiang Qin’s thinking divergent ability has been very strong. In addition, he has always won with marketing. This is the basic skill of hand -over.

From science to metaphysics, from constellations to fame and fortune, all of them are complete and complete. This is called details.

Feng Nanshu, who was standing next to him, was stupid. The beautiful eyes seemed to have a light flashing, looking cool, and a little eager to try.

Gao Wenhui lay on the counter, raised his head forward, and a crazy expression, two phrases flashed in his head -next year, he was a tiger.

Will I give birth next year? Will it be a bit too fast? This will be fined!

“Gao Wenhui, what do you have a silly teeth?”

Jiang Qin suddenly felt something wrong, and said that I gave the role a name. How could I go in? Why is this kind of thing so easy.

Turning around and looking at Gao Wenhui again, without expected, Xiao Gao’s classmates really flowed down, and the light in his eyes was not much darker than Xiao Fu’s wife.

“I didn’t say anything just now, I just want a role name. What are the festive fortune -telling of what is the constellation and the name of the name, it is not related to me, and I am too far. Can’t get in. ”

Gao Wenhui converged his expression instantly after hearing, and threw the pot back directly.

“Is this this that is this? Didn’t you see a guest coming? Just know that you can make milk tea!” Jiang Qin couldn’t do it.

“Dog boss, find me back in a while when I missed my mouth.”

“What does it mean that I have missed my mouth? I call this character who helps you rich characters. Writing a book is very knowledgeable. If you want to write the vitality of the characters, you must consider these.”

Gao Wenhui does not believe it at all, and there is evidence: “Boss Jiang, my heroine is Feng Tianxian, how can there be wood? You can bring water with water, the child’s name should be brought with soil. What does the novel think, or do you think for yourself? ”

Jiang Qin frowned: “Why don’t you wear a hat at work?”


The night became rich, and the figures on the campus were still booming. The students were always releasing their youthful vitality with expectations for the new semester.

With the increase of the crowd, the business of the sweet milk tea shop also ushered in a business peak. This shop was not spacious, only a dozen square meters, and there was no place to stand by the guests after one more. Essence

As soon as I started school, I took my girlfriend to buy a cup of milk tea, which is not unusual at all.

So Jiang Qin led Feng Nanshu’s hand and left the milk tea shop, strolling around a few times.

The welcoming card in front of the school has been erected high, and the tents of each college were tied in front. In addition, 208 also set up a tent here.

After all, the new students enter the school, and the blood of the Da Da will be alive. The propaganda work of this part is still done, but it is not that important.

“Damn, I am a sophomore in a blink of an eye, but I seem to have learned nothing. This tuition fee is a bit lost.”

Jiang Qin murmured, and returned to the school with his rich woman. As a result, he accidentally walked to the college supermarket. He was immediately stared at by Jiang Zhihua, who was bright and bright, and invited them to come to the store to see the new products or something. Essence

So the boss Jiang was like a big grievance, and he spent a lot of money here, and he was more panicked than just now.

“Jiang Qin, want a good friend table lamp.”

“Buy two.”

“This blue and red pen also want it, can it?”

“Buy two too.”

Jiang Zhihua looked beside him for a long time, and felt a bit strange. This time, Mr. Jiang seemed to be fell in love with this girl. He used to struggle twice before. Now he is basically reluctant to refuse.

Next time, prepare more goods, and the money to directly hit the soft ribs is the best profit. Some people’s weaknesses are not obvious, but President Jiang’s weaknesses are really obvious and coquettish. Want.

After leaving from the college supermarket, Jiang Qin sent Feng Nanshu back and turned back to the boy’s dormitory of the Financial College.

After two months of closedness, there was a very unknown taste in Room 302. It smelled a little bit, and there was a smoke lingering. You knew that Ren Ziqiang was smoking.

In this concentration, it is estimated that the old appointment is to use the strength of breastfeeding.

Jiang Qin waved the air in front of him, opened the window to the balcony, and turned to look at the three goods in the dormitory.

Zhou Chao has not changed much. At this time, he was humming the seeds and groaning seeds. In front of him, he saw half of the pirated web, or was as happy as before.

Cao Guangyu played the game, the keyboard knocked up, his eyes were red.

On the other side, Ren Ziqiang cut the new hairstyle. Liu Hai was gone. The left eye that had been sealed for several years finally began to enable. It looked a lot of energy, but his expression was slightly dignified. The cigarettes were one after another.

That’s right, he hung his subject and hung a subject.

However, his hanging department was not lonely this time, because Cao Guangyu also hung up and hung two subjects.

But even so, Ren Ziqiang was still very upset.

Lao Cao played three days before the exam. He couldn’t wait to live in the Internet cafe. He hugged the Buddha’s feet the day before the exam, and then hung two subjects.

But myself, during the day with Cao Gexu and Snake, they were hiding in the bed and hiding in the bed at night to secretly review them. The light thumb lamp was broken three. Who is this fucking?

“Old Ren, I have a little acquaintance in your expression.” Jiang Qin pulled the chair over and sat under the buttocks.

Ren Ziqiang sighed: “Brother Jiang, don’t conceal you, I hanged again.”

“Normally, you opened your eyes and snoring on the day of the exam. You were scared to the monitoring teacher. “,”

“Thank you Brother Jiang!”

After listening, Cao Guangyu took a sip of Jiang Qin directly: “Don’t fart, please treat me? I fucking two subjects, it is a shame!”

Jiang Qin turned to look at him: “You fucking playing the game, you don’t lose a little bit.”

“Why don’t you invite me to dinner?”

“Of course, you ask the old man to eat. I sent the old man to invite you to dinner. In addition, Zhou Chao and I were with the side with you. I was responsible for comforting you. Zhou Chao was responsible for comforting the old appointment.”

Hearing this sentence, Zhou Chao was happy, mother, even if I didn’t hang it, I mixed two meals as soon as I started.

When Cao Guangyu heard this proposal, he turned his head and ignored anyone, but Jiang Qin had always called his name behind him, making him upset.

“Laojiang, you’re better to find me!”

“It is really something. Haven’t you been selected as the Zhihu website 100 bloggers recently? Get eight thousand yuan for the bonus alone? But your recent update number has significantly decreased a lot, and the popularity is not as good as before. I’m going to promote national promotion immediately, you can’t drop the chain. ”

Cao Guangyu coughed, rubbing his hands a little embarrassed: “You know, I pretend to win, but there are not so many materials around me, so the heat declines is normal.”

Jiang Qin glanced at him: “Aren’t you a rich second -generation? You didn’t take a private plane to the Maldives during the holidays?”

“The second generation of the rich is not every day. Ding Xue went to Hangzhou to find me during the holidays. I am busy falling in love.” Cao Guangyu raised his mouth and showed a smile of the king.

“Some girls are looking for you to play with you?”

“Of course, we have spent very good times together. Love is really great. Pretending to be my favorite thing, but I have to go back in the encounter.”

“I disagree with your point of view. I don’t think making friends will not delay.” Jiang Qin shook his head.

Cao Guangyu showed a disdainful smile: “You don’t understand, if you are me, you will not have the mind to do something else. Laojiang, although Feng Nanshu has also went to find you, but you are not really in love, you should fully understand it. Can’t you really love the beauty, your road is still very long. ”

“Then I will give you an example. This summer, the Tianxian girl went to my house, and took a family portrait with my parents. She would call all my relatives in my family.” Jiang Qin said expressionlessly.

Hearing this sentence, Cao Guangyu suffocated slightly, holding his chair with both hands, and his throat rolling movement was obviously swallowing.

“At the same time, I also took the more than a dozen employees under my hand to go to four first -tier cities to turn around. I met a small episode halfway. Our luggage was lost. Later Bund is Mercedes -Benz, and there are younger guides wearing black stockings. ”

“Half a month ago, I was invited to meet in the Sichuan government. Under my proposal … Linchuan Merchant Gang was established and strategically cooperated.”

“Oh yes, I also invited eight schools of four universities to shoot publicity posters by 207.”

Jiang Qinfeng spread his hand lightly: “You see, making friends and pretending not to conflict at all.”

Cao Guangyu gritted his teeth: “Lao Jiang, you said so much, in fact, you just want to nourish me, I fight with you!”

“How can I want to nourish you, just give you some materials and let you create well. I really don’t know good people’s hearts.”

(This chapter is finished)

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