Who is reborn? Who is in love?

302. 302 Who is the wealthy heaven?

Chapter 302 Who is the wealth of the sky?

The shooting continues, and the subsequent process is simply not good. This time, no one is competing for the primary and secondary divisions, and no one secretly pokes.

Of course, there are many schools who are curious about the top -level appearance that suddenly emerge, and want to make friends, especially if she knows that she is also a student of Linchuan University, but the first school flower of Ling University is Chu Siqi, they think it is more interesting.

Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law is not good at communication. I only say that I am just a mediocre Feng Nanshu, and the high cold is like a cold moonlight.

At the same time, the boyfriends who accompanied the school flowers could not help but breathe a long breath.

They were still worried yesterday that the first star of Lingda’s first study and Linchuan young entrepreneurs would not look at my girlfriend?

But this time they don’t have to worry about this time. This is not my girlfriend.

It’s just that this is really damn. Choose our girlfriend as a school flower. He also spends money to let them take photos on the platform and update daily dynamics. However, the protection of water is not leaking, and the heart is dark.

“Yesterday, there were sisters who discussed who and Jiang Qin, so I won’t squeak today.”

“Well, especially the surname Chu, I’ m so proud a few days ago. ”

“But I don’t understand a bit. The boss of 208 is so good -looking. What do we want to be a model? Print her on the leaflet, where can I not be promoted.”

“It’s simple, he can’t bear it.”

Zhong School Flower: “…”

Boyfriend: “He is so damn, he is reluctant to use it, but uses us hard.”

In a blink of an eye, the time came to the end of the month, and the shooting work ended smoothly. It was time to pay.

Jiang Qin gave the money to Wei Lanlan because he rushed to the city’s meeting, but there was a boss, she must not dare to be this family, so the people who paid the school flower became Feng Nanshu.

According to the previous agreed, daily shooting remuneration and image authorization, everyone got 4,500 yuan.

This year, even students with better conditions, the monthly living expenses are only seven or eight hundred, and the amount of 4,500 is already a lot for them. Put it in the envelope. A stack.

At this moment, Chu Siqi’s mood was complicated.

Especially when she took the envelope and looked at Feng Nanshu, the kind of gap and remorse made her feel unable to breathe, and always felt that her heart was dug away.

There are countless species in her heart.

If I was sincere, if I didn’t get high, if I was standing here at this moment, it was me, if … if …

Unfortunately, there is anything in this world, but there is no if there is no.

“Thank you … thank you.”

Xiao Fu watched her with clear eyes: “I thank you too.”

Chu Siqi froze: “Why?”

“I don’t know, I’m stupid.”


After the filming was over in 208, the first batch of orders on Sheng Shi have also been shipped. After the efforts of the Ministry of Commerce and the uninterrupted running of the Ministry of Marketing, this batch of goods gradually flowed into various university cities in Shanghai.

Among them, there are water cups, group fans, slippers, and hams, all of which are randomly mixed in various new gift packages. With the package, a promotional page is also attached. inside.

This kind of push method is a coincidence. The time in time is just right. Jiang Qin has to sigh that he is a little lucky.

“Is Su Nai back?”

“Come back at more than 5 pm today.”

“Let her stare at the registration of new users in the recent period and see how the effect of the first batch of materials is.”

“Good boss.”

At the same time, Yuezhu also called on the other side, saying that the local local push team in Shanghai had established a total of 128 people. He was responsible for cooperating with the opportunity to enter the school and distributed leaflets and group fans at the school gate.

There is no technical content in this leaflet, and the conversion rate is very low. People who receive the leaflets are basically lost. A small number of people will keep it.

But this thing is the lowest cost method after all, even if the conversion rate is extremely low, it will never lose.

What’s more, the main body of the leaflet is Zhang Zixuan of Duangduangduang.

Especially at this node in the opening season, its traffic is already huge enough. Even if the means of leaflets are rude, it will inevitably produce it.

The fan fans are even more powerful. The weather in summer, the freshmen took their luggage into school, and they were tired of sweating all the way to DC. No one could refuse a group fan. This routine was verified by him.

At the same time, the products of some local brands in Linchuan also began to be launched across regions. First, make a good way to pave the way to welcome the conversion of Zhihu promotion.

For example, mineral water brands, snack brands, soda brands, daily necessities brands, beer brands, washing brands …

These local brands do not need offline stores. They only need to open up the supply channels for entering the university town, and the cost is relatively low. It is a part of the first leader of strategic cooperation.

According to Jiang Qin’s arrangement, their cross -regional supply must minimize the price, and even the registration of Zhihu can be used for free gifts.

Promotion is like this, you have to separate profitability and publicity.

If you want to make money, do n’t do the idea of expanding the sales area. Once 伱, once you want to expand the sales area, you must be prepared for a small amount of money.

According to Boss Jiang’s words, this time it is not to make money, it is purely to make friends.

After being busy with these things, there is only a day left to the opening day of Linta. Jiang Qin is rare to be a bit idle. At dusk, Professor Yan came to 208.

He did not come alone, holding the root rope in his hand, and the end of the rope was a chubby dog.

“Well, Professor Yan, whose dog is this? It looks so familiar.”

“This is the wealthy sky.”

“My grass, good name, hello rich, I am Jiang Qin, you can also call me ancestor.”

Jiang Qin squatted down and touched it twice, and suddenly his expression suddenly stunned: “Wait for a while, I remember that I also seem to have a dog called the sky.”

After listening to Professor Yan, he yelled: “Don’t pretend to be garlic, but fucking it seems to be? This is obviously your dog!”

“I’m grass, this is my dog? Why is it fat?” Jiang Qin was startled.

Professor Yan’s face was dark: “That day I was idle and did nothing to walk through the dog. When I came back, I found that 208 was locked. What can I do? I can only take it home. Good guy, this little thing is better than this little thing. Pigs can eat, and a university professor is almost bankrupt! ”

Rich and wealthy whispered, raised his eyes, looked at Jiang Qin, and looked pitiful.

“Just live, just live.” Jiang Qin stunned two dogs with pity.

Professor Yan took out a stack of invoices from his pocket: “These are dog food money. You have to reimburse me. I tell you that it is more than you who are more than a name of a brand. “,”

Jiang Qin’s result of the invoice glanced at: “Professor, have you been raised for so long, have you been not emotional? Otherwise, even if this dog is two, dog food money aa.”

“A hammer, my sofa is still broken now, there is a hole in the wardrobe, you have to lose my sofa money and wardrobe money!”

“The demolition is because the energy is too strong, and there is no way to vent. It is just a good time. The rich and rich are still a good dog.”

After listening to Professor Yan, he pumped his mouth: “I’m sixty years old. It is not me to walk out, but it slipped with me.”

Jiang Qin took out a stack of money with a smile, and took out two boxes of hairy tip from the cabinet: “Hard work, Professor Yan, tea was specially bought by friends at the origin. Buy again next time. ”

“This is almost the same.”

Professor Yan received the money, took the tea, turned his head and left. He didn’t nostalgic. It seemed that Fugui Er did not make the old man not torture lightly in the past two months.

It didn’t take long before leaving, Feng Nanshu came to 208. His eyes were moist and agile. Xueen’s skin was smooth and flawless. She wore a white lady’s skirt and looked particularly moving.

Seeing the wealthy child who had been developed, Xiao Fu drew immediately, rushing up and touched the dog head for a long time, and finally made Fugui feel a trace of tenderness in this home.

However, Fugui was still very puzzled, and they didn’t seem to be very reliable.

Even if the male owner is not reliable, why is the hostess very unreliable? This should not be.

Is there a dog at home, right? Under this only condition, how could the hostess forget me? Unless she has another dog, and she likes that one more.

“Jiang Qin, walk.” Feng Nanshu suddenly turned to look at Jiang Qin.

“Where to go?”

“Go to the maple forest.”

Jiang Qinli was vigilant: “Do you want to sit in my arms again?”

Feng Nanshu bluffs his little face: “I don’t, I’m talking about walking the dog.”

“The kind of dog or not with a dog?”

“All, my brother.”

(This chapter is finished)

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