Who is reborn? Who is in love?

301. 301 Feng Nanshu in the battlefield

Chapter 301 Feng Nan Shu

The shooting work has been continuously carried out, and the 207 of the temporary studio is continuously sounded.

Although the school flowers are not professional models, they may be due to the nature of beauty, or the psychological psychology of comparing each other. Their actions do a standard.

Of course, about whoever shoots first and then, who is not on the other side, whoever needs to be filmed again, the smell of gunpowder among the eight school flowers has never been broken.

It is said that three women and one show, now it is eight women, and can’t stop at all.

Chu Siqi is the most domineering and arrogant one. There is no humility at all. On the first day of shooting, she almost quarreled with Liu Yiyi at the scene because of the shooting order. Essence

However, when Jiang Qin appeared, Chu Siqi stopped fighting and became docile and well -behaved. Even the voice of speaking was pinched, and Liu Yiyi and Cui Yan couldn’t.

What do you do, when you see the father of Jin Lord, he pretended to be good, and he wanted him to make him feel unreasonable?

I grass, this woman is really so good.

Of course, Liu Yiyi and Cui Yan can see what others can see, and many people can see that many people think that this first school flower in Ling University may want to highlight the presence in this way, so as to deepen themselves in The impression of the father of the Golden Lord.

But if you pretend to be obedient, will we not?

As a result, as long as Jiang Qin appeared, the scene was full of Yanyan. Some of them called President Jiang, some of them called Jiang Qin, and the father who called Jin Lord directly, almost bombed Chu Siqi.

Jiang Qin was happy to see this scene, that is, he was dizzy.

Damn, I do n’t get drunk when I drink alcohol, but it ’s a bit dizzy. If it’ s not going to lose the dead?

It is said that everything is born between all things, and there must be a antidote around the beasts of the poisonous insects. Jiang Qin looked at the ups and downs in front of me. I said, should I find out where the antidote is?

On the first day of shooting, all kinds of contradictions emerged endlessly. Because of the leading role of Chusqi, the comparison of school flowers directly transferred from model work to Jiang Qin.

Liu Yiyi and Cui Yan are the most active. Every time I was shooting, I would chat with Jiang Qin. The clip sound was soft and not excessive, making people like a spring breeze.

The boys who followed the school flowers started to do it. Damn, don’t pat the patting my daughter -in -law. How can this plot look so similar to the special day series?

“No wonder the boss didn’t bring the boss, it’s really shameless.”

“Battles make him occupy, and we really have become pure.”

Luffy and Yang Shuai were also angry, and felt that this salary was not worth it. It was purely into the trap of the capitalist.

Of course, it is possible to tease the school flowers, but Jiang Qin does not have much idea, but just upholds an appreciation attitude. Foot, complete gentleman.

However, in addition to appreciating his feet, Jiang Qin’s most time is still being pushed.

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Zhihua from the college supermarket came to the entrepreneurial base and sent a transparent storage box.

This storage box is exactly the same as the supermarket, white, translucent, can be put on clothes and shoes, but the type in the supermarket is empty, but she brings full.

There are hand -drawn versions of hairspring, water cups, group fans, slippers, laundry fluids, transparent soaps, pumping paper, card stickers, and Lin Da Maps.

“This is the annual enrollment season every year. I will prepare a large number of preferential combination sets. It is very popular with freshmen. There are a lot of buyers.”

“Then what is your other hand?” Jiang Qin pointed to the bag in her other hand.

Jiang Zhihua immediately opened the bag: “There are some new couple cups, couple slippers, and good -looking but expensive neutral pens, as well as beautiful but invincible small table lamps. By the way, is the boss?”



Knowing that the boss didn’t come, Jiang Zhihua, who didn’t make money at all, regretted getting out of the entrepreneurial base, and Jiang Qin was in contemplation. He said that even if I was alone, why are the people around me getting more and more dogs?

A poultry in the river? It won’t really be so evil.

At this moment, Lu Xuemei and Wei Lanlan were summoned and entered 208.

“Boss, what’s the matter?”

“Look at this thing.” Jiang Qin pushed the translucent white plastic box.

Lu Xuemei and Wei Lanlan looked at: “Isn’t this a gift package for freshmen?”

“I intend to improve the targetedness of the ground push plan. From the new students of this session, their new freshman itself will face a strange and fresh environment. The ability to accept new things is the strongest. The promotion will be more silky. ”

“Boss, do you mean to do these things on the publicity map?”

“Yes, some of the publicity pictures have been taken now. You hurry up and design a set, called Sheng Shi to make a batch of trial effects.”

Wei Lanlan suddenly looked up and glanced at Jiang Qin: “Boss, if one person gets a box, will this cost be too high?”

Jiang Qin shook his head: “I misunderstand what I meant. We did not send it for free, but went to be a supplier of the supermarkets of various schools. If I was the owner of the supermarket, I suddenly heard that someone would provide me with a fan of a new student package for free. Or the water cup, will you refuse? ”

“Who doesn’t want it for free?”

“Yes, so we need to use our products to replace what they originally prepared to sell. Do not need money, as long as there is one in each box, whether it is a fan or a water cup, or a slippers with logo, we will win the numbness. It’s. ”

Wei Lanlan understood Jiang Qin’s idea: “But a few days before the start of school, we have to contact all supermarkets in Shanghai University Town in advance. Time is too urgent.”

Jiang Qin waved his hand: “This is okay. The Ministry of Commerce has now landed in Shanghai. Because they do it, you only need to get items.”

“Good boss.”

“Then discuss the propaganda ideas of the main poster. Now the time is tightly important. This matter can no longer be dragged.”

Just as Jiang Qin was preparing to have a brainstorm, there was a noise of 207 next door. Luffy ran in instantly, and shouted again.

“what’s the situation?”

“Zhang Zixuan is very characteristic. The clothes we prepared for her are a bit different, mainly to highlight her characteristics, but other school flowers feel like they are supporting roles, it seems a bit dissatisfied.”

“Forget it, don’t care, the beautiful girl is like this. The closer the face value, the less likely it is to become friends. They quarrel eight times a day. I have to get used to it. If you persuade them, you can’t persuade them to wait for them to finish.”

After receiving the command, Luffy ran to 207 next door, but it was clear that his persuasion had no effect, and the quarrel continued.

Jiang Qin asked Lu Xuemei to close the door and continue to study the promotion.

There is no good propaganda ideas, and the characteristics are not useful, so these intrigues are not worthwhile for Jiang Qin.

However, after the three of them determined the style of the publicity map, the quarrel of 207 suddenly stopped abruptly. In addition, they also stopped discussions, which caused the entire entrepreneurial base to be quiet and scary.

This feeling is very familiar, as if everyone was passionately chatting before high school before class, that is, there will be such a moment suddenly, everyone has no sound, but the teacher did not come, commonly known as the moment when the angel passed.

It is estimated that it is noisy, and Jiang Qin didn’t take it seriously. He continued to discuss the design ideas and determine the product.

Half an hour later, the discussion ended, and Jiang Qin stretched out a lazy waist and came to a quiet 207 with curiosity.

He originally thought that the atmosphere of 207 would become very dignified. Don’t talk about strikes, but just now quarreled that, there will definitely be many people who do not cooperate, but the people in the house are harmonious. What action.

In particular, Chusqi, with a high -spirited gesture, disappeared, and he was linger like a quail.

Even Cui Yan, who was always eye -catching with him, changed his normal situation this time, as if he didn’t see himself.

Jiang Qin froze, and when he looked at the field, he suddenly saw a familiar figure in the southeast corner.

She wore a black long skirt, a red belt tied to her waist, long hair and waist, cold and cute, her eyes were moist and clear, slender eyelashes were curled up and slender, and she looked at the shooting. At the scene, the beautiful facial features were not ashamed.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Qinxin said that I was up, and even saw Feng Nanshu in the battlefield.

He turned to look at the school flowers again, and found that under the gaze of the rich woman, the school flowers at the scene did not dare to make trouble. The field is overwhelming.

Girls are like this. In the case where the value is different, no one will serve anyone, but when the value gap is too high, they will inferiority.

In this case, the battle between them is particularly meaningless.

Liu Yiyi suddenly solved the knot that maintained for more than a year, and began to understand why he was promoted by 208 as a show.

“How did you come?”

“Uncle Gong Tiantian shouted and thought about it, and he cried, but I didn’t know anything.” Feng Nanshu looked stupid.

Jiang Qinxin said that you will blow, when I’m stupid, how can a driver want to go to a certain place and let the young lady accompany: “Did you eat?”

“Eat dumplings and old vinegar peanuts.”


At the same time, Luffy, standing on the right behind, raised his toes, raised his skirt, and quietly walked out of 207.

Damn, he just posted a sentence in the group [The boss looked at the school flower to take pictures in 207 all day, it was really shameful], and then the boss lady killed it. Although he was slightly low in emotional intelligence, he still had the degree of perception of danger. So hurry up and run away.

(This chapter is finished)

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