Who is reborn? Who is in love?

300. 300 House School Flower (Make up for more)

Chapter 300 A House School Flower (Supplemented more)

Since it is a college student forum, it is very suitable to use beautiful female college students to endorse, and these schools have their own accounts in Zhihu, and they are sharing their dynamic information and life photos every day.

When the offline materials are sent out, attracting new registered users, you can see the goddess attracting your goddess on the poster to log in to the website, and the proper dream is reality.

This is not only online and offline, but also reflects the most powerful social attributes.

Jiang Qin is even more regrettable that he couldn’t hold school grass competitions at the beginning. Otherwise, their propaganda materials could even be a targeted version of boys and girls.

A clear color of the boy’s dormitory is a cool school flower.

After the meeting, Wei Lanlan and Lu Xuemei began to cooperate.

Wei Lanlan is responsible for communication, mainly to ask if the selected school flowers have the willingness to be a model, and Lu Xuemei began to plan material design based on the results of the feedback.

When the model is actually a very vanity thing, the long face can still make money, so there are many active school flowers.

Who has no star dream these years?

In their eyes, both actors or models are synonymous with beautiful, such as such things that can show beauty, even if they do not give money, someone will be willing to do it.

So in just two days, the eight school flowers registered one after another.

However, because the promotion node of Zhihu starts from the school season on September 1. The shooting of the model map must be ended before the end of August, so this part of work needs to be carried out first.

In addition to Wei Lanlan and Lu Xuemei, Jiang Qin also needed a few people to return to school in advance.

“On August 20th, a few people returned to school in advance to assist Xuemei and Lanlan for some preparations. Does anyone register voluntarily?”

In the group, the crow was silent.

As if everyone didn’t see it, Luffy’s avatar was even dark.

Damn, just investigated from four first -tier cities. I ca n’t wait for the chairs in the family to sit hot, and there are tasks?

The capitalist is really a little bit of boundary, who cares and who is a dog!

However, Jiang Qin was not in a hurry at all. He put his hands leisurely on the keyboard.

“The main content of this work is to take some wonderful model maps for the school flowers. As the main image of the publicity poster, there will be jk clothes and super skirts. Since no one wants to come to the scene to help, then, as a boss, I have to be a boss, so I have to be the boss. The soldiers were sold first. ”

Luffy Yu’s head suddenly lit: “Boss, have you forgotten that I am a locals in Linchuan? August 20th, I will stay on the 19th!”

Ma Yubao also bubbling: “I’m going too, the boss calls me to go, I can not even work overtime.”

Yang Shuai: “My fucking can not even bonuses, the boss choose me.”

Jiang Qin: “It’s so positive? Do you want to come with money? I want one for one, just look at it!”

Yang Shuai: “Can you squat? How much do you need to post, deduct from the salary of next month!”

Luffy: “It is also okay to post it, not for the school to spend the school, the main thing is a love of work.”

Jiang Qin: “6.”

On August 20th, Lu Xuemei, Wei Lanlan, Luffy and Yang Shuai rushed to 208.

Lu Xuemei formulated the shooting action based on the planning case, and Wei Lanlan was responsible for picking up the school flowers to participate in the shooting. Luffy and Yang Shuai contacted professional photographers to buy shooting props.

The four people spent a day of work, handled all preparations, and arranged the entire event classroom into the shape of the shaped shot, quiet, etc.

In the early morning of the next day, all eight schools of schools in the four universities arrived, gathered at the entrepreneurial base, and looked at it, and they were all graceful and thin.

Among them, Zhang Zixuan, who won her chest, Liu Yiyi, who is famous for its beautiful show, and Ding Qiaona, who has joined the entrepreneurial team, and Chu Siqi, who has a white skirt, long hair and waist.

Some of them are for their names and remuneration, and some are to ask what is showing their qi. Flying worm.

However, no matter what the purpose is coming, they all have a common feature, that is, dress up and exquisite makeup.

Girls are all animals who like comparison. They know that this time they are going to be models with many school flowers. No one wants to be low, and they all want to stand out.

“Hello, Liu Yiyi, the Department of Literature, Lingda Literature, are you the Chu Siqi of the Department of Law?”

“Yes, sister Liu Xue.”

“I don’t know what happened last time. I suddenly lost more than a hundred supporters, so although I won me and became the first school flower, if I came again, I may not lose to you.”

Liu Yiyi dyed a long linen of linen and wore a pupil, which looked particularly aura.

Hearing this sentence, Chu Siqi smiled indifferently and disdain at all.

There are not only examples like this, whether they are the same school, or those who are different, each school flower is secretly competing, the smell of gunpowder is full.

In addition to these eight school flowers, some people also followed, such as their boyfriend or girlfriends, or licking dogs that are hard to follow.

No matter which country and which era, girls are unsafe when they go out alone, so the situation of someone accompanied by people is normal. When the school flowers secretly compete, even these accompaniment staff began to secretly compete.

At this moment, a black Audi dust came over, and the engine sound shifted the smell of gunpowder at the scene instantly, and it also attracted the staff of 208 to welcome it.

Seeing this scene, the school flowers and their accompanying staff turned around and looked back, and saw Jiang Qin wearing black short sleeves and black shorts from the car, greeted everyone.

It is strange to say that Jiang Qin is not handsome. At most, it is relatively tall and beautiful, but his figure is full of halo in the eyes of the school flowers, as if it is descending from the sky. It is mysterious and capable. Essence

Especially when the people of 208 shouted a word of boss in unison, the feeling that they couldn’t hold it.

“Are you here?”

“Boss, people are all here.”

“Let’s first come to 208, let’s make a meeting simply.”

Jiang Qin took the car key and took everyone to the office of 208, free up a part of the space, and arranged for everyone to sit down.

“Distribute to work. Lanlan is responsible for the signing of the image authorization agreement. Xuemei is responsible for explaining the order of shooting and shooting to the school flowers. Feiyu is responsible for props and clothing. Yang Shuai is responsible for arranging accommodation and three meals a day.”

After Jiang Qin finished speaking, he raised his head: “What is the photography teacher?”

The photographer immediately said: “Mr. Jiang is good, my name is Wenda, I am the only visual chief photographer.”

“Oh, the only vision is our partner, right?”

“Yes, our boss told him specifically, saying that everything listened to your arrangement.”

Jiang Qin nodded and looked up at eight schools and spent: “These girls have my alumni and my employees. They are not professional models. Some of them have not even been exposed to professional shooting. It may be more difficult than difficulties. You must be more patient, don’t be irritable or scolded, and don’t shake your face. The attitude in the process of shooting should be as gentle as possible. ”

The photographer quickly nodded: “Good Jiang, everything, listen to your arrangements.”

“Then eat first, work in order after eating.”

At the scene, except for the four people in 208, no one else had seen Jiang Qin’s work when he was working. At this time, he opened a meeting and suddenly felt the sharp style of acting. I couldn’t help claking my legs.

Female college students living in the ivory tower may not even have seen entrepreneurs in the real sense. The young boy of the same age they usually contact with each other, seeing such a presidential fund, who is not confused?

“I read the newspaper and said, he seems to be a freshman, but the aura is so powerful.”

“Yeah, he also told the photographer to make him better to us. Don’t bully us, it’s really warm.”

“I always feel that the boys around me are too naive, but if he is him, maybe you can really tame me.”

“He just glanced at me a little just now, and my heart felt a little bit.”

Hearing the discussion of the crowd, Chusqi, who was behind, seemed to have lost his soul, always silent, and his eyes became extremely embarrassed.

Of course, the silent is not only her, but also those boyfriends or licking dogs who accompanied them. They have an inexplicable sense of crisis in their hearts. They always feel that they seem to have a short head in front of the goddess.

Two hours later, after lunch, everyone began to work step by step, signing the agreement, the signing agreement, and the movement of the action, while Jiang Qin went out alone and went around at Linchuan University.

Knowing the promotion is fast and more accurate.

It is definitely difficult to bloom nationwide for a year.

Because you have to take care of the speed, it is likely that you do not care about quality, and the quality is likely to not keep up with the progress. It is really difficult to find a dual -comprehensive method.

He upgrades the website and accesss the school status system, which can indeed enhance the promotion efficiency of cross -cities, but it does not mean that he really does not care about the number of registered people, because no matter how many people cover the area. Sooner or later, the flow will be exhausted.

Therefore, he hopes to have a better promotion method, take care of the speed and improve quality, and attract a few more people to attract a few more people.

Jiang Qin walked forward while pondering, and came to the entrance of the teaching building unknowingly, and then saw several school workers stepped on the scooter and hung a banner at the gate, saying that the new students were warmly welcome.

(This chapter is finished)

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