Who is reborn? Who is in love?

222. 222 Kissing my mouth? Lao Cao is winning!

Chapter 222 Kissing? Lao Cao is winning!

The reply on the forum was not possible, and Jiang Qin was silent for a while.

Can’t a good friend really not try the other person’s little mouth?

No, the number of responses must not be enough.

Maybe the real gentleman is coming on the way.

Now after all, it is a day of the day, or the gap of lunch just after lunch. If it is a serious person, who will return like a post in the forum?

Unless those decadent otakus.

They may not even have no good friends, how can they know if good friends can kiss?

Jiang Qin lifted Erlang’s legs, and continued to make a shot of the ornament on the table with his fingers, and he did not panic.

There are more than 30,000 students in Linchuan University. At least 10,000 people have to say that it is true. Otherwise, he has reason to believe that because the sample collection degree is not enough, he draws an incorrect conclusion.

And the people who reply now are boys, only representing a gender opinion, but girls’ opinions are also important, because the good friends he wants to taste are girls.

Wait, expand the scope of sample collection to ensure the accuracy of the results.

Jiang Qin thought for a while, and felt that he could put the post directly to increase the exposure volume, and obtained more comments from the administrator permissions.

However, it is easy to expose.

Maybe others don’t know, but people from 208 will definitely know who is using the top power. By then, the majesty of the boss may disappear.

Just like Su Nai, since I knew that I loved to see silk feet, my eyes had no respect.

Well, such a big boss, I still want to kiss my good friends.

No, too much social death is not conducive to corporate management.

Let the bullets fly for a while, don’t worry.

“Come, continue playing cards.”

Jiang Qin moved his chair back to the table at the table, and began to take the lead in touching the card with a high face, and then he had a card. After the three laps, the three people had a note on the face of the three people. Essence

“Damn, Laojiang, why are your anger so great?”

Cao Guangyu had just lost a game, and he couldn’t get angry.

“If you don’t pursue the victory or defeat, what’s the point of?”

Jiang Qin Gao Leng spoke and put the washed card on the table: “Lao Cao, why didn’t you go out for a date with Ding Xue recently? Did you quarrel?”

“Ding Xue was busy with the postgraduate entrance examination, and said that I was annoying when I saw me, and let me hide away.” Cao Guangyu pouted, his face was unhappy.

“Which step have you progressed?”


Jiang Qin glanced at him a little annoyedly: “Hey hey?”

Cao Guangyu said with a smile on his face and running his eyebrows as he ran: “You have to be friendly, but unfortunately there is no chance to go out.”

Hearing this sentence, Ren Ziqiang and Zhou Chao envy to cry: “Brother Cao, what does it feel for kissing? Can you describe it for us?”

“Fragrant, soft and sweet, what do you think of Lao Jiang?”


Jiang Qin was silent by Cao Guangyu’s words, and then he played a card and pressed him to fight.

The other party was sealed by him, and he was sealed by him.

After three innings, Cao Guangyu’s face added three more notes, and it had been added with eight, and it looked like a curtain.

“Lao Jiang, do you have a hatred with me? Why are you always chasing me?!”

Cao Guangyu was puzzled, and he didn’t know that he had won Jiang Qin a winning moment before, and light up his dreams.

“That’s all your illusions.”

Jiang Qin is so cold that he didn’t even blink his eyes: “I always feel that there is no interesting. If you don’t add a new rule, whoever reaches ten strips on his face first, who will ask for dinner.”

Cao Guangyu glanced at Ren Ziqiang and Zhou Chao on the opposite side. The two added only four: “Is this new rule targeting me?”

Zhou Chao raised his hand to echo: “I agree with Ge’s decision. The light note is not colorful, and this card is boring.”

“No, I don’t agree.” Cao Guangyu shook his head fiercely, “I’m fucking not stupid.”

“Brother Cao, don’t be anxious, I feel like you are as smart as you, you can definitely turn around.”

Ren Ziqiang’s mouth was a rainbow fart.


“I really can’t really, don’t believe you try it.”

So after two rounds, Cao Guangyu, who had gathered ten pieces of note, pulled away and left, and took out his rice card.

What Nima’s blood turned over, only the pit without suspense!

In the future, we must remember that no matter what Jiang Qin said, you must not answer!


In the evening, the light rain of Lili stopped silently, and the sky was bright outside the window, and there was no feeling at a dusk, but it looked like the beautiful early morning of dawn.

F4 collectively came to the cafeteria, and worked together to brush the forty dollars in Lao Cao’s rice card.

Zhou Chao is about to die. In the past few days, he didn’t even know where to throw his own meal card. He was pure every day.

Living cost?

Unexpectedly, it’s not used at all!

Zhou Chaomei was looking around with a dinner plate. As a result, he looked up, but saw that there were a lot of familiar faces in the corner of the window.

For example, the three golden flowers in Jiang Tian’s dormitory, plus Pan Xiu and Liu Xiaojuan, and Nie Rong and Sun Na from the dormitory next door.

In addition to girls, there are Zhuang Chen, Zhuang Chen, Top 100, Zhang Guangxu, and 304 Weidong, Mao Ning.

“Brother Jiang, the third class of finance seems to be a party, are we being excluded?”


Jiang Qin looked up at the past, and suddenly saw Jiang Tianzheng beckoning his name.

302 in the third financial class is the least grounded dormitory, because Jiang Qin played at the same level with them, and Cao Guangyu was obsessed with love all day.

Because of Pan Xiu, Ren Ziqiang was originally close to them, but he couldn’t integrate slowly after waking up.

Zhou Chao is more realistic. Unless you are invited to eat, you will not be able to move in the dormitory.

Jiang Qin felt that a university was a fate, and the frame could not be too high, so he sat with F3.

But he regretted it as soon as he sat. Damn, the taste was too strong.

Zhuang Chen’s mouth never stopped. All kinds of bragging, Jiang Qin heard a while, and gradually understood the origin of this pretending meeting.

Zhuang Chen, Zuo Baiqiang and Zhang Guangxu recently followed a boss outside to do the college entrance examination assault class, and made 3,000 yuan in a month. Today, this meal was requested by their dormitory.

It feels like inviting the world’s heroes to see me hanging more, and it tastes very good.

It is said that they have a soft mouth, with their hands short, and the people around them have no praise, and they have a rainbow fart to Zhuang Chen.

But the one that makes Zhuang Chen happiest is Jian Chun’s words that are great.

“More than three thousand, it’s just one of our start …”

“Yes, the boss values us very much, and after part -time job, I asked me to have a meal.”

“The workload in the later period will increase. We may have to find more people to help, and then take you to make money together.”

After Cao Guangyu’s teeth itchy, the most annoying people pretended to pretend to be in front of him: “Laojiang, pretend to look at him, let him shut up, crooked, annoy me!”

Jiang Qin shook his head after taking two sips: “Forget it, I don’t like to pretend.”


But just after speaking, Jiang Qin really remembered one thing: “Song Qingqing, I have something to talk to you.”

“What’s the matter?” Song Qingqing’s eyes were bright, and he was very happy after being named.

Jiang Qin put the chopsticks on the dining plate: “I invested in a restaurant in the summer vacation last year.

Hearing this sentence, the people around couldn’t help looking at each other, his expression was very strange.

You can open the store when you open a shop. Why is it so inexplicable?

Isn’t this a hard fit?

If you want to blow it, you can blow, but what does this matter have to do with Song Qingqing, and you call them for a lot, so far -fetched.

Cao Guangyu couldn’t help frowning. He felt that this forced Lao Jiang’s forced was too deliberate. It was not as round as before, and the level was much worse.

At least you have to talk about something that has something to do with Song Qingqing.

However, Song Qingqing was very happy. No matter if it had it, the male god called me very well.

“Male god, you are so amazing, do a website and do catering. I dare not even think about this kind of thing.”

“Don’t worry, I haven’t finished saying it yet.”


Jiang Qin continued to speak: “Before the winter vacation, did you give me a secret recipe for dumplings passed by family? Remember?”

Song Qingqing nodded blankly: “Yes, don’t you say you like to eat?”

“I packed it in the winter vacation. I tried to sell it in the store I invested for a month. The effect was surprisingly good. I made my own claim to help you make a technology.”


Hearing this sentence, the audience was calm.

Students in the Department of Finance will not understand the term of technology in their shares, but at this time they have not realized what it means, but they just start listening seriously.

“Technical investment?”

Jiang Qin nodded: “But I haven’t found you to sign a contract, so you have other choices, such as buying off, I will give you 50,000 yuan in one breath. If you choose to share the sharing, I will follow the business every month. The amount will be divided by you, about three or four hundred. ”

Song Qingqing’s eyes widened: “Because of that dumplings formula, you will give me three or four hundred every month?!”

“It can also be cost 50,000, depending on your choice.”

After Jiang Qin finished speaking, he added another sentence: “I suggest you choose a division, because our sixth chain store is already prepared, and the future turnover will be higher and higher. There will be more and more. ”

Hearing this sentence, the people in the audience held their breath, and their eyes were larger than the copper bell.

A simple dumpling formula was operated by Jiang Qin to the point where the inventory chain restaurant was costly. The price was 50,000, either three or four hundred a month. The most terrible thing was that Song Qingqing didn’t need to do anything. money.

If a price was selected, Song Qingqing immediately became a richest woman.

If she chose to divide, as long as Jiang Qin’s shop does not fall, she can get countless three or four hundred.

Moreover, Jiang Qin is still continuing to open a branch, indicating that this three or four hundred is just a starting price, and it is likely to continue to double in the future.

Compared with the hard work of making a hard work, what Jiang Qin said between the three words and two words is like a dream.

The focus of this incident is not how delicious the dumplings of Song Qingqing’s family. After she gave the formula to Jiang Qin, this stuff became a cash cow.

Only what he can do is it?

Because he is doing industrial investment, except for him, which students can be exposed to this stuff?

Change to someone, what can you do in addition to saying that the dumplings are so delicious?

Zhuang Chen swallowed his mouth, and found that Jian Chun’s eyes became extremely worship. The eyes of several other girls had a better look, and even a little enthusiastic.

Song Qingqing was also scared. It took a long time to return to God: “I, I choose to divide!”

“Wise choice, but I suggest you discuss with your family and give me an accurate answer.”

“Okay, I will call my mother when I return to the dormitory!”

Jiang Qin nodded, got up to say goodbye, and left the cafeteria with F3 in the dormitory.

Cao Guangyu was already out at this time: “Laojiang, the forced pretend to be too attractive just now, and the mouths of the next door next door can’t be opened.”


Jiang Qin paused: “You misunderstood, I didn’t pretend.”

The computer stays in the store for maintenance. This is written in a mobile phone. The efficiency is slow to die.

(This chapter is finished)

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