Chapter 223 Xiaoyu, I think I can kiss

I did n’t pretend to be in a sentence, and Cao Guangyu had a feeling of being nourished.

Jiang Qin’s most powerful ability is not to make people feel the difference between life, but this kind of calmness after installing, as if the humility that has not done nothing, is larger than being pretending to be. People have endless aftertastes.

“Damn, it’s so bad!”

“How did he practice it?”

Cao Guangyu updated the skill list, and kept figured on the way back, feeling a lot of gains.

At the same time, the men and women of the third class of the financial class are still silent in the cafeteria. If you do n’t finish eating, continue to bow your head and cook. It ’s more uncomfortable after eating. There is nothing else to do.

But whether it is eating or not eating, the scalp is still numb.

Only Song Qingqing couldn’t sit still, and couldn’t wait to communicate with my mother.

As a result, the golden flowers in the third class of the financial class decided to return to the dormitory together to witness this moment, because they also wanted to hear Song Qingqing’s family’s exclaiming sound.

“Chunchun, don’t go back. After a while, let’s go to the city to watch a movie.”

Zhuang Chen felt that it was of great significance to make money for the first time. He wanted to live alone with Jian Chun and enjoy this joy.

“You go with your roommate, I won’t go, I am going to listen to how Song Qingqing told her mother, I still want to know what her mother reacts!”

Jian Chun seemed to be more excited than Song Qingqing, and left the cafeteria after throwing a word.

Looking at the back of her departure, Zhuang Chen pursed the corner of the dry mouth, and finally said nothing. Only endless losses rushed to her heart, and were quickly hidden, proficiently distressing.

“Laozhuang, don’t have too much psychological pressure. Jiang Qin is not an ordinary person. Ordinary people like us can’t compare.”

Zuo Baiqiang couldn’t help patting his shoulders and comforted it like a big brother.

“Why? They are both noses and two eyes. Why is he not ordinary? No matter what I do, he will jump out and suppress me, making my grades barely, saying whether he is targeting me!”

Zhuang Chen’s heart was uncomfortable because he knew that Jian Chun’s excitement was not because of Song Qingqing.

What is that?

Because of Jiang Qin, she definitely felt that Jiang Qin was proud of Jiang Qin in the bottom of her heart, so she couldn’t wait to know the response of Song Qingqing’s family, and wanted to experience the joy and joy from Song Qingqing’s family.

It’s as if you have an old classmate who is very good and famous, you will tell people everywhere, that is my classmate, when we go to school, we are the best friends, and then I see others surprised, and my heart is also beautiful.

“Laozhuang, I’m telling the truth, he really doesn’t target you.”

Zhuang Chen looked at Zuo Baiqiang: “Why are you doing this?”

Zuo Baiqiang took out his tissue and wiped his mouth: “You didn’t participate in military training, and there were many things that he didn’t know. When Jiang Qingang entered school, he was more ruthless than this. It’s. ”

“Are you kidding?” Zhuang Chen didn’t believe it.

Zuo Baiqiang’s pouting: “I tell you the most intuitive example. You see Song Qingqing, and you usually see that we do n’t even give a positive eyes. That’s it? No, she was very arrogant at first, but she was convinced by Jiang Qin’s place. Therefore, it was your luck to not participate in military training.

Zhuang Chen suddenly sneered after a moment of silence: “Isn’t it entrepreneurial? Jiang Qin can, I can!”

“what are you up to?”

“Lao Zuo, you can help me say to the boss, I plan to use my spare time to start a business, and the assault class will not go for the time being.”

After Zhuang Chen finished speaking, he stood up and left the cafeteria.

Zuo Baiqiang looked at the posture of his departure, and there was an inexplicable lyrics in his head.

The pride is in heaven, who can compete with me!

Damn, wouldn’t Laozhuang really want to go to start a business? This is not a thing that everyone can do!

At the same time, the golden flowers in the third class returned to the dormitory, and then sat around Song Qingqing’s bedside, listening to her calling with her home.

“Mom, 50,000 and two or three hundred each month, which one do you choose?”

“What scammers, I’m talking about it!”

“That person is my classmate. He invested in a restaurant. Didn’t I say it just now?”

“It’s really no kid!” Mom! ”

“Oh, I don’t ask for money with you, the living expenses in my hand are enough!”


After a long while, Song Qingqing hung up the phone helplessly: “My mother didn’t believe it, and said that I wanted money to be crazy, let me wash and sleep quickly.”

When I heard this, the girls in the dormitory suddenly laughed, but after laughing, they couldn’t help thinking.

Why doesn’t Song Qingqing’s mother believe it?

In fact, the reason is very simple, because this incident is too much thoughtful. If you don’t see it with your own eyes, no one will believe that a freshman is as simple as a freshman to invest in drinking and drinking water.

“Jiang Qin is so godly, it’s so handsome.”

“I suddenly began to understand Guo Xiang, who had understood Fengling Ferry. When I was young, I couldn’t meet too amazing people. I was not interested in other boys.”

“Same feel, I used to think he was a special person before. It was a bit different from other boys. Now I know that this is actually unique.”

Jiang Tian sighed in order, praising the meaning of praise.

“Jiang Qin is really shining, but I still have to say a word, don’t think about it, he belongs to Feng Nanshu next door.”

In a word of Pan Xiu, he instantly pulled the 506 girls back to reality.

Yes, no matter how good the other party is, he always belongs to the girl next door, and that girl is also dazzling.

“I go to the water room to fight water.” Jian Chun suddenly got up.

Jiang Tian immediately followed: “I’ll go too, let’s go.”

“Take me one, I also go to water.”

In the end, the girl of 506 went out collectively, pretending to have nothing to do, walked from the door of 507, and then kept his eyes inside.

That is, there is a girl who has all Jiang Qin’s beloved …

Under the bright dormitory’s top lights, Feng Nanshu was sitting at the table obeyed, watching the computer screen nervously.

She is wearing a white nightdress with a bow, because the skirt is short, and her fair legs look slender and well -proportioned. Round and cute.

Because her face was very close to the screen, the slender curly eyelashes seemed to be white under the backlight of the backlight, and it looked smart and beautiful.

I don’t know what wonderful content on the computer screen.

“Xie invited, people are at the University, just got off the plane, good friends can’t kiss.”

“I don’t know, I’m still young, but this question is really exciting.”

“Can you make a good friend if you have kissed? I!”

“People want to be friends with you, do you even want to be?”

“It is recommended not to have some unrealistic fantasies. Kissing is something that couples can do. Please be honest, do not do something that makes me envy!”

“Friends still have a border, at most, but you must not kiss.”

“I agree with the statement upstairs, and I can barely hold it, but my kiss is definitely not possible.”

“If you have such an incompetent idea, your good friends will definitely be scared. Maybe even friends can’t do it in the end.”

“Indeed, friendship has the boundaries of friendship, you can’t be too presumptuous.”

“On my day, kiss with good friends? For the first time, I have started taking notes.”

“Do not commit trouble because of the impulse, friendship is not easy, you must protect it!”

“I am a girl. If my opposite sex friend wants to hug me, I might consider it, but if I want to kiss, I will never agree!”

Jiang Qin had returned to the dormitory at this time and watched the latest message below the post, and his expression gradually became dignified.


Ninety -nine people said no, it was almost unreasonable.

Don’t watch, sleep!

Jiang Qin turned to bed, and then stared at the ceiling, and suddenly a hint of shame appeared in his heart.

Xiao Fu’s woman is stupid and does not understand anything, just like a piece of white paper pure and indifferent, and is terrible, only listening to him, she has cheated her little feet, but began to secretly stretch her little. Mouth, what taste it wants to taste, is this what people do?

No, it’s a beast.

If you go on like this, the ghost knows what he will be on.

Can’t just treat her because she simply …

If Xiao Fu’s mother knows that she has such terrible thoughts in her mind, she will definitely be frightened, and she will even shivering in the corner trembling, watching herself pitifully, shouting “Jiang Qin, don’t want” in his mouth.

I am grass, the more I want to be more excited, what’s going on?

Jiang Qin coughed, and quietly pulled the quilt to the position of the waist, saying that the young body couldn’t stand any temptation.

Is there any cement in my heart?

Do you just do money if you do n’t fall in love?

“I think good friends can kiss, just take a little bit.”

“If you can’t kiss, you can hold it.”

“Actually, I also have a good friend. If he kisses it, it will be a bit happy, and you will be happy to hold it.”

“My good friend can eat even my feet.”

Feng Nanshu wrote several responses, and wanted to encourage the title of the question of this good friend like herself. As a result, the system always reminded her that her nickname contained violated words, causing those replys to one of them.

Xiao Fu’s cheeks were drumming, his eyelashes trembled, and finally gave up his speech, picked up his mobile phone, and made three words with a high face.

“Jiang Qin, walk.”

“It’s too late, I sleep well first.”

“That tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow will take you rich and expensive.”


Feng Nanshu was satisfied, and then lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling, and gradually began to be stupid.

(This chapter is finished)

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