Who is reborn? Who is in love?

221. 221 A very new friendship

Chapter 221

This thing is like a bicycle. It will never stop before reaching the peak. You only need to support the handlebar to control the direction, and you will definitely get the result you want.

This is the essence of Internet marketing.

But the supporting car handle is also a technical work, which is about the balance and uniformity of strength.

“How is the game?”

After the transfer of Sunai’s backstage, the gap was gradually opened. Zhang Zixuan is currently the first in the University of Science and Technology, and Shengjia is the first of the Normal University. However, from the perspective of the number of votes, Shengjia is much lower than Zhang Zixuan’s popularity. ”

Jiang Qin nodded: “Continue to observe, look at the video website less, and look at the data background.”

“I did not see!”

“Fart, how do I disappear my favorite clip? Did those silk feet walk away by myself?”

Su Nai couldn’t do it, staring at the computer and humming.

The popularity of the school flower competition will usually reach its peak in the last week of the final, because the gap between the votes at this time has been opened very open. If you want to increase the ranking, you must catch up, and you can’t play a little.

Therefore, more than a dozen schools of colleges and universities have ended in person, and there are livelihoods, which are the lowest twice a day.

With the advantages of two pounds in front of the chest, Zhang Zixuan, a science and technology college, was like fish in this regard, and even successfully countered many students from normal universities.

Although the people from the University of Ling University have no right to vote, their participation is also very high.

They have to look at the sharing stickers of school flowers several times a day, and then leave a message: There is nothing to say, thank you for the Internet.

However, Zhang Zixuan’s popularity was too high, which caused the anger of the Normal University.

The number of votes lost to Lingchuan University is not shameful, and it is not shameful to lose to the University of Science and Technology. It can be lost to girls with only 30 % of the University of Science and Technology. This is very shameful.

Before the competition, the people of the Normal University used the “Puppet Pulling Generals” to irony less girls in the University of Science and Technology.

This is okay. The generals in the lame is that you can fight than you, what about your will?

Therefore, the Normal University almost launched a vote for the whole people. It took two days to take the number of votes of the school flowers and chased Zhang Zixuan.

“Boss, the offensive of the Normal University is very fierce, and Sheng Jia will surpass Zhang Zixuan immediately.”

“How much is there?”

“Fifty votes.”

“Make up two hundred votes for Zhang Zixuan, so that she has always maintained its leading advantage and stimulates the desire to win and defeat of the Normal University.”

Jiang Qin said expressionlessly, and the atmosphere of the two universities manipulated the two universities in the three words, allowing the boys of the Normal University to chase the data madly.

One day later, the situation began to reverse.

“Boss, the gap is too big. People from the Normal University feel that they can’t catch up, and the voting speed has begun to be weak.”

“How much is the difference?”

“Sheng Jia is 520 votes worse than Zhang Zixuan.”

“Increase 800 votes to Shengjia, take over Zhang Zixuan, and let the University of Science and Technology be stimulated by the way.”

Jiang Qin manipulated the shady through the phone, and simply overturned Yun Yu, changed the offensive and defensive camp, and fed it to the rich woman a fat and moist burdock.

The dispute is intensified.

In order to play the list, the life photos sent by the school flowers later became cooler.

For the first time, the boys of the four colleges and universities sincerely thanked the Internet for their vigorous development.

“It’s a bit urgent, I will see here today.”

“Nothing to say, thank you for the Internet!”

“I watched the real name of Li Dazhuang at Chuanchuan University!”

“Please, my sister is here again. I am the college entrance examination of the 09th session.

“Since the school flower competition, my physical condition has become worse.”

“Let’s come again, it’s not good, my fuck just wants to know where my limits are!”

“Demon, let me help me practice today!”

Two days later, the heat was almost reaching the peak, and the increase in the increase of new users began to slow down. After receiving this feedback, Jiang Qin immediately adjusted Wei Lanlan and Tan Qing and began to lay out the comprehensive promotion of the group.

Of course, how to quickly and effectively promote is also a profound learning.

For example, in the promotion of Lingchuan University, with the help of Linchuan’s first snow, the focus is on the convenience of extreme weather.

The promotion of the University of Science and Technology is the New Year’s Day promotion, holding a large number of users with a discount.

But what promotion theme should be used for the University of Science and Technology and Normal University?

There are no easy -to -use festivals now, and there is no inconvenience to travel. You have to conduct cross -platform drainage. It must be a little attractive?

For this reason, the people of 208 racked their brains, and finally woke up by Jiang Qin in a word.

“Spend some money, find Zhang Zixuan Xuan Xue as a spokesperson for groups, try personal forms or something.”


On the second day of the humanoid billboard, the number of new users of the group had an increasing number of registered volume without warning, and the people who watched the 208 people widened.

Damn, this group of people is so real, I like this eye -catching thing, right?

“Sister Su Nai, have the registered volume of the group coming up?”

On Friday morning, Wei Lanlan and Tan Qing rushed back from the University of Science and Technology and the Normal University to look at the detailed incremental table.

Su Nai said seriously after the backstage: “Just like sitting rockets, the number of people has risen straight.”

Wei Lanlan and Tan Qing looked at: “A standing card has such a strong effect. The boss really touches marketing.”

“Let’s customize a few cards, and eat all the markets of the two universities this week.”

“I think it’s okay.”

Wei Lanlan was passionate, but turned around but found that Jiang Qin was not there: “Hey, where did the boss go?”

“He said he couldn’t carry it anymore, and the rest was given to us. He had to take a leave.” Su Nai pushed his glasses.

“How many days?”

“About three days.”

When Jiang Qin started school, he ran around, opened the track, solved the stumbling block, found the protective umbrella, and took the ground to control the whole situation to the present. Essence

Seeing that the bullet had already built, shot in the established target, and he fell asleep a laziness.

On Wednesday morning, a spring rain fell, and it was diluted and long -lasting. With coolness and freshness, the entire campus became hazy, as if wetting in a mist.

The flowers and new greens of the trees were washed away by the spring rain, and it looked delicate.

At this time, Jiang Qin was sitting in the dark dormitory, logged in to his own private trumpet with a computer, posted in the forum for help, and asked the alumni, whether good friends could kiss.

If you can, please give me a reason to persuade me.

After posting the post, Jiang Qin ranged Erlang’s legs and rang the small ornaments on the table.

Baidu is deceived, and the answers given are insufficient.

It is as if the body is a little uncomfortable. At the least, Baidu’s check is at least the start of cancer, and it even carefully recommends you a Putian hospital.

To get a real and effective answer, it still depends on the answers of those real users on the forum.

However, the popularity of the school flower competition is too high, resulting in the posts of other themes are not too much. Therefore, the response speed of the forum users is very slow, and I have not seen a reply for a long time.

Jiang Qin didn’t wait, and shouted the three people in the dormitory to play cards.

The spring rain outside the window was rumored, and the window was tapped gently. Even the occasional thunder sound was extremely gentle, not as arrogant as other seasons. The four people in the room were chatting while playing cards in the dark, and the atmosphere should not be too relaxed.

“Laojiang, you didn’t have time to wear your pants two days ago, why are you suddenly idle now?”

“Earn too much, count the money to cramps, and slowly.” Jiang Qinfeng said lightly.

Cao Guangyu was nourished, and the bite of the rear groove teeth was really tight, which was really afraid that the brothers would be suffering and the brothers opened Land Rover.

“Brother Jiang, I have no cigarettes, do you have smoke there?” Ren Ziqiang shook his empty cigarette case.

Jiang Qin found half a pack of China from his jacket pocket and lost it: “Pump less, be careful of lung cancer.”

“Don’t you smoke? Why are you still carrying China with you?”

“Doing business, I’ m doing cigarettes and cigarettes. This bag is accidentally crushed. I ca n’t take it, and it ’s cheaper.”

Ren Ziqiang was not able to ignite while touching the card.

Cao Guangyu glanced at it, thinking that he would not smoke, but he seemed to be very compelling with China. He not only looked mature, but also seemed very society. You can learn it.

“Have you ever made up for the old?” Zhou Chao threw out three Huazi Qi.

Ren Ziqiang swallowed the clouds and vomited: “After, and this time Hangke gave me a new plan for life.”

“What plan?”

“I decided to talk about a violent love.”

Cao Guangyu raised his eyes: “The harvest after you hang up is to lick the dog again?”

Ren Ziqiang’s face was dark: “It’s not licking a dog, it’s in love. If you think about it, I don’t talk about it. There are no bad habits except smoking. As a result, I still hang it. Isn’t I too bad? It is better to talk about love and then hang, at least enjoy it. ”

After listening to Zhou Chao, he was happy: “But you don’t fall in love in last semester, it is not for learning, but you can’t find the object at all.”

“Anyway, I must stand up this time and become the third person with a girlfriend in the dormitory.”

“Old Ren, give me a cigarette.” Jiang Qin suddenly hooked his hand.


Jiang Qin took the cigarette back: “I want to buy it myself.”

Ren Ziqiang: “…”

After playing cards for more than an hour, the light rain outside the window still did not stop, and the four did not plan to go out for dinner, and they went to order meals directly.

During the meal, Jiang Qin returned to the computer and checked his post.

Sure enough, a dozen replies have been displayed in the message area.

“You can’t kiss the good friends, this brother, I advise you to calm down.”

“I suspect that you are trying a very new friendship, but I want to tell you that this is inconsistent and quickly give up your dirty thoughts.”

“Good friends still want to kiss? Laughing someone.”

“Good friends can hold hands, barely can hug, but kissing is definitely not enough.”

“Abstract? People take you as a friend, do you even want to be a little mouth? Pull out to interrupt the dog’s legs!”

“I am a gentleman, I don’t think I can.”

Jiang Qin’s face was dark, and they opened their homepage one by one, and found that the “gentleman” who left a message just shouted in the daily photos of the school flowers, and loved it.

Damn, just do it, you can do it with a good friend.

The computer fan is broken. Like his mother tractor, now go to the repair, cry to death with the mobile phone code, and ask for a monthly ticket! Intersection Intersection Intersection

(This chapter is finished)

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