Who is reborn? Who is in love?

137. 137 The routine was copied

Chapter 137 The routine has been copied

“My car can only take five people. I suggest that Ding Xue leaves Lao Cao.”

“I agree with both hands!”


After coming out of the park, Jiang Qin’s sentence caused Zhou Chao’s agreed with his hand, and Ren Ziqiang nodded like a wolf dog, as if he was tortured by dog food.

“You just can’t eat the fox and say grape sour!”

Cao Guangyu stretched out his left hand like heaven, waved his hand to call a taxi, and pulled Ding Xue into it.

“It’s really brothers like clothes, women are like hands and feet, it’s really shameful, my fucks look down on such people the most!”

Jiang Qin took a sip, waved a few people to get on the car, and drove towards the school along the night.

After the car drove downstairs in the girl’s dormitory, the rich woman suddenly remembered that she would bring delicious food to Gao Wenhui, so she asked Jiang Qin to take her to the supermarket.

Jiang Qin didn’t know that he bought Gao Wenhui, and didn’t want Feng Nanshu to go back to eat too much snacks, so he rejected severely.

“Eating snacks at night will get fat, buy you tomorrow.”

“Brother, buy.”


“Sorry, I am selfless.”

Zhou Chao and Ren Ziqiang nodded again and again, and said that the dog coin of Jiang and Lao Cao was really different. Back to the dormitory.

“What is the difference between these two dogs? Lao Zhou, you write down today’s details, and when the two of us find the object, it is exactly the same.”

Zhou Chao looked at him in surprise: “Exactly the same?”

“Yes, return to teeth with your teeth, and look back with his eyes!” Ren Ziqiang gritted his teeth.


Ren Ziqiang’s face was stiff: “I don’t …”

Zhou Chao coughed: “Even if Audi is, it is too unrealistic, but can you be willing to spend two thousand to ask Juxian Tower?”

“Dog thief, don’t say it!”

Ren Ziqiang reached out and covered Zhou Chao’s mouth, and then the two went all the way like this. You kicked me, I led you, and finally returned to the dormitory exhausted. And Ren Ziqiang felt that he didn’t eat anything, and he was forcibly breed.

At the same time, Jiang Qin opened the curtain and took Feng Nanshu into a brightly lit college supermarket.

After the drainage of the school flower contest, the passenger flow of the college supermarket is about half, because more people have begun to gather in front of the square.

The first feeling after Jiang Qin came in was that this place was not so crowded.

Last time he brought Xiao Fumao, it was not the case. He bought a colorful marshmallow, and he almost became a sugar cake when he came out.

However, when Feng Nanshu swept the goods, Jiang Qin was suddenly attracted by a milk cup on a milk tea bar in the shop.

The cup wrote four words -learning star.


Jiang Qin reached out and took one, raised in front of his eyes and looked around.

Very pure design, there are only a few simple elements as decoration, which looks pretty high.

But it is not a high -level design that attracts him, nor is the four characters of learning star, but the milk cup is exactly the same as the size of the milk cup or style. The name of the school flower, the tea cup of the college supermarket is written.

In addition to learning stars, there are three good students to learn baldies.

“It’s a bit …”

Jiang Qin put the milk tea cup back, thinking about it for a long time, and then led Feng Nanshu to get a account.

After returning to the dormitory, Jiang Qin found that 302 was particularly quiet, but everyone’s quiet ways were different.

Cao Guangyu was lying on the bed and chatted with Ding Xue, and his face ran his eyebrows.

Zhou Chaoguan leaned on his head, holding a thick pirated net text in his hand to see the consequences.

Ren Ziqiang was sitting on the bed, leaning on the corner of the wall, straightening his legs, flexing one leg, and putting his left hand on the flexed knee, his eyes were very deep.

This expression is a bit like Shitifen Zhou in “God of Food” realized the sad and ecstasy scene, and it looks pretty bluffing.

“I decided, I want to give up Pan Xiu!”

After a while, Ren Ziqiang suddenly shouted, and after shouting, he wanted to cry a little uncomfortably.

He and Pan Xiu have always felt very happy after making brothers and sisters, because Pan Xiu would also call his brother, and sometimes he had a little physical contact.

But when he really saw Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu, and the relationship between Cao Guangyu and Ding Xue, he realized that love is not cheap from identity and title, but that the other party must have you in his heart.

“I’m going to come true this time, and now I have to tell Pan Xiu, don’t contact it in the future.” Ren Ziqiang said, he was cut off.

Jiang Qin couldn’t help but coughed: “Old, there is a saying that I have to tell you, I can’t listen to you.”

Ren Ziqiang put down his mobile phone temporarily: “What?”

“Real departure will never be big, but silent.”

“Brother Jiang, do you mean, I decide to leave myself, I don’t need to tell her?”

Jiang Qin gave a thumbs up: “Do you have such a strong understanding and are afraid that you can’t find the object like me?”

Ren Ziqiang’s mouth twitched: “Are you talking about human words, you ride on my face tonight!”

“Nothing else is important. If you can endure for three days and not to contact Pan Xiu, Lao Cao may let her girlfriend introduce you to your girlfriend.”

Cao Guangyu suddenly sat up: “Don’t say, there are indeed several single sisters in Dingxue’s dormitory.”

Ren Ziqiang’s eyes lit instantly: “Really? Then we just say that.”

“As long as you can do it, nothing is impossible.”

“Great, I’ll take a cold bath and celebrate the new life!”

Jiang Qin watched Ren Ziqiang, and he didn’t care if the goods could be held back. He just made a suggestion casually. There was still a bunch of things on his own. The wake -up people wake up when they get a point, and if they don’t want to wake up, they can’t wake up.

He jumped into bed, set up an alarm clock, secretly put it under Zhou Chao’s pillow, and slept with the quilt’s stuffy head.

As a result, the next day, it was not the alarm clock set by Zhou Chao to wake up Zhou Chao, but a phone call.

Jiang Qin’s sleeping Zhengxiang, reached out to pat Zhou Chao: “Lao Zhou, your phone rang, noisy!”

“Damn, this is obviously your phone!”


Jiang Qin then opened his eyes and said embarrassed, reaching out and pressed the answer button.

“Boss, come to the college supermarket. Someone is learning to run for the competition and copy our combination boxing!”


Half an hour later, Jiang Qin came to the academy road. Some employees of 208 were gathered at the side of the road at this time. The apex of theft is constantly whispering.

Jiang Qin walked forward while looking at their eyes.

The two trees that used to hang the school flower contest banner were now tied to the wire and replaced with another new banner, which reads the Star competition of learning.

Secondly, there is a huge PVC board at the entrance of the college’s supermarket, which says the Star Ranking of the Star. The initiator of the event is the Linchuan Campus Forum. The title of the event is the college supermarket.

In the end, he also saw the friendship sponsorship of the driving school, saying that the first 20 players could learn the car half price.

In addition, it also wrote that this is the first award established by Lingda, which sounds very bluffing.

My grass, is the sense of vision of this cottage so strong?

Jiang Qin couldn’t help thinking of the milk cup that he saw in the college supermarket last night. He was a little doubtful at the time, but he did not expect to wake up to become a reality.

“Boss, don’t you think, isn’t this exactly the same as our school flower contest? Pure bullying!”

When Su Nai saw Jiang Qin, he immediately felt that he had the backbone, and he complained.

“Boss, this ranking is designed by my master. Except for LOGO, they use their own, and others are unprecedented.”

Lu Xuemei was also angry, and her eyes were fierce as if they were biting.

“Don’t worry or not, go opposite the road to see it clearly.”

Jiang Qin waved his hand and took a lot of people to the door of the college supermarket, and carefully glanced at the rules of the game written under the ranking.

Unsurprisingly, the activity rules of this Star of learning are exactly the same as the school flower contest. It is also a voting election. The winner can become a permanent packaging of the college’s supermarket milk cup.

In addition, the college supermarket also learned like sweetness, and launched a limited milk cup of learning stars, Sanhao students, and learning baldies.

“I’m really a fucking ghost, it’s not so clear in the mirror.”

Jiang Qin murmured, and the college supermarket suddenly came out of two people.

One was Niu Shangtian, the manager of the driving school. Last time, he was rejected by the Jiang Qin to run a school grass competition.

The other is a woman in her thirties, wearing a small blue suit, a snap on high heels.

The two were coming out of the supermarket with a smile, and after seeing Jiang Qin and the 208 team, they were stunned.

“Mr. Jiang, I haven’t seen you for a long time!”

Niu Shangtian reacted the first reaction and greeted him without changing his face.

“It’s been a long time since I saw the cow, I thought you were really going to heaven.”

Jiang Qin grinned and smiled very brightly, just like seeing his loved ones.

“Hahaha, President Jiang still loves to make a joke. The humorous one will fall into the grass. I will introduce it to you. This is the owner of the college supermarket, Jiang Zhihua, boss Jiang.”

Jiang Zhihua looked at Jiang Qin with an impolite look: “You are Jiang Qin, it’s very powerful, I revitalized the front square in a month, I almost closed down here.”

Jiang Qin’s face was humble: “Aunt Jiang has a heavy words, but in fact, I don’t know why I am so good.”


When the aunt said, Jiang Zhihua’s face changed instantly.

Which woman can accept such a name?

She opened her mouth and wanted to scold her, but was pulled by Niu Tian: “He is only 18 years old this year, and it is not too much to call you aunt.”

Jiang Zhihua then reacted, saying that this boy was a freshman.

A month forcibly revitalized a school business district. Is this fucking eighteen years old?

Is it too abstract?

It is difficult for Boss Jiang to believe, but she has been doing business for many years. There are still some control of emotions. In a blink of an eye, she changed with a smile: “Jiang Qin, are you not the most active activity? Come and see our this What is the event? ”

“not bad.”

“I feel pretty good. This is a university. Learning is the most important thing, but it is much more important than any school flower and grass.”

Jiang Zhihua’s translation of this sentence probably is probably. Look, you can do it, I can do it, even higher -end than you, but you must not help it, and I like you who can’t get used to me. expression.

Then the two left, and there was a laughter along the way. Jiang Zhihua’s laughter was very loud, as if he laughed and listened to them.

Jiang Qin was silent and didn’t speak in three minutes.

Seeing this scene, Su Nai and others all held their breath. They said that the boss would definitely be soaring later. What should I do if they rushed into the college supermarket and smashed it. Should they stop or help?

But what made them unexpected was that the boss’s next words made the corners of their mouths twitch.

“That’s it?”

“Damn, I thought they would pour the trees with boiling water, scare me!”

Jiang Qin pulled out his mobile phone and opened the official old forum of the school: “The Star of the Studies Listening to it is very hanging, I want to participate, I also have to get a learning star!”

It is said that I do n’t add more, but in fact, I have been adding more. Usually two thousand words, recently, there are three thousand to 3,000. I am a deep contribution and name. Hurry up the monthly ticket!

(This chapter is finished)

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